5 years ago
Slide and Slide!
So... Nothing interesting has really happened, I've just lately been shifting through my cc, you know the normal.. But.. I recently gotten kinda into sliders :) the new little add-ons and options a...
"Mikezumi;c-17798390" wrote:
I use a lot of facial sliders. My favourites would be asymmetrical ones because faces are too "perfect" otherwise. I use symmetrical ones as well because there are some things that simply cannot be done with vanilla sliders.
This sim has a slightly bent nose as well as an uneven top lip. The lip isn't that noticeable in this pic but I didn't mean it to be extreme.
This sim has eyes which point in different directions (not extreme).
This sim was made with many CC sliders but most obvious would be the brow width slider.
This sim's mouth height and curve are uneven.
This sim's jawline wouldn't be possible with vanilla sliders.
I have sliders from several creators but most would be OneEuroMutt and Simtanico sliders.