Forum Discussion

ILoveMyOreo's avatar
7 years ago

Sims fleeing from apartments.

It happens in Alfredborough. It happens in Prosperity Point. It even happens in Bridgeport. Once an NPC sim family has a baby, they'll move out of their apartment, even if the apartment has the right furniture and toys. Is there a way to stop this, or will they just move into a house when they have a baby? Thanks!
  • If you are using a modded form of story progression (NRaas SP), there is usually a reason that can be found for sims moving as a family unit. Insufficient sleeping slots, a poverty move (downsizing), a prosperity move to a larger and better furnished house, etc. Yet sometimes sims just want a change of scenery. I've never noticed a pattern of sims moving just because a pregnancy was formed or a baby was born as long as the current home does meet their needs.

    If you are using EA story progression, things are much more random and often not possible to explain.

    But are you certain one of the sims isn't pregnant again? That increases the need for a crib by one even before the baby is born.
  • This is one of the things that used to bother me as I always hated it when they'd just move to a bigger house on a much smaller lot when I had them on the largest size of lot and didn't want them in the new home.That's when I switched the pushes to move and home inspections off altogether and just run that manually and also make the moves myself when that family is active if I want them to move to a bigger home.It's going to happen with the Ivanovitch family in Evermore Falls as their current home is just a starter home and they're starting to outgrow the house and have bought a second home though it's only an empty lot with no house on it yet.They'll just get a basic shelter built and will downsize the house while they get a bigger lot.
  • Thanks for replying. Most of my houses have two cribs. I don't know what makes them leave like that.
  • It might have to do with a lot of my sims are Family Oriented, and maybe they prefer a house over an apartment, but it's still annoying.