Forum Discussion
6 years ago
The next few weeks, despite themselves and their circumstances, they couldn't help but be blissfully happy. Adrastria didn't mention the arranged marriage other than to say she was trying to think of something that would spare the honor of her mother and father. And as hard as Hapi looked, he could just not find anything to indicate that it was MorcuCorp behind Magdy's actions. Magdy had been considered missing for a few days before his body was discovered eventually but nothing had come of it. The two rarely spoke of it simply because there really wasn't much left to talk about. Adrastria had already told Hapi everything, so really what was left to talk about? Sand is a bugger of thing forensically. Any evidence left on the ground is blown away within minutes usually, and what's left behind is sandblasted by the elements within as little as a few hours. Magdy had been dead days before he was found. When Hapi would "work from home" - which became code for investigating MorcuCorp - Adrastria was all too happy to indulge herself in Hapi's library. But they always found joy in sharing every free moment with each other. Adrastria began teaching Hapi French, and Hapi found himself doing everything he could to outwit her in dominoes far faster than he had anticipated.
Adrastria loved the night. Mermaids that spend most of their time underwater usually find the sunlight, the way it comes through the waters, the way the fish wake up to it, as a lovely thing but to Adrastria it meant danger. Not just physically but after being raised to never let anyone see you as you are, the night offered a whole world that you got to enjoy. Some nights she spent hours out there. Hapi had the pool filled, which had been drained since Hapi graduated high school, and Adrastria would enjoy the "slightly bigger bathing tub" as they both jokingly called it. An old junk car is a luxury. A pool was usually seen as either frivolous or boasting for someone of Hapi's standing, or his father's, but it was a gift from Akhenaten Magdy's father, house and all, when he granted Hapi and his father's freedom to them. Hapi's father didn't swim so as soon as Hapi graduated high school he insisted that his dad drain it, wanting to go to college and "put away childish things." But now Hapi was so much more grateful for Ammon Magdy's generosity than ever before. He had taught Hapi that there was no such thing as true generosity without true gratitude. True gratitude is the birthplace of generosity, it has nothing to do with money. It starts when someone is truly grateful for what has been given to them, so that they may in turn use those gifts to give to others. Ammon Magdy didn't give the Mesbahs a house with a pool, he gave them a place to be a family, where status among others was mute.
Some nights they were simply like the young couple completely in love that they were.. Hapi brought his parent's old TV out and Adrastria was instantly captivated by everything. She especially liked comedies and sci-fi movies saying that actually seeing those stories were far better than anything she could have imagined. Adrastria also had a crack wit and often would catch Hapi off guard with something that had him in tears while pretending she didn't know what was funny at all. It was almost a science to her. They were truly happier than they had ever been.
The first true wakeup call was when Hapi came home to find Adrastria horribly distraught. She tried to hide it but as soon as he asked, she couldn't stop herself. Tears poured over her cheeks dripping off her chin. "Adrastria? What is it? What's wrong?" Hapi gently prodded. She tried to compose herself, managed to say "We're going to be killed, and it's all my fault" before the tears came again. And then in between staggard breaths and choked voice said "I'm pregnant Hapi, I'm pregnant and we're going to be killed for it."
"Wait, what? Explain this to me, is your life in risk from this?? Is pregnancy difficult for your people?" Hapi, truly concerned & knowing nothing about mermaid gestation, searched Adrastria's eyes as he asked. "*snf* No no, all of us, you, me. and.." Adrastria looked down and composed herself. "It's a law, the highest of all laws. We are not allowed to mate outside of our people. The last time it happened was when my people lost control of the temple. It's punishable by death, of everyone involved, including any vdélygma!" she said in a disgusted and mocking voice. Hapi didn't know the term but it was easy to see what her people thought of young with parents other than Mer. "In fact that's why some very terrified mers, would lure men to their death. They were afraid of their daughters being tempted, or sisters, or sons..." her voice trembling. "Ok slow down, they don't know, right??" "No, they probably don't even know I've been gone from my home, or the temple. We only hear from them two times a year, if that." "Then right now the best for all of us is just to be calm and figure out a way forward. They don't know you're gone, they don't know about me at all and the only person that can connect you with me is dead, noone even knows you're here. I know this is all very very frightening, but we will find a way, I promise." Hapi's deep and comforting voice said, wrapping his arms around Adrastria.
Hapi made an amazing father-to-be. His own father had such a strong sense of love and family that Hapi had always known he wanted to be a father, and he knew in his soul that Adrastria was the only woman he would ever ever want to have as their mother. So he supported Adrastria in every way he could. They read books about pregnancy and about babies. Adrastria assured him that mermaids births were extremely gentle, water births. So he rubbed her back, listened to her, and loved her. Eventually the plan to keep them all safe from Adrastria's people would simply be to disappear - to let them think she had become victim to a water predator, such as a crocodile or a shark which Adrastria occasionally encountered while diving, or to dying in the desert, which had happened to more than one of her ancestors including Adrastria's mother. The plan was to simply leave the country, move somewhere close to the ocean, and live out the rest of their lives together after the baby was old enough for such a move. Until then, the regular deliveries scheduled to her house stopped being placed, the garden was left neglected, freshly cleaned laundry left on the line. Adrastria had spent her life so reclusivly that she really didn't need more than that. She missed the fresh sea waters by her home, and the sound of the waves, but she knew that she would one day again have those things. What she needed right now was Hapi, and her, and their love together.
So as the days moved forward in time as they do, they found their horrible experiences fading further and further into the past. Hapi relished passing the time taking care of his love and child. Though learning French was exchanged for learning how to change a diaper, and new ways to make fried chicken.. So.. much.. fried... chicken... Hapi would always reply "Oui oui mon chérie!" to the very few requests that Adrastria made, which always made Adrastria giggle.
Kynthia was born right at home during a beautiful clear full moon, and though Adrastria was tired, as every brand new mother is, the birth was remarkably easy. While Adrastria rested and regained her health, Hapi basked his new daughter in unfettered love and devotion. His favorite parts of each morning were getting his daughter when she awoke and seeing her face light up as soon as she saw his face. His favorite times at night were rocking his daughter to sleep and then gently placing her in her crib. While he maintained a job, he used his work to secure new identities for he, Adrastria and Kynthia. Samir had been promoted to Magdy's position and had put Hapi in charge of tying up all of Magdy's projects together for him. While doing so he ran across several people who weren't entirely on the frontest part of the law, but there were definitely much worse. The plan was to wait until Kynthia was 4 or 5 months old and then Hapi would quit his job and they'd just disappear. Hapi had slowly started liquidating his assets including his retirement fund and the few bonds that his father had willed to him. They didn't need much and what they did need could be provided for in any number of ways.
And then, while Hapi was at work, there was a knock on the door. A persistent, loud knock followed by a voice booming "Open up! Egyptian National Police!" Panicked, Adrastria opened the door. Before her stood an officer, arrogant and aggressive. "I am Captain Mahmoud of the Al Simhara Police. I'm here to ask Hapimou Mesbah some questions" he said forcefully as he pushed his way inside. "He, uh, he's at work right now." While it was true Adrastria said it desperately hoping that it would satisfy the officer enough to leave. Instead he continued
"Well I'm looking for Mr. Mesbah in conjunction with the death of Akhenaten Magdy. We reviewed a journal owned by Mr. Magdy and he did not seem to trust Mr. Mesbah very much at all. Seems Mr. Mesbah had a habit of questioning his boss's authority." "Oh no he didn't, he did everything for that evi .. for that man!" Adrastria found herself defending Hapi before she even thought of the consequences. "And you are??" Officer Mahmoud demanded. "I'm Adrastria Economos" Adrastria replied timidly. "You? You're in Magdy's journal, too. Mr. Magdy seemed to think that you two had formed an alliance against Mr. Magdy, even blaming you for Mr. Mesbah's disruptive behavior... So I had a little look into your past. I talked to the shop keep who tells me that Mr. Mesbah's been buying infant supplies - a crib, diapers.. While your account, paid for by some man in Greece,has sat for weeks unused. So I wonder if I called the owners of your store account if they would be very interested in hearing these details?" Officer Mahmoud said while circling his finger in front of Adrastria's stomach. Adrastria could feel her heart racing. The officer was so loud, she was terrified he'd wake Kynthia and it would all be over right then and there. She said "If you'll excuse me for a minute I will call Mr. Mesbah at his office" and excused herself upstairs to shut the door to the nursery, where Kynthia was napping and try to compose herself.
She closed the door to the upstairs bathroom and splashed some cold water on her face. "Ok, get it together" she thought to herself. She knew it was impossible but she kept imagining that outside where the guard of her people, who would slice their heads off right in the street. "I said GET IT TOGETHER" and patted her face dry with the back of her hands. When she came back down stairs she found Officer Mahmoud flipping through one of Hapi's books on the Pyramid of the Sky. "Interesting reading materials in Hapimou Mesbah's home" he said. "They seem to be exactly about what Akhenaten Magdy's journal was convinced of a plot against him involved. You tell Mr. Mesbah that we will be looking to speak with him very soon. And if he knows what the best for him, he will arrive at our headquarters for questioning by the end of the week." And then he turned and left, leaving Adrastria terrified and panicked.
When Hapi got home from work Adrastria met him at the door and immediately began telling him what happened. "They're going to come, Hapi, they're going to come. I know it. He'll call them and then they'll know and then they'll come! Hapi replied "then we'll just leave sooner. I could have our lose ends tied up by Monday, maybe even Friday. I could get a lawyer, answer their questions, and by the time they've taken any action at all we will be in another country." Hapi tried to comfort her. He was scared. He was really scared. But it did no good to either Adrastria or Kynthia to panic. He had planned for this. He had hoped there wouldn't be any evidence, assuming the only evidence against either of them was at the ruins. He had no idea that Magdy had a journal, nor that Magdy was so self absorbed to see anything between Adrastria and Hapi as a plot against him, but all that meant was that the timeline needed to be sped up.
"Please Hapi, please listen to me" Adrastria pleaded. "You don't know my people. If he calls them, tells them what he knows, they will kill her!!" she buried her face in her hands. Hapi pushed Adrastria's hair from Adrastria's forhead and behind her ear. In his deep, comforting voice he said "I will never allow that to happen. EVER, Adrastria. No mater what, I've told you that you are safe. And you will always be safe with me." He wrapped her in his arms until he felt her calm. "I'm going to go take off my jacket and peek in on Kynthia, ok?? And then we can talk about where we're going to live, ok? Why don't you go get a glass of water and sit down, oui oui mon chérie?" "Yes," Adrastria said in the smallest voice he'd ever heard from her "ok." As she went to the kitchen, and he turned to go upstairs, he couldn't shake the feeling that everything, his whole world, was a tower of cards about to collapse. But he knew whatever happened, as long as they were together and stuck to the plan and didn't panic, they would make it through.
Adrastria looked out at the desert. It was the only home she'd ever known, but she had never really known it at all. She hadn't known much of it except her little corner of it but oh how she had loved her corner, her life. Parents that love, and gave, and valued truth and honesty and thought and beauty over violence and possession and power. And now Hapi, and Kynthia. She had dreamed of teaching Kynthia the heritage she herself had learned. She knew she had to leave it all behind. She knew it was the only way to keep Kynthia and Hapimou safe. She must never know Adrastria's history, it was the only way. When Hapimou found her on the back porch he was carrying Kynthia. "Look who's all awake and smiles" he said, sitting down, hoping it would bring some light to his love's eyes. Adrastria turned to him and said "Will you wed me, Hapimou? Tonight? At the Temple?" Hapimou was both stunned and the happiest man alive all at once. "Adrastria, I would love nothing more but I.. I ... I do not know if I would be able to get all of the paperwork in order, I would have to che" "No paperwork" Adrastria said "Just you, me, our blessing Kynthia. I do not know the wedding rituals here, or even of my world. But I want to pledge my love to you, forever, and be your wife. Tonight. Please say yes, Hapi." "Oh.. my darling, if that is what you truly want, than my heart wants nothing else in the world." Hapimou said, "what do we need?" Adrastria told Hapi that her wedding dress - her mother and grand mother and great grandmother's wedding dress - was at her house. "Give me some time and then meet me at the temple entrance. I don't want to take Kynthia into the temple, just to the altar at the temple entrance. Meet me there." As Adrastria walked through her house she wondered if it would be the last time she would ever set foot in it.
Hapi put on the suit that his father had worn on his day of nationalization. It was traditional for a freed Jinn to spend his first free money on a handsomely tailored suit, a sign that he was no longer bound to wear what any man had ordered, he was free to wear vestments crafted from his own earnings of his desire. Hapi's father's suit was a rich sapphire navy velvet jacket embroidered with intricate gold embellishments atop a silk vest and trousers. Hapi was sure his father was taller, but it fit him perfectly. "I guess all our fathers are giants in our eyes" he thought. Then he picked up Kynthia "Am I a giant to you? Am I?" He cooed to her as she gripped his finger. He arrived at the temple just before Adrastria and was still holding Kynthia when Adrastria stepped into the temple. Hapimou felt as though someone had knocked him in the chest with a baseball bat. Before him stood a Greek Goddess, in a beautiful floor length silk gown embellished with gold threading in an intricate pattern on her chest and down through the straps. In her hair she wore a crown of flowers. Hapimou laid Kynthia gently down on her play mat and blanket and joined Adrastria in front of the altar. "I'm not really sure how this goes." he said nervously. She was so incredibly beautiful he felt like he was looking at a dream and if he said the wrong thing he might wake up.
Adrastria's normally innocent and bubbly demeanor was gone, Before him stood a woman of poise and grace. She smiled gently and took his hand and said "I'll start." She took a men's ring with a beautiful golden pearl and slid it onto his finger. "This is the symbol of my eternal love and devotion. I have never loved another, and I will never love another. I pledge my love, my life, my soul to you forever. And through this ring, whenever we're apart, you will look down to this symbol and know my love is endless." Adrastria let her hand linger on top of Hapi's for a moment, and then Hapimou started to speak. "I do not have a ring to give you, but what I can give you I freely do so. I gave you my heart. From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew that no other would understand me as you. We were both outsiders, alone in a land that did not like or want us. Through your eyes I saw the man I wanted to be. A man that was not judged by fear or nervousness but by his actions and his character. I have given you my heart, but now I want to give you something more. I pledge to be that man, for you and you alone. I pledge to show you more love than you've ever known, to make you laugh, to shore you up when you feel weak, to keep you safe, to give everything I have, everything that I am and will be, to devote my every waking moment to you, Kynthia.. " Hapi smiled at his daughter contentedly staring bright eyed at the two of them "and to whomever else might join our family in the days to come for all the days that come here after."
Hapimou wrapped his arms around Adrastria and they lost themselves to each other in the kiss that followed. All notions of space and time completely disappeared until a small "achoo" brought them back to their senses. Slowly they pulled from each other. Adrastria walked over and picked up Kynthia "Now let's get you out of this dusty ol' place my little desert dew drop" she cooed to her. Then raising her eyes to meet Hapi's, Adrastria said "Take us home my husband"
By the time they got home little Kynthia was fast asleep. She wouldn't wake, possibly until morning as she had been sleeping for longer stretches. As Adrastria gently put her in her crib, Hapimou gazed at them both with wonder. How was it he, once a slave, was the one man in the entire world blessed enough to have this he thought. Never mind karma, no good deed could have given anyone this. And forget about luck, this wasn't like winning the lottery. This was more than winning life, the universe, and everything in it. It was fate. When Adrastria finished putting Kynthia down she turned and looked into Hapimou's with a longing he had never seen. She slid past him, her silk dress slipping across the back of his hand as she passed, she let her eyes linger as she reached and let her fingertips run gently from his wrist to his fingertips where they lingered just long enough to say "come with me." As they laid in each others arms once again Adrastria pulled from him. "I can't tell you how happy you've made me. Thank you for this. This... This was perfect. You are perfect, Hapimou. My love eternal." Hapimou stared deep into her eyes. They were different somehow, sadness in them. It would be hard for them to leave the only home either had ever known, but love conquers all. Hapimou knew their love was fierce and either would do anything and everything to protect each other. As he bent down to kiss her, he said "Je t'aimerai toujours, ma Chérie" - I will always love you, my dearest."
Adrastria wasn't upset at all when little Kynthia didn't sleep through the night. Her mother had lain awake listening to Hapimou's deep breaths of sleep. When she made the slightest whimper, the first of several that always followed until a fuss to wake mom or dad, Adrastria slipped out of bed and into Kynthia's room. She scooped her up. "Oh oh such a fuss is not needed today my little dessert dew drop." She changed and fed Kynthia and then rocked her back to sleep, drinking every second of it in. When Kynthia was asleep, Adrastria sat frozen not sure if she could move. She wasn't sure if she could find the will. And then Kynthia let out a little slumbering coo and Adrastria knew she had to. She steeled herself, stood up and buried her face into Kynthia's neck, taking in every last scent of her skin. She laid Kynthia back in her crib and whispered "Mommy will always love you. Always and without end." Adrastria slipped out of the nursery and into the master bedroom. She walked over to the dresser and pulled out her only pair of denim. She had begged Hapi to buy them for her at the market during one of his trips. He did, of course, but felt awkward in doing so and they had laughed about it together later. She slid them on and then went to the hamper. On top lay Hapi's favorite jersey from college. He still wore it around the house. She pulled it out and slipped it on. It smelled of Hapi's shampoo, his soap, of his skin and a liiiittle bit of his cologne.
She walked over to Hapimou's side of the bed and stood there, watching him as he slept. She didn't know how long she stayed there, but she didn't move until she promised him in her heart over and over and over that her love for he and Kynthia was eternal. She placed a letter on his nightstand and leaned over and kissed his forehead gently and left the room. She set her suitcase down by the door and turned and looked at this place where she had lived a life so beautiful she wouldn't have believed it except for being there. This was her family's home. A family that she would do anything for, even die for. And now she was leaving it, for them. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and as she bent down to grab her suitcase the tears fell upon it's worn leather. She gripped it's handle, extra hard as though it were a life saving lever she had to pull, and she forced herself to stand, open the door, and shut it behind her.
Adrastria loved the night. Mermaids that spend most of their time underwater usually find the sunlight, the way it comes through the waters, the way the fish wake up to it, as a lovely thing but to Adrastria it meant danger. Not just physically but after being raised to never let anyone see you as you are, the night offered a whole world that you got to enjoy. Some nights she spent hours out there. Hapi had the pool filled, which had been drained since Hapi graduated high school, and Adrastria would enjoy the "slightly bigger bathing tub" as they both jokingly called it. An old junk car is a luxury. A pool was usually seen as either frivolous or boasting for someone of Hapi's standing, or his father's, but it was a gift from Akhenaten Magdy's father, house and all, when he granted Hapi and his father's freedom to them. Hapi's father didn't swim so as soon as Hapi graduated high school he insisted that his dad drain it, wanting to go to college and "put away childish things." But now Hapi was so much more grateful for Ammon Magdy's generosity than ever before. He had taught Hapi that there was no such thing as true generosity without true gratitude. True gratitude is the birthplace of generosity, it has nothing to do with money. It starts when someone is truly grateful for what has been given to them, so that they may in turn use those gifts to give to others. Ammon Magdy didn't give the Mesbahs a house with a pool, he gave them a place to be a family, where status among others was mute.
Some nights they were simply like the young couple completely in love that they were.. Hapi brought his parent's old TV out and Adrastria was instantly captivated by everything. She especially liked comedies and sci-fi movies saying that actually seeing those stories were far better than anything she could have imagined. Adrastria also had a crack wit and often would catch Hapi off guard with something that had him in tears while pretending she didn't know what was funny at all. It was almost a science to her. They were truly happier than they had ever been.
The first true wakeup call was when Hapi came home to find Adrastria horribly distraught. She tried to hide it but as soon as he asked, she couldn't stop herself. Tears poured over her cheeks dripping off her chin. "Adrastria? What is it? What's wrong?" Hapi gently prodded. She tried to compose herself, managed to say "We're going to be killed, and it's all my fault" before the tears came again. And then in between staggard breaths and choked voice said "I'm pregnant Hapi, I'm pregnant and we're going to be killed for it."
"Wait, what? Explain this to me, is your life in risk from this?? Is pregnancy difficult for your people?" Hapi, truly concerned & knowing nothing about mermaid gestation, searched Adrastria's eyes as he asked. "*snf* No no, all of us, you, me. and.." Adrastria looked down and composed herself. "It's a law, the highest of all laws. We are not allowed to mate outside of our people. The last time it happened was when my people lost control of the temple. It's punishable by death, of everyone involved, including any vdélygma!" she said in a disgusted and mocking voice. Hapi didn't know the term but it was easy to see what her people thought of young with parents other than Mer. "In fact that's why some very terrified mers, would lure men to their death. They were afraid of their daughters being tempted, or sisters, or sons..." her voice trembling. "Ok slow down, they don't know, right??" "No, they probably don't even know I've been gone from my home, or the temple. We only hear from them two times a year, if that." "Then right now the best for all of us is just to be calm and figure out a way forward. They don't know you're gone, they don't know about me at all and the only person that can connect you with me is dead, noone even knows you're here. I know this is all very very frightening, but we will find a way, I promise." Hapi's deep and comforting voice said, wrapping his arms around Adrastria.
Hapi made an amazing father-to-be. His own father had such a strong sense of love and family that Hapi had always known he wanted to be a father, and he knew in his soul that Adrastria was the only woman he would ever ever want to have as their mother. So he supported Adrastria in every way he could. They read books about pregnancy and about babies. Adrastria assured him that mermaids births were extremely gentle, water births. So he rubbed her back, listened to her, and loved her. Eventually the plan to keep them all safe from Adrastria's people would simply be to disappear - to let them think she had become victim to a water predator, such as a crocodile or a shark which Adrastria occasionally encountered while diving, or to dying in the desert, which had happened to more than one of her ancestors including Adrastria's mother. The plan was to simply leave the country, move somewhere close to the ocean, and live out the rest of their lives together after the baby was old enough for such a move. Until then, the regular deliveries scheduled to her house stopped being placed, the garden was left neglected, freshly cleaned laundry left on the line. Adrastria had spent her life so reclusivly that she really didn't need more than that. She missed the fresh sea waters by her home, and the sound of the waves, but she knew that she would one day again have those things. What she needed right now was Hapi, and her, and their love together.
So as the days moved forward in time as they do, they found their horrible experiences fading further and further into the past. Hapi relished passing the time taking care of his love and child. Though learning French was exchanged for learning how to change a diaper, and new ways to make fried chicken.. So.. much.. fried... chicken... Hapi would always reply "Oui oui mon chérie!" to the very few requests that Adrastria made, which always made Adrastria giggle.
Kynthia was born right at home during a beautiful clear full moon, and though Adrastria was tired, as every brand new mother is, the birth was remarkably easy. While Adrastria rested and regained her health, Hapi basked his new daughter in unfettered love and devotion. His favorite parts of each morning were getting his daughter when she awoke and seeing her face light up as soon as she saw his face. His favorite times at night were rocking his daughter to sleep and then gently placing her in her crib. While he maintained a job, he used his work to secure new identities for he, Adrastria and Kynthia. Samir had been promoted to Magdy's position and had put Hapi in charge of tying up all of Magdy's projects together for him. While doing so he ran across several people who weren't entirely on the frontest part of the law, but there were definitely much worse. The plan was to wait until Kynthia was 4 or 5 months old and then Hapi would quit his job and they'd just disappear. Hapi had slowly started liquidating his assets including his retirement fund and the few bonds that his father had willed to him. They didn't need much and what they did need could be provided for in any number of ways.
And then, while Hapi was at work, there was a knock on the door. A persistent, loud knock followed by a voice booming "Open up! Egyptian National Police!" Panicked, Adrastria opened the door. Before her stood an officer, arrogant and aggressive. "I am Captain Mahmoud of the Al Simhara Police. I'm here to ask Hapimou Mesbah some questions" he said forcefully as he pushed his way inside. "He, uh, he's at work right now." While it was true Adrastria said it desperately hoping that it would satisfy the officer enough to leave. Instead he continued
"Well I'm looking for Mr. Mesbah in conjunction with the death of Akhenaten Magdy. We reviewed a journal owned by Mr. Magdy and he did not seem to trust Mr. Mesbah very much at all. Seems Mr. Mesbah had a habit of questioning his boss's authority." "Oh no he didn't, he did everything for that evi .. for that man!" Adrastria found herself defending Hapi before she even thought of the consequences. "And you are??" Officer Mahmoud demanded. "I'm Adrastria Economos" Adrastria replied timidly. "You? You're in Magdy's journal, too. Mr. Magdy seemed to think that you two had formed an alliance against Mr. Magdy, even blaming you for Mr. Mesbah's disruptive behavior... So I had a little look into your past. I talked to the shop keep who tells me that Mr. Mesbah's been buying infant supplies - a crib, diapers.. While your account, paid for by some man in Greece,has sat for weeks unused. So I wonder if I called the owners of your store account if they would be very interested in hearing these details?" Officer Mahmoud said while circling his finger in front of Adrastria's stomach. Adrastria could feel her heart racing. The officer was so loud, she was terrified he'd wake Kynthia and it would all be over right then and there. She said "If you'll excuse me for a minute I will call Mr. Mesbah at his office" and excused herself upstairs to shut the door to the nursery, where Kynthia was napping and try to compose herself.
She closed the door to the upstairs bathroom and splashed some cold water on her face. "Ok, get it together" she thought to herself. She knew it was impossible but she kept imagining that outside where the guard of her people, who would slice their heads off right in the street. "I said GET IT TOGETHER" and patted her face dry with the back of her hands. When she came back down stairs she found Officer Mahmoud flipping through one of Hapi's books on the Pyramid of the Sky. "Interesting reading materials in Hapimou Mesbah's home" he said. "They seem to be exactly about what Akhenaten Magdy's journal was convinced of a plot against him involved. You tell Mr. Mesbah that we will be looking to speak with him very soon. And if he knows what the best for him, he will arrive at our headquarters for questioning by the end of the week." And then he turned and left, leaving Adrastria terrified and panicked.
When Hapi got home from work Adrastria met him at the door and immediately began telling him what happened. "They're going to come, Hapi, they're going to come. I know it. He'll call them and then they'll know and then they'll come! Hapi replied "then we'll just leave sooner. I could have our lose ends tied up by Monday, maybe even Friday. I could get a lawyer, answer their questions, and by the time they've taken any action at all we will be in another country." Hapi tried to comfort her. He was scared. He was really scared. But it did no good to either Adrastria or Kynthia to panic. He had planned for this. He had hoped there wouldn't be any evidence, assuming the only evidence against either of them was at the ruins. He had no idea that Magdy had a journal, nor that Magdy was so self absorbed to see anything between Adrastria and Hapi as a plot against him, but all that meant was that the timeline needed to be sped up.
"Please Hapi, please listen to me" Adrastria pleaded. "You don't know my people. If he calls them, tells them what he knows, they will kill her!!" she buried her face in her hands. Hapi pushed Adrastria's hair from Adrastria's forhead and behind her ear. In his deep, comforting voice he said "I will never allow that to happen. EVER, Adrastria. No mater what, I've told you that you are safe. And you will always be safe with me." He wrapped her in his arms until he felt her calm. "I'm going to go take off my jacket and peek in on Kynthia, ok?? And then we can talk about where we're going to live, ok? Why don't you go get a glass of water and sit down, oui oui mon chérie?" "Yes," Adrastria said in the smallest voice he'd ever heard from her "ok." As she went to the kitchen, and he turned to go upstairs, he couldn't shake the feeling that everything, his whole world, was a tower of cards about to collapse. But he knew whatever happened, as long as they were together and stuck to the plan and didn't panic, they would make it through.
Adrastria looked out at the desert. It was the only home she'd ever known, but she had never really known it at all. She hadn't known much of it except her little corner of it but oh how she had loved her corner, her life. Parents that love, and gave, and valued truth and honesty and thought and beauty over violence and possession and power. And now Hapi, and Kynthia. She had dreamed of teaching Kynthia the heritage she herself had learned. She knew she had to leave it all behind. She knew it was the only way to keep Kynthia and Hapimou safe. She must never know Adrastria's history, it was the only way. When Hapimou found her on the back porch he was carrying Kynthia. "Look who's all awake and smiles" he said, sitting down, hoping it would bring some light to his love's eyes. Adrastria turned to him and said "Will you wed me, Hapimou? Tonight? At the Temple?" Hapimou was both stunned and the happiest man alive all at once. "Adrastria, I would love nothing more but I.. I ... I do not know if I would be able to get all of the paperwork in order, I would have to che" "No paperwork" Adrastria said "Just you, me, our blessing Kynthia. I do not know the wedding rituals here, or even of my world. But I want to pledge my love to you, forever, and be your wife. Tonight. Please say yes, Hapi." "Oh.. my darling, if that is what you truly want, than my heart wants nothing else in the world." Hapimou said, "what do we need?" Adrastria told Hapi that her wedding dress - her mother and grand mother and great grandmother's wedding dress - was at her house. "Give me some time and then meet me at the temple entrance. I don't want to take Kynthia into the temple, just to the altar at the temple entrance. Meet me there." As Adrastria walked through her house she wondered if it would be the last time she would ever set foot in it.
Hapi put on the suit that his father had worn on his day of nationalization. It was traditional for a freed Jinn to spend his first free money on a handsomely tailored suit, a sign that he was no longer bound to wear what any man had ordered, he was free to wear vestments crafted from his own earnings of his desire. Hapi's father's suit was a rich sapphire navy velvet jacket embroidered with intricate gold embellishments atop a silk vest and trousers. Hapi was sure his father was taller, but it fit him perfectly. "I guess all our fathers are giants in our eyes" he thought. Then he picked up Kynthia "Am I a giant to you? Am I?" He cooed to her as she gripped his finger. He arrived at the temple just before Adrastria and was still holding Kynthia when Adrastria stepped into the temple. Hapimou felt as though someone had knocked him in the chest with a baseball bat. Before him stood a Greek Goddess, in a beautiful floor length silk gown embellished with gold threading in an intricate pattern on her chest and down through the straps. In her hair she wore a crown of flowers. Hapimou laid Kynthia gently down on her play mat and blanket and joined Adrastria in front of the altar. "I'm not really sure how this goes." he said nervously. She was so incredibly beautiful he felt like he was looking at a dream and if he said the wrong thing he might wake up.
Adrastria's normally innocent and bubbly demeanor was gone, Before him stood a woman of poise and grace. She smiled gently and took his hand and said "I'll start." She took a men's ring with a beautiful golden pearl and slid it onto his finger. "This is the symbol of my eternal love and devotion. I have never loved another, and I will never love another. I pledge my love, my life, my soul to you forever. And through this ring, whenever we're apart, you will look down to this symbol and know my love is endless." Adrastria let her hand linger on top of Hapi's for a moment, and then Hapimou started to speak. "I do not have a ring to give you, but what I can give you I freely do so. I gave you my heart. From the moment I laid eyes on you I knew that no other would understand me as you. We were both outsiders, alone in a land that did not like or want us. Through your eyes I saw the man I wanted to be. A man that was not judged by fear or nervousness but by his actions and his character. I have given you my heart, but now I want to give you something more. I pledge to be that man, for you and you alone. I pledge to show you more love than you've ever known, to make you laugh, to shore you up when you feel weak, to keep you safe, to give everything I have, everything that I am and will be, to devote my every waking moment to you, Kynthia.. " Hapi smiled at his daughter contentedly staring bright eyed at the two of them "and to whomever else might join our family in the days to come for all the days that come here after."
Hapimou wrapped his arms around Adrastria and they lost themselves to each other in the kiss that followed. All notions of space and time completely disappeared until a small "achoo" brought them back to their senses. Slowly they pulled from each other. Adrastria walked over and picked up Kynthia "Now let's get you out of this dusty ol' place my little desert dew drop" she cooed to her. Then raising her eyes to meet Hapi's, Adrastria said "Take us home my husband"
By the time they got home little Kynthia was fast asleep. She wouldn't wake, possibly until morning as she had been sleeping for longer stretches. As Adrastria gently put her in her crib, Hapimou gazed at them both with wonder. How was it he, once a slave, was the one man in the entire world blessed enough to have this he thought. Never mind karma, no good deed could have given anyone this. And forget about luck, this wasn't like winning the lottery. This was more than winning life, the universe, and everything in it. It was fate. When Adrastria finished putting Kynthia down she turned and looked into Hapimou's with a longing he had never seen. She slid past him, her silk dress slipping across the back of his hand as she passed, she let her eyes linger as she reached and let her fingertips run gently from his wrist to his fingertips where they lingered just long enough to say "come with me." As they laid in each others arms once again Adrastria pulled from him. "I can't tell you how happy you've made me. Thank you for this. This... This was perfect. You are perfect, Hapimou. My love eternal." Hapimou stared deep into her eyes. They were different somehow, sadness in them. It would be hard for them to leave the only home either had ever known, but love conquers all. Hapimou knew their love was fierce and either would do anything and everything to protect each other. As he bent down to kiss her, he said "Je t'aimerai toujours, ma Chérie" - I will always love you, my dearest."
Adrastria wasn't upset at all when little Kynthia didn't sleep through the night. Her mother had lain awake listening to Hapimou's deep breaths of sleep. When she made the slightest whimper, the first of several that always followed until a fuss to wake mom or dad, Adrastria slipped out of bed and into Kynthia's room. She scooped her up. "Oh oh such a fuss is not needed today my little dessert dew drop." She changed and fed Kynthia and then rocked her back to sleep, drinking every second of it in. When Kynthia was asleep, Adrastria sat frozen not sure if she could move. She wasn't sure if she could find the will. And then Kynthia let out a little slumbering coo and Adrastria knew she had to. She steeled herself, stood up and buried her face into Kynthia's neck, taking in every last scent of her skin. She laid Kynthia back in her crib and whispered "Mommy will always love you. Always and without end." Adrastria slipped out of the nursery and into the master bedroom. She walked over to the dresser and pulled out her only pair of denim. She had begged Hapi to buy them for her at the market during one of his trips. He did, of course, but felt awkward in doing so and they had laughed about it together later. She slid them on and then went to the hamper. On top lay Hapi's favorite jersey from college. He still wore it around the house. She pulled it out and slipped it on. It smelled of Hapi's shampoo, his soap, of his skin and a liiiittle bit of his cologne.
She walked over to Hapimou's side of the bed and stood there, watching him as he slept. She didn't know how long she stayed there, but she didn't move until she promised him in her heart over and over and over that her love for he and Kynthia was eternal. She placed a letter on his nightstand and leaned over and kissed his forehead gently and left the room. She set her suitcase down by the door and turned and looked at this place where she had lived a life so beautiful she wouldn't have believed it except for being there. This was her family's home. A family that she would do anything for, even die for. And now she was leaving it, for them. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and as she bent down to grab her suitcase the tears fell upon it's worn leather. She gripped it's handle, extra hard as though it were a life saving lever she had to pull, and she forced herself to stand, open the door, and shut it behind her.
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