@lanlyn I'm always amazed at how well your blog is organised when you have so many stories and challenges going on. I suspect that you have very good memory too because there's no way that I would be able to keep track :lol:. A while ago I was reading some of your older posts on your blog but I must have stopped at some point. I will bookmark this page so I can always use it as a guide :smile:
You don't see people playing with elders very much which is a shame, so I really like your Bucket Listers. They have a lot to see and do! Both of them have great lists. What a great idea! I should do something like this in my own game because I always stick to the same kind of realistic life game play and I've never even played a single supernatural :open_mouth:
I wonder if flame fruit would be hot or spicy-hot... either way I'm not sure if I'd want it on my pancakes. Sunlit Tides has beautiful pink sunrises. Keaunu and Maria need to stay active if they want to complete their lists. Lol Maria you're on a beach but you're determined to walk the exact same path that Keaunu is taking. I like the new outfits.
I always thought Craven's ship was a spectacular build. The resort decorations look very nice. The windows overlooking the water would be a nice spot to sit and eat. Everything looks like luxury but I'm not sure why the attendant at the snack stand is wearing a riding helmet lol. The gazebo and spa area is pretty, I bet it would look nice at night too. Seems like there's lots to do on the island. So the rug is a replacement for accommodation? Rabbit holes rugs is one thing I have never tried using before. The wedding chapel is casual but still very elegant at the same time. I'm sold, how much are air fares there :lol:
Daniel Pleasant must be up to no good running away from his wife like that. Oh you got Maria and Keaunu in the same bed together. For some sims it's the last thing they want to do lol. At first I thought they were a couple until I read Keaunu's bucket list being full of wishes to kiss and serenade girls then I wasn't so sure haha. Maria doesn't seem to mind having more physical contact with him.
They seem excited to explore the cave. Maria is brave for diving into a green well. Oh no fire! That's why it's always good to have a partner around. That teen could help remove the rubble with Keaunu instead of sitting around lol. Aww poor Maria. Ahh there's a mummy behind you! Oh not the reaction I was expecting. Maria kicked his butt!
Three more mummies! I wonder if they fell in love with Maria too. Oh no I hope she wasn't hurt in the fight. Keaunu is unlucky too. Those mummies are tough. It seems that Maria really did feel something for that first mummy, maybe a mix of love and sympathy. They both did well to find all that loot. They will need lots of shelves to store all the artifacts and gems.
Loved it :smile: