Forum Discussion
6 years ago
"Little one," Ammon started tentatively, looking at Shari, "this is your mother." "Uhhhh, right." Niella said in disbelief "Wanna try that again, Dad?" "Yeah, Mr. Anippe, if this is some kind of a joke, with all due respect, it's kind of a crappy one. Isn't Ny's mother Egyptian??" Connor said, a little miffed. Shari braced herself against Ammon's words and their consequences. "No, she was born in Egypt, but she's not Egyptian. Connor. It's true, Little one. I don't know how it is, how it is true, how she's here, but here she sits."
"I... Little one I was not born 'Ammon Anippe.'" Ammon continued tentatively. "... I was born Hapimou Mesbah. I met your mother when my boss at MorcuCorp, Akhenaten Magdy, called me into his home office one morning. But he was more than just my boss. His father, who had been a kind and generous man, was the human who gave my father his freedom. Our family had been enslaved as personal genies for the Magdy family for generations. But Akhenaten was not kind, he was not generous. He grew up free of worry with parents who were kind and generous, but he grew up selfish and took special joy in demeaning those that worked for him." Ammon recalled.
Though Ammon/Hapimou had been free since he was 10, the hundreds of years of servitude in his line was hard to shed and he found himself more a well paid house boy than a respected scientist or any employee of significant value to Akhenaten Magdy. On this particular morning Magdy called Hapimou in to his home office to direct him to go speak to a local, though extremely reclusive, family. "Oh there you are Hapi, good of you to finally make it. I have a special errand I need you to run. I need you to go to the Economos house and speak to the young woman there. She is some sort of expert on the area's water based mythology and I want you to see if you can get any information about water based artifacts that might be in the area. She's expecting you." "Mr. Magdy, I'm wondering if this something someone else might be better suited for?" Hapimou questioned. "And I'm wondering why I am the boss and you are not and why you think it is you that is boss?" Magdy sniped with a mocked shrug. Hapimou sighed and left the office to do as he was directed.
The Economos House, the "Boat People house" or simply the "Boat House" as it was called by locals, was built directly next to the skeletonized remains of a wooden ship rumored to be hundreds if not thousands of years old. No one really knew much more about the family that lived there. There seemed to always be someone living there but other than occasional everyday goods that were billed to an account and delivered, and the extremely rare spotting of a household member in town, they kept to themselves which most of the local population liked. They were different and thus still outsiders though the home had been in the same family for centuries. When Adrastria answered the door, Hapimou caught his breath. He could instantly see why. She wasn't just different in every way from those in Al Simhara, she was stunning. Fair skin such as hers in this area was far less common than even his own blue skin, and unheard of from someone who had lived their entire life in the area. Her hair was so blonde it was almost white, and the sun radiated from it like it was spun platinum gold. Instead of being invited inside, Adrastria stepped out, shutting the door behind her. "You must be Mr. Mesbah" she greeted him, enthusiastically shaking his hand. "I have tea set up in the shop, or well what use to be the shop. Now it's more of a sitting area? I guess?" she bubbled as she lead him to the front corner of the home where an open room sported cushy sitting chairs and a table with a delicate rose tea set atop. Adrastria giggled as she poured the tea. "I've never done this with anyone but my mother, but I think this is how I remember doing it. Like this - you're suppose to hold your pinky out."
Adrastria spent the next two hours telling Hapimou, or Hapi as most called him, about her home, her heritage, her family, and why they were considered the local experts on the area's water mythology. "My people," she explained, "came from the islands surrounding Delos, Greece. This home was built by them to have a place to reside when fostering relations with Egypt and for commerce here. My family was chosen to steward it once the politicians no longer felt it was necessary to maintain continual residency. We're also in charge of the historical accounts from that time, as well as many of pieces of artwork that those politicians had collected while here." She giggled. "I know that might sound like we're servants, but it was actually a very honored position... is an honored position" she corrected herself like a teenager reminding themselves of test points before taking a quiz. She continued on, re-telling ancient history with amazing detail, as though she had actually been there. No doubt the result of hearing the stories many many times herself. Hapimou found himself drawn in like a bee to honey, his own questions echoing her enthusiasm. By the end of the meeting, Hapi was surprised when he heard "May I trouble you for another visit tomorrow?" come from his own mouth. Adrastria's entire face lit up, if that were even any more possible, and quickly agreed.
Their next visit lasted even longer and was followed by another. Soon the visits were no longer about the mythology of the area and they were just about spending time. Hapimou could not have found someone more interesting if he tried. Her parents had died years ago, though she didn't say how and Hapi considered it poor taste to ask. She did say that her lineage was that of arranged marriages, which explained her family's ability to remain so solitary in the area. Though she had lived her entire life in the home, she made up for the solitary life voraciously learning. She spoke six languages all together including Arabic, Ancient Greek, French, Mandarin, English and Italian. She was a master chess player and delighted in actually playing against another person after years of only practicing moves and counters against herself. Completely comfortable with herself, she never found the need to fill silence, just the pleasure of sharing time with Hapi. Though he was obviously not human, he felt absolutely no bigotry against him as so many other humans had treated him. Soon Adrastria was Hapi's every thought during the little free time Magdy allowed him and although he didn't know it, he was hers.
Eventually Hapi managed to build up the courage to invite Adrastria to his own home. He had been shocked when he learned that she had not had a single bite of local cuisine, subsisting mostly on river fish and vegetables from her own garden, and insisted he be allowed to have her as a guest for some traditional Egyptian food. When he arrived to pick her up he presented her with a fresh bouquet of flowers. He wasn't sure if her visit was something from purely friendship, and if it was he would accept that as a gift though a bittersweet one. However he wanted to make sure she understood that his feelings for her were more than that, though surely if she knew how much more she would be overwhelmed. She rode in his car, a "junker" by American standards but a luxury in Egypt, as though it was a ride in a spaceship. She had only read of them or heard about them on the radio, and her eyes fixed on the road ahead as she saw the land unfold before her faster than ever before. Hapi chose to make a vegetarian dish after considering most of Adrastria's meat had been fish, though she might have wished for something a little less spicy he realized a litte too late.
Afterward he taught her Dominoes, very popular amongst the local population. She caught on immediately and Hapi found himself blissfully enjoying her determination in silent admiration. All too soon she said she should be returning home and though Hapi could have easily enjoyed talking to her all night long, he understood that such a solitary life probably meant anything else might become overwhelming after awhile. When he dropped her off he became incredibly disappointed in himself when he could not muster the courage to ask for a kiss at her doorstep. So many things about her seemed so innocent that even though they had spent hours together he didn't want her to feel as though he was too forward. Instead he settled for staring into her aquamarine eyes as she shyly told him what a wonderful night she had before saying goodnight and stepping inside.
It was later that week when Magdy summoned Hapi to his house for morning coffee. "Tell me, Hapi, did you leave anything out of your report about meeting with the Boat Lady?" he asked cloyingly, using the moniker as though it was something unclean. "You mean Miss Economos?" Hapi heard himself correct Magdy in a rare moment of indignancy. "No, I included everything pertinent to your request." "Hmm... Well, no matter. She will be of little consequence soon enough. For now I need you to go the Pyramid of the Burning Sands. The workers have refused to excavate further until they are paid and I need a particularly rare resource in there that Morcucorp needs. For some new rocket fuel it's working on..' Hapi interrupted Magdy "Wait, what did you mean by "She will be of little consequence soon enough"?? he demanded. "Hapiiii" Magdy sat back in his chair. "I'm going to forgive your insubordinance because it's clear you enjoyed your little visit and might consider the Boat Lady a friend. You should know better than to mix outside of your own kind, the locals just won't like it. If it were up to me I'd probably give you my blessing, but it's not up to me" his words dripping with privileged disdain as though Hapi were a mutt dog and humans were purebred stallion horses. "Go home, get some sleep, or go back into your bottle or whatever your kind does." Hapimou left with the acrid taste of anger and humiliation at the back of his mouth.
Hapi started the next day early at the Pyramid of the Burning Sands. Though most of his days were spent in a business suit, this was why he went into the fields of study that he had and had ultimately decided to accept Magdy's job offer once he graduated. The smell of the dust smelled like home to him and he made quick work of deciphering exactly where the "heat of the Gods" was located and exactly how to get there through the passageways. When he got into the chamber he was both amazed and confused. Before him lay the mythic "flame fruit," he was sure of it, it's telltale glow lighting up what the flame traps and torches where not. As he picked them he searched his memory for everything he knew about the fruit, but scientifically could not conceive of either an effective rocket fuel ingredient or why Morcucorp, a private corporation that dealt with with anthropological discoveries, would be in the business of creating rocket fuel in the first place. By the time he had finished he decided to see his good friend Samir Amin. Samir had worked for MorcuCorp for years, allowing them to incorporate the ancient underground tunnels that ran under his property into their official headquarters, being naturally protected against espionage by the surrounding stone both physically and electronically, for a high position and a nice payout. If anyone could tell him anything it would be Samir.
When he arrived at Samir's, his wife Fatima answered the door. "Hapi! How nice to see you! What brings you by?" she greeted him warmly. "I came by to see if Samir had time for a game. I missed our weekly visit." "I know! Samir was lonely last Tuesday without his favorite adversary. Come, he's out back, I bet he'd love a game!." Fatima led him back to Samir and stayed for a few minutes while the men selected their tiles and then excused herself.
As the men played, Samir suspiciously quizzed Hapi "So what really brings you by today my friend?" "What? I can't miss time with my longest and closest friend?" Hapi feigned. As he carefully selected his tile, he also selected his words. He knew MorcuCorp was powerful, and he knew Magdy might be dangerous. After a few minutes he said, slowly, "Any idea why MorcuCorp would be venturing into rocket fuel? Or be looking for a rare resource in the Pyramid of the Sands?" He tried to sound nonchalant, but ended up sounding almost as suspicious as a comic book detective. He was sure Samir would burst out into laughter, easily dismissing his question with a logical answer. Instead Samir said, without looking up "I would not know of such things. But if I were looking I might see if I could find answers, perhaps in a book. Perhaps in a very old book in the Ancient Library." The Ancient Library, also part of the underground tunnel system though long separated from the other systems, was well known in town. It was under the care of Ahmed Diab, who's family had proudly cared for it for years. "For now," Samir said, "I must ask for a continuance. I was not expecting such a good game today and have some work yet to finish." Samir said, standing up from the table. Hapi could see that he was uncomfortable, but something told him Samir could be trusted at all costs. "Oh well yes, I'm sorry to impose on you my friend, hopefully we can resume at our regular time. Thank you for your hospitality!" Hapi replied. "Not at all, Hapi, You are always welcome here!" he warmly shook Hapi's hand. "Fatima! Can you please show our dear friend out?" Samir made his leave as Fatima appeared in the hallway. As they reached the door, Fatima pulled Hapi closer than usual as they shook hands. She whispered "If you cannot find answers at the library, look for me behind the house after dark" into his ear and then slightly louder than usual said "Thank you for visiting! It was a joy as always, Hapi." and showed him out.
Hapimou made his way over to Ahmed's. "Hapimou Mesbah! It's been too long, what brings you by?" Ahmed greeted Hapi when he answered the door. Inside, Hapi asked "I was told you might have a book on rocket fuel?" "Rocket fuel?? No, no I wouldn't have anything like that here, we only house antique books here, you know that Hapi." Hapimou did know that. "What about The Pyramid of the Burning Sands and the "Heat of the Gods?" Hapimou asked further. "Oh yes well that we DO have! One book. Although last week we wouldn't have, it's a popular book as of late. You must have heard about it from Dalida?" Ahmed guessed. Dalida Barakat was the local book store owner. She was also quite a skilled translator and was often hired to translate books from one language to another, ancient texts being her prime bread and butter outside of the bookstore. "No actually I didn't, I wasn't even sure you had such a book. "Well you're in luck my friend, I do indeed!" Ahmed said jovially and told Hapi where he could find it in the library.
He needed to see what was in that book, and then talk to Dalida Barakat. He was pretty sure Akhenaten had hired her to translate the book for him. Maybe she'd be able to tell Hapi what Akhenaten or MorcuCorp wanted with flame fruits. The fact that Samir had directed him to inquire further meant there was obviously something more behind this. After quickly scanning the book he felt he was no closer to knowing what was going on than before. The book seemed to contain nothing about using the flame fruits as fuel and mostly dealt with the politics at the time the pyramid was built. The sun was setting which meant the bookshop would be closing soon and if he still needed answers, he wasn't sure how long Fatima would wait for him behind her and Samir's home. He got to the bookshop just as Dalida was closing shop. He knew Dalida fairly well as he'd ordered most of his extensive reading collection through her shop. "Ah! I guess I have enough time for my favorite customer! It's always a good day when I get a visit from you Hapi!" She held the gate up long enough for him to come into the shop and closed it behind him. "I'm sorry to disappoint you today, Dalida, but I am not here for an order, but a question." "Ah, I see. Just as well, I've already closed out the cash register" she gave him a friendly wink. "What can I help you with Hapi? You can't need a translation, you're almost as good as I am with Ancient Egyptian text. Or did you have another translation you needed?" "Actually," Hapi began "I was hoping I could ask you a couple questions about you recently borrowing Ahmed's book on the Pyramid of the Burning Sands." "Oh yes! That was a fun one, very tricky. What are you looking to know?" Dalida offered. "Is there anything in the book about the Heat of the Gods, and perhaps rocket fuel?" "Rocket fuel?? Not at all!" she chuckled. "'Heat of the Gods' was the mythical flame fruits, which supposedly a very specific politician was incredibly allergic to, it would cause a reaction if even anyone that he came into contact with had been in contact with the fruit. So it was used as a security measure, so to speak, to assure that this politician or any working for him, would stay away from the Pyramid. There are also a great number of other traps as well, but this politician was mistrusted specifically." "Interesting. Was that what your client was interested in?" Hapimou asked. "Hapi! You know I'm not about to give up my best client's information!" she chided "But yes!" she whispered with a wink and a smile. More confused now than ever, Hapi made his way back to Samir and Fatima's house. She was waiting, as promised. She whispered "Samir thinks the house might have ears, and he's sure Akhenaten and MorcuCorp are up to something. If you come back tomorrow night, everyone will be gone for the weekend. We can get you in then. Here is a list of the security measures in place, and the password to Akhenaten's computer at headquarters. Remember, tomorrow, after dark" she whispered and then slid back inside.
"Little one," Ammon started tentatively, looking at Shari, "this is your mother." "Uhhhh, right." Niella said in disbelief "Wanna try that again, Dad?" "Yeah, Mr. Anippe, if this is some kind of a joke, with all due respect, it's kind of a crappy one. Isn't Ny's mother Egyptian??" Connor said, a little miffed. Shari braced herself against Ammon's words and their consequences. "No, she was born in Egypt, but she's not Egyptian. Connor. It's true, Little one. I don't know how it is, how it is true, how she's here, but here she sits."
"I... Little one I was not born 'Ammon Anippe.'" Ammon continued tentatively. "... I was born Hapimou Mesbah. I met your mother when my boss at MorcuCorp, Akhenaten Magdy, called me into his home office one morning. But he was more than just my boss. His father, who had been a kind and generous man, was the human who gave my father his freedom. Our family had been enslaved as personal genies for the Magdy family for generations. But Akhenaten was not kind, he was not generous. He grew up free of worry with parents who were kind and generous, but he grew up selfish and took special joy in demeaning those that worked for him." Ammon recalled.
Though Ammon/Hapimou had been free since he was 10, the hundreds of years of servitude in his line was hard to shed and he found himself more a well paid house boy than a respected scientist or any employee of significant value to Akhenaten Magdy. On this particular morning Magdy called Hapimou in to his home office to direct him to go speak to a local, though extremely reclusive, family. "Oh there you are Hapi, good of you to finally make it. I have a special errand I need you to run. I need you to go to the Economos house and speak to the young woman there. She is some sort of expert on the area's water based mythology and I want you to see if you can get any information about water based artifacts that might be in the area. She's expecting you." "Mr. Magdy, I'm wondering if this something someone else might be better suited for?" Hapimou questioned. "And I'm wondering why I am the boss and you are not and why you think it is you that is boss?" Magdy sniped with a mocked shrug. Hapimou sighed and left the office to do as he was directed.
The Economos House, the "Boat People house" or simply the "Boat House" as it was called by locals, was built directly next to the skeletonized remains of a wooden ship rumored to be hundreds if not thousands of years old. No one really knew much more about the family that lived there. There seemed to always be someone living there but other than occasional everyday goods that were billed to an account and delivered, and the extremely rare spotting of a household member in town, they kept to themselves which most of the local population liked. They were different and thus still outsiders though the home had been in the same family for centuries. When Adrastria answered the door, Hapimou caught his breath. He could instantly see why. She wasn't just different in every way from those in Al Simhara, she was stunning. Fair skin such as hers in this area was far less common than even his own blue skin, and unheard of from someone who had lived their entire life in the area. Her hair was so blonde it was almost white, and the sun radiated from it like it was spun platinum gold. Instead of being invited inside, Adrastria stepped out, shutting the door behind her. "You must be Mr. Mesbah" she greeted him, enthusiastically shaking his hand. "I have tea set up in the shop, or well what use to be the shop. Now it's more of a sitting area? I guess?" she bubbled as she lead him to the front corner of the home where an open room sported cushy sitting chairs and a table with a delicate rose tea set atop. Adrastria giggled as she poured the tea. "I've never done this with anyone but my mother, but I think this is how I remember doing it. Like this - you're suppose to hold your pinky out."
Adrastria spent the next two hours telling Hapimou, or Hapi as most called him, about her home, her heritage, her family, and why they were considered the local experts on the area's water mythology. "My people," she explained, "came from the islands surrounding Delos, Greece. This home was built by them to have a place to reside when fostering relations with Egypt and for commerce here. My family was chosen to steward it once the politicians no longer felt it was necessary to maintain continual residency. We're also in charge of the historical accounts from that time, as well as many of pieces of artwork that those politicians had collected while here." She giggled. "I know that might sound like we're servants, but it was actually a very honored position... is an honored position" she corrected herself like a teenager reminding themselves of test points before taking a quiz. She continued on, re-telling ancient history with amazing detail, as though she had actually been there. No doubt the result of hearing the stories many many times herself. Hapimou found himself drawn in like a bee to honey, his own questions echoing her enthusiasm. By the end of the meeting, Hapi was surprised when he heard "May I trouble you for another visit tomorrow?" come from his own mouth. Adrastria's entire face lit up, if that were even any more possible, and quickly agreed.
Their next visit lasted even longer and was followed by another. Soon the visits were no longer about the mythology of the area and they were just about spending time. Hapimou could not have found someone more interesting if he tried. Her parents had died years ago, though she didn't say how and Hapi considered it poor taste to ask. She did say that her lineage was that of arranged marriages, which explained her family's ability to remain so solitary in the area. Though she had lived her entire life in the home, she made up for the solitary life voraciously learning. She spoke six languages all together including Arabic, Ancient Greek, French, Mandarin, English and Italian. She was a master chess player and delighted in actually playing against another person after years of only practicing moves and counters against herself. Completely comfortable with herself, she never found the need to fill silence, just the pleasure of sharing time with Hapi. Though he was obviously not human, he felt absolutely no bigotry against him as so many other humans had treated him. Soon Adrastria was Hapi's every thought during the little free time Magdy allowed him and although he didn't know it, he was hers.
Eventually Hapi managed to build up the courage to invite Adrastria to his own home. He had been shocked when he learned that she had not had a single bite of local cuisine, subsisting mostly on river fish and vegetables from her own garden, and insisted he be allowed to have her as a guest for some traditional Egyptian food. When he arrived to pick her up he presented her with a fresh bouquet of flowers. He wasn't sure if her visit was something from purely friendship, and if it was he would accept that as a gift though a bittersweet one. However he wanted to make sure she understood that his feelings for her were more than that, though surely if she knew how much more she would be overwhelmed. She rode in his car, a "junker" by American standards but a luxury in Egypt, as though it was a ride in a spaceship. She had only read of them or heard about them on the radio, and her eyes fixed on the road ahead as she saw the land unfold before her faster than ever before. Hapi chose to make a vegetarian dish after considering most of Adrastria's meat had been fish, though she might have wished for something a little less spicy he realized a litte too late.
Afterward he taught her Dominoes, very popular amongst the local population. She caught on immediately and Hapi found himself blissfully enjoying her determination in silent admiration. All too soon she said she should be returning home and though Hapi could have easily enjoyed talking to her all night long, he understood that such a solitary life probably meant anything else might become overwhelming after awhile. When he dropped her off he became incredibly disappointed in himself when he could not muster the courage to ask for a kiss at her doorstep. So many things about her seemed so innocent that even though they had spent hours together he didn't want her to feel as though he was too forward. Instead he settled for staring into her aquamarine eyes as she shyly told him what a wonderful night she had before saying goodnight and stepping inside.
It was later that week when Magdy summoned Hapi to his house for morning coffee. "Tell me, Hapi, did you leave anything out of your report about meeting with the Boat Lady?" he asked cloyingly, using the moniker as though it was something unclean. "You mean Miss Economos?" Hapi heard himself correct Magdy in a rare moment of indignancy. "No, I included everything pertinent to your request." "Hmm... Well, no matter. She will be of little consequence soon enough. For now I need you to go the Pyramid of the Burning Sands. The workers have refused to excavate further until they are paid and I need a particularly rare resource in there that Morcucorp needs. For some new rocket fuel it's working on..' Hapi interrupted Magdy "Wait, what did you mean by "She will be of little consequence soon enough"?? he demanded. "Hapiiii" Magdy sat back in his chair. "I'm going to forgive your insubordinance because it's clear you enjoyed your little visit and might consider the Boat Lady a friend. You should know better than to mix outside of your own kind, the locals just won't like it. If it were up to me I'd probably give you my blessing, but it's not up to me" his words dripping with privileged disdain as though Hapi were a mutt dog and humans were purebred stallion horses. "Go home, get some sleep, or go back into your bottle or whatever your kind does." Hapimou left with the acrid taste of anger and humiliation at the back of his mouth.
Hapi started the next day early at the Pyramid of the Burning Sands. Though most of his days were spent in a business suit, this was why he went into the fields of study that he had and had ultimately decided to accept Magdy's job offer once he graduated. The smell of the dust smelled like home to him and he made quick work of deciphering exactly where the "heat of the Gods" was located and exactly how to get there through the passageways. When he got into the chamber he was both amazed and confused. Before him lay the mythic "flame fruit," he was sure of it, it's telltale glow lighting up what the flame traps and torches where not. As he picked them he searched his memory for everything he knew about the fruit, but scientifically could not conceive of either an effective rocket fuel ingredient or why Morcucorp, a private corporation that dealt with with anthropological discoveries, would be in the business of creating rocket fuel in the first place. By the time he had finished he decided to see his good friend Samir Amin. Samir had worked for MorcuCorp for years, allowing them to incorporate the ancient underground tunnels that ran under his property into their official headquarters, being naturally protected against espionage by the surrounding stone both physically and electronically, for a high position and a nice payout. If anyone could tell him anything it would be Samir.
When he arrived at Samir's, his wife Fatima answered the door. "Hapi! How nice to see you! What brings you by?" she greeted him warmly. "I came by to see if Samir had time for a game. I missed our weekly visit." "I know! Samir was lonely last Tuesday without his favorite adversary. Come, he's out back, I bet he'd love a game!." Fatima led him back to Samir and stayed for a few minutes while the men selected their tiles and then excused herself.
As the men played, Samir suspiciously quizzed Hapi "So what really brings you by today my friend?" "What? I can't miss time with my longest and closest friend?" Hapi feigned. As he carefully selected his tile, he also selected his words. He knew MorcuCorp was powerful, and he knew Magdy might be dangerous. After a few minutes he said, slowly, "Any idea why MorcuCorp would be venturing into rocket fuel? Or be looking for a rare resource in the Pyramid of the Sands?" He tried to sound nonchalant, but ended up sounding almost as suspicious as a comic book detective. He was sure Samir would burst out into laughter, easily dismissing his question with a logical answer. Instead Samir said, without looking up "I would not know of such things. But if I were looking I might see if I could find answers, perhaps in a book. Perhaps in a very old book in the Ancient Library." The Ancient Library, also part of the underground tunnel system though long separated from the other systems, was well known in town. It was under the care of Ahmed Diab, who's family had proudly cared for it for years. "For now," Samir said, "I must ask for a continuance. I was not expecting such a good game today and have some work yet to finish." Samir said, standing up from the table. Hapi could see that he was uncomfortable, but something told him Samir could be trusted at all costs. "Oh well yes, I'm sorry to impose on you my friend, hopefully we can resume at our regular time. Thank you for your hospitality!" Hapi replied. "Not at all, Hapi, You are always welcome here!" he warmly shook Hapi's hand. "Fatima! Can you please show our dear friend out?" Samir made his leave as Fatima appeared in the hallway. As they reached the door, Fatima pulled Hapi closer than usual as they shook hands. She whispered "If you cannot find answers at the library, look for me behind the house after dark" into his ear and then slightly louder than usual said "Thank you for visiting! It was a joy as always, Hapi." and showed him out.
Hapimou made his way over to Ahmed's. "Hapimou Mesbah! It's been too long, what brings you by?" Ahmed greeted Hapi when he answered the door. Inside, Hapi asked "I was told you might have a book on rocket fuel?" "Rocket fuel?? No, no I wouldn't have anything like that here, we only house antique books here, you know that Hapi." Hapimou did know that. "What about The Pyramid of the Burning Sands and the "Heat of the Gods?" Hapimou asked further. "Oh yes well that we DO have! One book. Although last week we wouldn't have, it's a popular book as of late. You must have heard about it from Dalida?" Ahmed guessed. Dalida Barakat was the local book store owner. She was also quite a skilled translator and was often hired to translate books from one language to another, ancient texts being her prime bread and butter outside of the bookstore. "No actually I didn't, I wasn't even sure you had such a book. "Well you're in luck my friend, I do indeed!" Ahmed said jovially and told Hapi where he could find it in the library.
He needed to see what was in that book, and then talk to Dalida Barakat. He was pretty sure Akhenaten had hired her to translate the book for him. Maybe she'd be able to tell Hapi what Akhenaten or MorcuCorp wanted with flame fruits. The fact that Samir had directed him to inquire further meant there was obviously something more behind this. After quickly scanning the book he felt he was no closer to knowing what was going on than before. The book seemed to contain nothing about using the flame fruits as fuel and mostly dealt with the politics at the time the pyramid was built. The sun was setting which meant the bookshop would be closing soon and if he still needed answers, he wasn't sure how long Fatima would wait for him behind her and Samir's home. He got to the bookshop just as Dalida was closing shop. He knew Dalida fairly well as he'd ordered most of his extensive reading collection through her shop. "Ah! I guess I have enough time for my favorite customer! It's always a good day when I get a visit from you Hapi!" She held the gate up long enough for him to come into the shop and closed it behind him. "I'm sorry to disappoint you today, Dalida, but I am not here for an order, but a question." "Ah, I see. Just as well, I've already closed out the cash register" she gave him a friendly wink. "What can I help you with Hapi? You can't need a translation, you're almost as good as I am with Ancient Egyptian text. Or did you have another translation you needed?" "Actually," Hapi began "I was hoping I could ask you a couple questions about you recently borrowing Ahmed's book on the Pyramid of the Burning Sands." "Oh yes! That was a fun one, very tricky. What are you looking to know?" Dalida offered. "Is there anything in the book about the Heat of the Gods, and perhaps rocket fuel?" "Rocket fuel?? Not at all!" she chuckled. "'Heat of the Gods' was the mythical flame fruits, which supposedly a very specific politician was incredibly allergic to, it would cause a reaction if even anyone that he came into contact with had been in contact with the fruit. So it was used as a security measure, so to speak, to assure that this politician or any working for him, would stay away from the Pyramid. There are also a great number of other traps as well, but this politician was mistrusted specifically." "Interesting. Was that what your client was interested in?" Hapimou asked. "Hapi! You know I'm not about to give up my best client's information!" she chided "But yes!" she whispered with a wink and a smile. More confused now than ever, Hapi made his way back to Samir and Fatima's house. She was waiting, as promised. She whispered "Samir thinks the house might have ears, and he's sure Akhenaten and MorcuCorp are up to something. If you come back tomorrow night, everyone will be gone for the weekend. We can get you in then. Here is a list of the security measures in place, and the password to Akhenaten's computer at headquarters. Remember, tomorrow, after dark" she whispered and then slid back inside.
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