I feel that you should. It's a decent game not my favorite in the franchise but has a lot of good stuff going for it. I'd play it more often if it didn't completely hate me so much. (I have a pretty strong Love/Hate relationship with Sims 3)
However since you're just trying it out I'd say wait for a sale to get it. The game goes on sale quite often on Steam for like $5 a pack so you can pick up a few packs for not that much to get a better feel of the game though it is decently playable with only the Base Game installed. You can use the code you get in Steam to import it into Origin (but not the other way around) if you prefer to play on Origin.
I also second the notion put forth to play Sims 2. It's a great game though it can be a bit finicky to get it to run on newer computers.