The stereotype of a Big City is that singles are NOT in a rush to get partnered up for more than short-term and that romance is just a passing whim, when it's convenient. Not that singles run around trying to marry everyone they meet at a bar (though I suppose some do, they probably have smartphone apps for that now...hey, whatever makes them happy).
As for New York City in particular, I am here to tell you that you cannot paint all 8.6 million of us with the same brush. There is far too much diversity here to do that with any great meaning. I've had people from out of town/other countries say they could never live here because everything is open 24 hrs and it's all too distracting (and expensive), but it's not really like that in most parts of the City that the tourists wouldn't see much of.
One of the reasons I see NYC in Bridgeport has nothing to do with that, it's the expensive over the top homes on the other side of the bridge with the cool views of the cityscape. Some parts of New Jersey over one of the bridges and the tunnels here are kind of like that. But I'm sure other cities have areas and views like that as well.
The game likes to exaggerate, wherever it gets its stereotypes from, and most players I've seen from Big Cities like this one are fine with that. :)