Forum Discussion
6 years ago
The next night Hapi waited a good hour after dark to assure he wouldn't run into anyone and went down the stairs that lead to MorcuCorp's headquarters in this area. He was able to disable the security measures just as Fatima had instructed. He was surprised when he found a supply room's chest filled with flame fruits. He was tempted to take them all, but knew it'd quite possibly clue Magdy on to the fact that someone was trying to figure out what he was up to, so he closed the lid on the chest and proceeded to Magdy's office.
Once seated at Magdy's desk he opened the laptop and entered the password he'd been given; it worked just as Fatima had promised. Searching through files, Hapi ran across one named "Nar Rê" or Fire of Ra. He opened it. Reading through it, it was clear that Magda had worked out that the "Pyramid of the Sky" had not always been called that. At one point in time it was actually a temple built by a Greek dignitary that, along with the "Old Kings," decided to build a temple over, and dedicated to, the greatest source of underground water in the area so that it was saved from the harsh sands in case the river bed dried or in case the Kings needed a place of safety. The dignitary paid for the construction in exchange of being named the temple's keeper, and the Old Kings assured their access by each possessing one of three powerful relics that would grant access to not only the "Temple of the Desert Ocean," but also every other temple in the area if the three were together. However generations later, followers of the sun god Ra overtook the temple's keeper through a deceitfully planned arranged marriage. They built the pyramid of the Sky over the temple and allowed descendants of the temple's former keepers only access to the temple through some sort of "purity" test... Somehow the Old Kings were able to somehow usurp the new keepers but left the pyramid atop to further protect the temple and the relic. "Adrastria?" Hapi thought under his breath. Whether it was true or not, Magdy's ominous comment about Adrastria being of little consequence worried Hapimou. Luckily Adrastria had already nervously asked Hapimou to see him the next day. It was the first time she had wanted to see him and Hapimou couldn't help but hope that it meant she felt about him the way he did about her. He suggested that he take her to dinner at the kafyh in town and she sounded relieved, and said she'd meet him there.
"What is this again?" Adrastria asked tentatively as she started to take a bite. "Falafel, it's ground beans and seasonings." Hapi responded as he watched her take a bite. "Oh this is much better, I thought I was going to die with that other stuff." Adrastria sounded relieved. "Was it really that bad??" Hapi asked. "My people don't do spicy well, we have more of a fresh and savory palette really." Hapi instantly thought of the flame fruit and what had been on Magdy's computer. He planned to ask her about it the next time they were alone, who knows what MorcuCorp lackeys might be around.
After dinner Adrastria suggested they go for a walk along the river. The land was most lush along there, and the day and started to cool so it seemed like a perfectly lovely idea, though Hapi could see that something was troubling Adrastria. He hoped his boss hadn't somehow caused her any sort of distress. He sensed she had something to tell him, none the less. As they walked toward the river they passed a home owned by a co-worker of Hapi's, and their new mother and her two foals were out to take a drink. It was amazing how at peace they were with Adrastria, and she with them. Hapi couldn't resist asking his co-workers if they had a bottle to feed the babies and though they politely acquiesced, Hapi could feel looks of curiosity and maybe a little bit of judgement as they looked on the two outsiders of the area as Adrastria fed the foals. Soon Hapi thanked the couple and led his and Adrastria's way toward the riverbank.
As they walked, Hapi could sense Adrastria growing anxious. When they reached the shade of some trees Hapimou took a deep breath and found the courage to reach down and tenderly take Adrastria's hand. She stopped dead. When Hapi turned to face her he saw her cheeks were wet with tears. "What's wrong, Andrastria??" Hapi questioned gently. "Oh Hapi, it's something terrible. I can't hardly bring myself to say it." she managed to just barely get out, voice fully in the clutched fist of emotion. Hapi reached out and wiped her cheek. "Tell me, Adrastria. You are not alone. Together we will face it" He said gently, desperate to reassure her. It literally pained him to see her so upset. But instead of calming her she burst into tears and threw her arms around him. "No!" she sobbed, "that's just it, we won't! Ever! My mate's been chosen! In a year's time we will wed! I cannot see you anymore Hapi! I just can't, it already hurts so much!" She pulled from his arms and ran down the river toward her home, leaving Hapi speechless, broken hearted, and worried. He tried to speak loud enough to call after her, but it was now his throat gripped with emotions and he wasn't even sure if he could hear himself as she disappeared around the bend in the river. By the time Hapi got to the bend, she was gone.
Hapi wanted to go after Adrastria so badly, but he knew he'd not have any idea what to say. Not just to try to sooth her, or to try and change her mind, but because he was truly worried for her. "Oh believe me, I know you said you never wanted to see me again but I'm worried there's an evil plot against you involving ancient fruit" Hapi mocked himself outloud. It was clear that Magdy thought that these three relics still had the capability of opening the rest of the tombs in the area, but Hapi knew that if he had any chance of keeping Adrastria safe, or finding out whether it was Akhenaten Magdy alone or MorcuCorp behind this was up to then he was going to have to look for answers in the Pyramid of the Sky. He drove home, changed into something more appropriate and left for the pyramid that was on the outskirts of town. As he made his way past the first two chambers, that had clearly been recently discovered by someone else, he couldn't hep but notice that though being called the Pyramid of the Sky, nearly all of the adornments seemed to be focused on water. From the lines on the wall that were tinted with blue lapis and near the floor as though it were water currents, vs lines being near the ceiling and lined with turquoise which would signify the sky, to the small chisled marble pond, the beautiful blue flooring and lush environment of just the first two chambers alone. At the far end of the second chamber he approached a section of the wall that clearly outlined a door. Reading the hieroglyphs, he leaned down, dipped his hand in the water and then placed it on the door. The large stone wall started to shake and then slowly lowered into the floor. Hapi made his way deeper into the pyramid.
The going was slow. The followers of Ra certainly did everything possible to make the pyramid above the temple complex and it's corridors precarious. When Hapi stopped to rest, looking at his watch, he realized he had work straight through night and in fact noon was approaching fast. He hadn't brought his tent or sleeping supplies and realized he'd better prepare for more slow going and hoped he'd find answers by Monday morning, so he turned and headed back the same way he had come.
As he walked along the sandy path from the pyramid back to the car Hapi caught a glimpse of something on the dune up head glinting in the sun, and as he got closer he saw it was a person, and then not just any person. It was Adrastria, laid out flat, and even from afar she looked pale and more frail than Hapi had ever seen. As he got closer he also noticed that she wasn't ... human.. Her legs were covered in beautiful shimmering coral and aquamarine scales. "Adrastria?? Adrastria are you ok??" he ran up the last few feet to her "Haapi?" she said weakly, coughing in the sand as she lifted her head. As he helped her up, she started stumbling down toward the ruins in front "Whoa whoa whoa Adrastria, just hold up" Hapimou pled. "Help, Hapi help him.." She begged. Hapimou followed her gaze and down the dune, at the base of the ruins, Akhenaten Magdy appeared to be pinned between the ruins and a large boulder. Hapimou ran down the dunes full speed but it was clear that he was too late. He checked for a pulse but Magdy was already cold to the touch.
Hapi looked back at Adrastria and shook his head. Adrastria turned away, devastated by the news. When he got back to her it was clear she was struggling just to remain standing. She stumbled, wiping her face as if to wake herself. "I need.. to get out of thissu.." as her legs gave out from under her. As Hapimou scooped her up she whispered frailly "take. me home. please..." but somehow Hapimou knew she didn't mean her home. He carried her to his car where she laid in the front seat, head on his lap, and again from the car into his house.
He carried her up the stairs and laid her on the bed in the guest room and went immediately to get a glass of water. "Adrastria, drink this." he said and helped her take a few swallows before she laid back down on the pillow. He refilled the glass and left it on the nightstand next to the bed, light on low. He whispered "You're safe now Adrastria, we're home" and backed out and shut the door behind him.
Though an actual shower sounded divine, he said the words needed to rinse all of the dust from both he and Adrastria. He changed out of his grimy clothes and set to work searching his book collection for everything he could. Though rumors of mummies had long existed, and of course aliens, out here in Egypt, he knew of no other known supernatural beings other than Genies but lore of mermaids, contrary to popular knowledge, actually originated in Mesopotamia just like lore of Jinn. He wanted to know everything he could, even though he knew much would be completely unfounded rumor, prejudicial and malicious. He had experienced that first hand with his own life. But if he could glean any information it would help him help her. The sun was on it's way up a second time since Hapi had slept when he heard Adrastria stir upstairs. Somehow he had made it through a second night without sleep and though it was starting to wear on him he was surprised by how awake he still felt.
Adrastria was nearly silent as she came down the stairs. Her head was hung, eyes terrified to make contact with Hapi's. "I... Guess I have a lot to explain... I couldn't tell you, we're not allowed. And that man, I didn't kill him... Or I mean, I didn't - it just happened so fast - " her voice choked as her throat tightened, extinguishing her words. "Hey hey, Adrastria, go slow, it's ok, I'm just so thankful you're alright. I didn't really know much what to do. I thought it would have been highly dangerous for me to put you into the bath, you were passed out... I don't know, I didn't .. I just maintained a check on you.." Now it was Hapi's whose word's trailed. Adrastria lifted her head and stared deep into Hapi's eyes. "If it wasn't for you I would have died. I . I didn't want to leave him, I would have died there if you hadn't come along." She wrapped her arms around him. As she pulled him close he couldn't help but notice how warm her skin still was. She felt cooler than when he first found her, but still very warm. He said "is there anything you need?? How do you feel??" She cast her eyes down again, embarrassed.
"What do you need Adrastria? If I have it, it's yours, if not I will find it." She looked up and smiled a little, eased a bit. "You wouldn't happen to have a bathing tub? I know there is no water in your pool but I need to soak my... feet" she fumbled. "Oh my! Oh yes I have a tub right upstairs, allow me to show you and get you some necessities. Are you hungry? I could summon us up something when you're done.." "Oh yes, please. I'm so very hungry. You said upstairs is the bathing tub?" He showed her the guest bath and handed her some towels and pointed out the guest toiletries and said if she needed anything else to just call to him. Adrastria was so relieved to just slip into the water that she hadn't even realized she didn't really have any kind of clothing for afterward until after she was halfway through her bath.
Adrastria came down stairs wearing Hapi's old bathrobe. "It was hanging on the door" she said shyly. "Oh of course that's absolutely fine. I have some lemon and avocado ceviche, don't worry it's only got some red onion for spice. And I thought you might like tea." Her hair was dripping wet but it didn't seem to bother her at all. It's darker hue reminded Hapi of honey, and it glistened in the sunlight. She was quiet at first but then in between mouthfuls began to tell Hapi everything. Just as Magdy's notes had read, the Pyramid of the Sun was originally a temple to an abundant life giving source of water. Obviously her people had a special need to be assured access to water, so they did indeed pay to have the temple built. And though that was not the only correct thing in Magdy's file, Adrastria shared much more. "For centuries, every night one of us must venture to the pyramid and into the temple to assure the relic of life remains safe and perform a cleansing ritual in the waters. We go at night so the trek is easiest for us. We can spend some periods of time in the sun, but it's always safest for us to make that long journey when it's coolest. I was making the journey last night when that man came out of nowhere and threw a flask of something at me, it burned horribly. I think it might have been made with flame fruit, which is highly toxic to us. I ran towards the ruins as fast as I could. He was fat and much slower so by the time he got to them he hadn't seen me run up to the top and hide... He stood at the base, taunting me. He knew my name, knew EVERYTHING. He said if I wanted to live I'd show him where the relic was and he'd let me "swim back to my bottom feeding fish people." I promise you I had never intended to hurt him! I had no idea who he was so I crept closer to get a closer look, crept up to that boulder.. He must have heard me because he lobbed another flask at me and when I leaned against the boulder for cover it just. . fell." her last words barely escaped her mouth. She sat there, stunned at her own words. Hapi stood up and took their empty bowls, placing his hand reassuringly on her shoulder as he did so. Her skin felt much cooler and he felt at least that worry ease from his mind. Then sat pack down, thinking.
Eventually he said "The way I see it I don't think you should go back to your place, or the temple, at least for awhile. We still don't know if Magdy was acting alone or with MorcuCorp." "Waiit a minute," Adrastria said warily, "You KNOW that man??" Hapi then tried to give her the bullet points of the last few days of his life, how he was going to tell her when she had given him the news of her engagement. It made sense to her, knowing how they'd met, and something just told her she could trust Hapi with her life, which he had just saved, she reminded herself. By the end of their tea Hapi had decided that he would go to Adrastria's house and get anything she might need and she could stay in the guest room here in his house while he used his job to find out all he could.
Hapi had been inside Adrastria's a time or two before but he still marveled at the beauty of it. The atrium with it's gorgeous pool. The tile work, the chiseled marble, the artworks. There was very little furniture, but something told him that there wasn't much to be needed when there was never any company to entertain, or relatives to put up for visits. He found her armoire and started collecting Adrastria's things.
While Hapi was away, after she combed and tied her drying hair back, Adrastria picked up one of the books Hapi had been looking for information about mermaids. As she read it she became at first shocked and then angry. She was still reading it when Hapimou returned with her things. She snapped the book shut and stood up, angry. "I found this on your desk. Is this what you think of me? That I'm a monster?? Do you think I lured that man to his death??!" Though she was angry, tears of pain welled in her eyes and Hapimou couldn't have felt any worse. Though he had done nothing wrong, he knew what it felt like to be treated like you were a monster because of some ancient stories told by drunken men late at night around a campfire. How many stories involving evil Jinn were there? Countless. Made by men too afraid of the unknown to assume anything but the worst. He didn't take it personally. She had just been near the brink of death, chased there by a man who wanted to hurt her, did hurt her. Add to that her guilt over his demise, deserved or not, drove her into self defense.
Hapi reached out and tenderly took her hand. "Listen to me, Adrastria" he started gently "When I brought you back I was worried I would lose you. I poured over every book I have on, well, your people? I know most of it is rubbish. Believe me, I know. I know what it's like to be feared by humans for nothing more than being different. But I needed to know if there was anything I could do to help you, I was just so afraid for you ..." His voice cracked as the thought of losing her came to the forefront of his mind again. He looked down at his feet trying to regain composure. "I mean God, Adrastria, don't you know? Don't you know how I feel about you?? I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved any single thing, including my own freedom.." Hapi looked up into Adrastria's aquamarine eyes, desperate to tell her she was safe, that he would never think she was anything but the most amazing and beautiful soul he's ever met. "I..." was all he got out before Adrastria leaned in and kissed Hapimou. The longest, softest, most dreamlike kiss either of them had ever even imagined.
Hapi felt his heart and soul explode. As the kiss started to turn into something more Hapi pulled back. "Adrastria, I just want you to know, you're safe and you don't have to do anything for that safety. If this isn't something you want, then I will respect that and" "Hapi?" Adrastria interrupted "All I want is you" she said in a soft, delicate almost whisper of a voice, her eyes gazing directly into Hapi's own. She wrapped her arms him and pulled him in against her, closer and even more passionately kissed him, almost melting into him. Hapimou scooped her up in his arms and carried her upstairs once again, but this time he didn't lay her down in the guest room, he brought her to his own.
He laid her down on his bed and she pulled him down toward her. She had no other dream in the world than to be with Hapimou. He was kind, generous, patient, brave, intelligent. The roughness of his hands, the sharpness of his mind, the tenderness of his soul... They kissed for what felt like forever and not a single minute all at once. Only once did she stop pulling him toward her. He instantly pulled back, searching her eyes. Hers were locked into his when she said "Oh how I love you too, Hapimou" before pulling him against her one more time.
To be continued...
Once seated at Magdy's desk he opened the laptop and entered the password he'd been given; it worked just as Fatima had promised. Searching through files, Hapi ran across one named "Nar Rê" or Fire of Ra. He opened it. Reading through it, it was clear that Magda had worked out that the "Pyramid of the Sky" had not always been called that. At one point in time it was actually a temple built by a Greek dignitary that, along with the "Old Kings," decided to build a temple over, and dedicated to, the greatest source of underground water in the area so that it was saved from the harsh sands in case the river bed dried or in case the Kings needed a place of safety. The dignitary paid for the construction in exchange of being named the temple's keeper, and the Old Kings assured their access by each possessing one of three powerful relics that would grant access to not only the "Temple of the Desert Ocean," but also every other temple in the area if the three were together. However generations later, followers of the sun god Ra overtook the temple's keeper through a deceitfully planned arranged marriage. They built the pyramid of the Sky over the temple and allowed descendants of the temple's former keepers only access to the temple through some sort of "purity" test... Somehow the Old Kings were able to somehow usurp the new keepers but left the pyramid atop to further protect the temple and the relic. "Adrastria?" Hapi thought under his breath. Whether it was true or not, Magdy's ominous comment about Adrastria being of little consequence worried Hapimou. Luckily Adrastria had already nervously asked Hapimou to see him the next day. It was the first time she had wanted to see him and Hapimou couldn't help but hope that it meant she felt about him the way he did about her. He suggested that he take her to dinner at the kafyh in town and she sounded relieved, and said she'd meet him there.
"What is this again?" Adrastria asked tentatively as she started to take a bite. "Falafel, it's ground beans and seasonings." Hapi responded as he watched her take a bite. "Oh this is much better, I thought I was going to die with that other stuff." Adrastria sounded relieved. "Was it really that bad??" Hapi asked. "My people don't do spicy well, we have more of a fresh and savory palette really." Hapi instantly thought of the flame fruit and what had been on Magdy's computer. He planned to ask her about it the next time they were alone, who knows what MorcuCorp lackeys might be around.
After dinner Adrastria suggested they go for a walk along the river. The land was most lush along there, and the day and started to cool so it seemed like a perfectly lovely idea, though Hapi could see that something was troubling Adrastria. He hoped his boss hadn't somehow caused her any sort of distress. He sensed she had something to tell him, none the less. As they walked toward the river they passed a home owned by a co-worker of Hapi's, and their new mother and her two foals were out to take a drink. It was amazing how at peace they were with Adrastria, and she with them. Hapi couldn't resist asking his co-workers if they had a bottle to feed the babies and though they politely acquiesced, Hapi could feel looks of curiosity and maybe a little bit of judgement as they looked on the two outsiders of the area as Adrastria fed the foals. Soon Hapi thanked the couple and led his and Adrastria's way toward the riverbank.
As they walked, Hapi could sense Adrastria growing anxious. When they reached the shade of some trees Hapimou took a deep breath and found the courage to reach down and tenderly take Adrastria's hand. She stopped dead. When Hapi turned to face her he saw her cheeks were wet with tears. "What's wrong, Andrastria??" Hapi questioned gently. "Oh Hapi, it's something terrible. I can't hardly bring myself to say it." she managed to just barely get out, voice fully in the clutched fist of emotion. Hapi reached out and wiped her cheek. "Tell me, Adrastria. You are not alone. Together we will face it" He said gently, desperate to reassure her. It literally pained him to see her so upset. But instead of calming her she burst into tears and threw her arms around him. "No!" she sobbed, "that's just it, we won't! Ever! My mate's been chosen! In a year's time we will wed! I cannot see you anymore Hapi! I just can't, it already hurts so much!" She pulled from his arms and ran down the river toward her home, leaving Hapi speechless, broken hearted, and worried. He tried to speak loud enough to call after her, but it was now his throat gripped with emotions and he wasn't even sure if he could hear himself as she disappeared around the bend in the river. By the time Hapi got to the bend, she was gone.
Hapi wanted to go after Adrastria so badly, but he knew he'd not have any idea what to say. Not just to try to sooth her, or to try and change her mind, but because he was truly worried for her. "Oh believe me, I know you said you never wanted to see me again but I'm worried there's an evil plot against you involving ancient fruit" Hapi mocked himself outloud. It was clear that Magdy thought that these three relics still had the capability of opening the rest of the tombs in the area, but Hapi knew that if he had any chance of keeping Adrastria safe, or finding out whether it was Akhenaten Magdy alone or MorcuCorp behind this was up to then he was going to have to look for answers in the Pyramid of the Sky. He drove home, changed into something more appropriate and left for the pyramid that was on the outskirts of town. As he made his way past the first two chambers, that had clearly been recently discovered by someone else, he couldn't hep but notice that though being called the Pyramid of the Sky, nearly all of the adornments seemed to be focused on water. From the lines on the wall that were tinted with blue lapis and near the floor as though it were water currents, vs lines being near the ceiling and lined with turquoise which would signify the sky, to the small chisled marble pond, the beautiful blue flooring and lush environment of just the first two chambers alone. At the far end of the second chamber he approached a section of the wall that clearly outlined a door. Reading the hieroglyphs, he leaned down, dipped his hand in the water and then placed it on the door. The large stone wall started to shake and then slowly lowered into the floor. Hapi made his way deeper into the pyramid.
The going was slow. The followers of Ra certainly did everything possible to make the pyramid above the temple complex and it's corridors precarious. When Hapi stopped to rest, looking at his watch, he realized he had work straight through night and in fact noon was approaching fast. He hadn't brought his tent or sleeping supplies and realized he'd better prepare for more slow going and hoped he'd find answers by Monday morning, so he turned and headed back the same way he had come.
As he walked along the sandy path from the pyramid back to the car Hapi caught a glimpse of something on the dune up head glinting in the sun, and as he got closer he saw it was a person, and then not just any person. It was Adrastria, laid out flat, and even from afar she looked pale and more frail than Hapi had ever seen. As he got closer he also noticed that she wasn't ... human.. Her legs were covered in beautiful shimmering coral and aquamarine scales. "Adrastria?? Adrastria are you ok??" he ran up the last few feet to her "Haapi?" she said weakly, coughing in the sand as she lifted her head. As he helped her up, she started stumbling down toward the ruins in front "Whoa whoa whoa Adrastria, just hold up" Hapimou pled. "Help, Hapi help him.." She begged. Hapimou followed her gaze and down the dune, at the base of the ruins, Akhenaten Magdy appeared to be pinned between the ruins and a large boulder. Hapimou ran down the dunes full speed but it was clear that he was too late. He checked for a pulse but Magdy was already cold to the touch.
Hapi looked back at Adrastria and shook his head. Adrastria turned away, devastated by the news. When he got back to her it was clear she was struggling just to remain standing. She stumbled, wiping her face as if to wake herself. "I need.. to get out of thissu.." as her legs gave out from under her. As Hapimou scooped her up she whispered frailly "take. me home. please..." but somehow Hapimou knew she didn't mean her home. He carried her to his car where she laid in the front seat, head on his lap, and again from the car into his house.
He carried her up the stairs and laid her on the bed in the guest room and went immediately to get a glass of water. "Adrastria, drink this." he said and helped her take a few swallows before she laid back down on the pillow. He refilled the glass and left it on the nightstand next to the bed, light on low. He whispered "You're safe now Adrastria, we're home" and backed out and shut the door behind him.
Though an actual shower sounded divine, he said the words needed to rinse all of the dust from both he and Adrastria. He changed out of his grimy clothes and set to work searching his book collection for everything he could. Though rumors of mummies had long existed, and of course aliens, out here in Egypt, he knew of no other known supernatural beings other than Genies but lore of mermaids, contrary to popular knowledge, actually originated in Mesopotamia just like lore of Jinn. He wanted to know everything he could, even though he knew much would be completely unfounded rumor, prejudicial and malicious. He had experienced that first hand with his own life. But if he could glean any information it would help him help her. The sun was on it's way up a second time since Hapi had slept when he heard Adrastria stir upstairs. Somehow he had made it through a second night without sleep and though it was starting to wear on him he was surprised by how awake he still felt.
Adrastria was nearly silent as she came down the stairs. Her head was hung, eyes terrified to make contact with Hapi's. "I... Guess I have a lot to explain... I couldn't tell you, we're not allowed. And that man, I didn't kill him... Or I mean, I didn't - it just happened so fast - " her voice choked as her throat tightened, extinguishing her words. "Hey hey, Adrastria, go slow, it's ok, I'm just so thankful you're alright. I didn't really know much what to do. I thought it would have been highly dangerous for me to put you into the bath, you were passed out... I don't know, I didn't .. I just maintained a check on you.." Now it was Hapi's whose word's trailed. Adrastria lifted her head and stared deep into Hapi's eyes. "If it wasn't for you I would have died. I . I didn't want to leave him, I would have died there if you hadn't come along." She wrapped her arms around him. As she pulled him close he couldn't help but notice how warm her skin still was. She felt cooler than when he first found her, but still very warm. He said "is there anything you need?? How do you feel??" She cast her eyes down again, embarrassed.
"What do you need Adrastria? If I have it, it's yours, if not I will find it." She looked up and smiled a little, eased a bit. "You wouldn't happen to have a bathing tub? I know there is no water in your pool but I need to soak my... feet" she fumbled. "Oh my! Oh yes I have a tub right upstairs, allow me to show you and get you some necessities. Are you hungry? I could summon us up something when you're done.." "Oh yes, please. I'm so very hungry. You said upstairs is the bathing tub?" He showed her the guest bath and handed her some towels and pointed out the guest toiletries and said if she needed anything else to just call to him. Adrastria was so relieved to just slip into the water that she hadn't even realized she didn't really have any kind of clothing for afterward until after she was halfway through her bath.
Adrastria came down stairs wearing Hapi's old bathrobe. "It was hanging on the door" she said shyly. "Oh of course that's absolutely fine. I have some lemon and avocado ceviche, don't worry it's only got some red onion for spice. And I thought you might like tea." Her hair was dripping wet but it didn't seem to bother her at all. It's darker hue reminded Hapi of honey, and it glistened in the sunlight. She was quiet at first but then in between mouthfuls began to tell Hapi everything. Just as Magdy's notes had read, the Pyramid of the Sun was originally a temple to an abundant life giving source of water. Obviously her people had a special need to be assured access to water, so they did indeed pay to have the temple built. And though that was not the only correct thing in Magdy's file, Adrastria shared much more. "For centuries, every night one of us must venture to the pyramid and into the temple to assure the relic of life remains safe and perform a cleansing ritual in the waters. We go at night so the trek is easiest for us. We can spend some periods of time in the sun, but it's always safest for us to make that long journey when it's coolest. I was making the journey last night when that man came out of nowhere and threw a flask of something at me, it burned horribly. I think it might have been made with flame fruit, which is highly toxic to us. I ran towards the ruins as fast as I could. He was fat and much slower so by the time he got to them he hadn't seen me run up to the top and hide... He stood at the base, taunting me. He knew my name, knew EVERYTHING. He said if I wanted to live I'd show him where the relic was and he'd let me "swim back to my bottom feeding fish people." I promise you I had never intended to hurt him! I had no idea who he was so I crept closer to get a closer look, crept up to that boulder.. He must have heard me because he lobbed another flask at me and when I leaned against the boulder for cover it just. . fell." her last words barely escaped her mouth. She sat there, stunned at her own words. Hapi stood up and took their empty bowls, placing his hand reassuringly on her shoulder as he did so. Her skin felt much cooler and he felt at least that worry ease from his mind. Then sat pack down, thinking.
Eventually he said "The way I see it I don't think you should go back to your place, or the temple, at least for awhile. We still don't know if Magdy was acting alone or with MorcuCorp." "Waiit a minute," Adrastria said warily, "You KNOW that man??" Hapi then tried to give her the bullet points of the last few days of his life, how he was going to tell her when she had given him the news of her engagement. It made sense to her, knowing how they'd met, and something just told her she could trust Hapi with her life, which he had just saved, she reminded herself. By the end of their tea Hapi had decided that he would go to Adrastria's house and get anything she might need and she could stay in the guest room here in his house while he used his job to find out all he could.
Hapi had been inside Adrastria's a time or two before but he still marveled at the beauty of it. The atrium with it's gorgeous pool. The tile work, the chiseled marble, the artworks. There was very little furniture, but something told him that there wasn't much to be needed when there was never any company to entertain, or relatives to put up for visits. He found her armoire and started collecting Adrastria's things.
While Hapi was away, after she combed and tied her drying hair back, Adrastria picked up one of the books Hapi had been looking for information about mermaids. As she read it she became at first shocked and then angry. She was still reading it when Hapimou returned with her things. She snapped the book shut and stood up, angry. "I found this on your desk. Is this what you think of me? That I'm a monster?? Do you think I lured that man to his death??!" Though she was angry, tears of pain welled in her eyes and Hapimou couldn't have felt any worse. Though he had done nothing wrong, he knew what it felt like to be treated like you were a monster because of some ancient stories told by drunken men late at night around a campfire. How many stories involving evil Jinn were there? Countless. Made by men too afraid of the unknown to assume anything but the worst. He didn't take it personally. She had just been near the brink of death, chased there by a man who wanted to hurt her, did hurt her. Add to that her guilt over his demise, deserved or not, drove her into self defense.
Hapi reached out and tenderly took her hand. "Listen to me, Adrastria" he started gently "When I brought you back I was worried I would lose you. I poured over every book I have on, well, your people? I know most of it is rubbish. Believe me, I know. I know what it's like to be feared by humans for nothing more than being different. But I needed to know if there was anything I could do to help you, I was just so afraid for you ..." His voice cracked as the thought of losing her came to the forefront of his mind again. He looked down at his feet trying to regain composure. "I mean God, Adrastria, don't you know? Don't you know how I feel about you?? I love you. I love you more than I've ever loved any single thing, including my own freedom.." Hapi looked up into Adrastria's aquamarine eyes, desperate to tell her she was safe, that he would never think she was anything but the most amazing and beautiful soul he's ever met. "I..." was all he got out before Adrastria leaned in and kissed Hapimou. The longest, softest, most dreamlike kiss either of them had ever even imagined.
Hapi felt his heart and soul explode. As the kiss started to turn into something more Hapi pulled back. "Adrastria, I just want you to know, you're safe and you don't have to do anything for that safety. If this isn't something you want, then I will respect that and" "Hapi?" Adrastria interrupted "All I want is you" she said in a soft, delicate almost whisper of a voice, her eyes gazing directly into Hapi's own. She wrapped her arms him and pulled him in against her, closer and even more passionately kissed him, almost melting into him. Hapimou scooped her up in his arms and carried her upstairs once again, but this time he didn't lay her down in the guest room, he brought her to his own.
He laid her down on his bed and she pulled him down toward her. She had no other dream in the world than to be with Hapimou. He was kind, generous, patient, brave, intelligent. The roughness of his hands, the sharpness of his mind, the tenderness of his soul... They kissed for what felt like forever and not a single minute all at once. Only once did she stop pulling him toward her. He instantly pulled back, searching her eyes. Hers were locked into his when she said "Oh how I love you too, Hapimou" before pulling him against her one more time.
To be continued...
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