I am starting with your older stories because they were before I came back to simming at the end of 2017 :)
Appaloosa Plains
Brisha is a lovely name! She and Garrith are a lovely looking couple :)
The plant sim toddlers are adorable :) It broke my heart the only time I played a plant sim that the father, Beau Merrick, didn't roll wishes like he did for his other children although he was her "father" according to his family tree :( Beau's plant sim daughter was not nearly as cute as yours ;)
I think it's lovely that you saved the sims from your original Riverview save and played them in other worlds :)
Marco and Fufu are really cute and fluffy :)
I can't imagine playing any sim on Epic let alone beyond that!
That's a great idea having lots next door to each other. I can't imagine keeping horses wouldn't be easy otherwise. Will they get another horse or do you not play them much these days?
Brisha and Garith must be very skilled sims after all that playing!
That was great that they harvested plant sim babies of the opposite gender since it would make the fact that they are clones of the harvester less noticeable!
LOL What an interesting way to get rid of IFs! Glad it didn't backfire on Garith :D
Yay for Brisha turning the IF into gold :)
I love it when my sims are eternally faithful :) My sims had to start from scratch when I moved them to SV but they are finally eternally faithful again :)