Forum Discussion
4 years agoLegend
Chapter Nine - "Graduation Day" (Part Four)
By the time that River and Hank had gotten to the water taxi, the clouds had moved in and Haruo had headed back to the Central Park. They would head over to the island.
Haruo heard from River later that Marigold had thrown a conniption fit regarding the fact that she had invariably tied up her houseboat to a dock that had been sold in the last few hours. “I didn’t know...” The Matriarch Racket had fumed.” River told Haruo that she considered that his piece of advice for her to take Hank to the island to give the eviction order was well thought-out. As Haruo’d figured, Marigold Racket didn’t take the eviction well at all.
“Well, Ms. Rackett, you are going to have to move your Ms. McIrish and her fiancé have legally binding documents attesting to their ownership of the island.”
“BUT...I was going to the city hall to buy the property...”
Yeah, sure, Marigold, sure you were... you were hoping to build something on the property and squat there claiming right of ownership. River thought to herself. Well at least hubby told me that she was there so that we could claim the island and make sure that we were the ones in legal possession of it by actually purchasing the land rights to the property.
It finally took Hank having to threaten Marigold Racket with arrest and seizure of her houseboat to get her to move. Muttering under her breath, Marigold untied her houseboat from the dock and sailed away, cursing at River and telling her, “You haven’t heard the last of this...”
It was Hank moving in front of River to protect her, that caused Marigold to subside and move her houseboat clear without further confrontation.
“You were right, honey,” River said to Haruo, “She didn’t take it well at all. If I had been there on my own, there was a good chance that she would have done something to me.”
“I thought so...” Haruo replied, noting mentally that he may have to take care of the Rackets later on down the road in life. Lolly appeared to be the only good Racket out of the bunch. And of course Ethan Bunch was going to pull Lolly away from her family to try to redeem the Racket name. It had been said that the Rackets had ties to the Irish mob. And considering the actions that the Rackets had been committing, it was quite certain that Marigold was one of them. He’d have to keep a closer eye on them. "I told you to take Hank because I had a gut feeling and with having grown up with my mother's idiosyncracies and whims, I've learned to trust them. It's not fate if you walk into a situation knowing full well that you could have prevented the situation - it's stupidity."
On top of that once they were finished with their studies at university, they would be moving to the island. Haruo had always been an introvert and he preferred solitude. In a way, though River was more friendly and outgoing, she was the same way. She preferred solitude over being in a large crowd. So this island was going to be like an idyllic place to live for the two of them. They could make their start in life and have a family and use it as their base of operations for their travels. Plus it provided solitude for to recharge. Bebe and Torao were the same way so it was going to end up being their little refuge for their families. Bebe and River had always been friends and thus it was nice for River to find that she and Bebe would be related.
The island had always been a place Haruo and River had been interested in; large with only one structure located on it. The island was far enough away from the mainland that it would keep those curious wandering lookie-loos from trespassing on their property. It was a large enough island that they could also turn around and make a graveyard and put their deceased on the island as well. Though, of course, the thought of sharing the island with a bunch of spirits probably wasn’t the most reassuring thing in the world. Nothing like let’s freak out the kids when despised Gramma makes an untimely visitation. That might actually scare them into eating their vegetables.
The next afternoon being sunny, Yasunobu headed down to Central Park to pick some of the fruits off the trees, since nobody else seemed to be eating them and he’d be able to create a bit of an orchard in the new property on the island by planting what he picked. Haruo joined him at the park and went to pick a few flowers as well as fish. In the afternoon however Haruo headed over to the bookstore and picked up a few bait-books so that he could learn more about the fish that he was going after. It was necessary to have that kind of knowledge in place so that he could more readily have the bait on the hook that would catch whatever fish he was after.
Some of the denizens in the town seemed to have major fashion malfunctions as Haruo came out of the bookstore. Noticing a townie in a brilliant yellow baseball jersey and a fedora – the kind of thing that would make Alexander McQueen go off the rails. It was a fashion eye-sore on the order that could make one’s brain explode with a searing question: How the hell does one end up wearing that out in public?
Catching the taxi back home, Haruo came home to find Bebe and River at the kitchen table. Bebe was taking time to write while River was digging into birthday cake. That was the problem with having multiple people having birthdays on the same day or consecutive days. There was enough birthday cake to last several days of eating if not several weeks. One could pretty much get sick of birthday cake. It appeared from the constant pungent swearing from upstairs that Torao was at the chemistry table. He hadn’t had much luck even though he’d reached a proficient enough level of logic that he should have ordinarily been able to find potions with relative ease.
When River was done with her cake, she let Haruo know that she had to head out for a bit since she’d had a commission sale she had to deliver to a client.
The following day in the midst of a deluge, Haruo headed out to go fish with one thing in mind: to catch a clownfish. Evidently while River was gone to deliver the painting to her client, he’d received a call letting him know that he was to try to catch a clownfish for delivery to the theatre. Well, a clownfish was on the line after he’d managed to get completely soaked from the rainfall. But at least the Amphiprioninae Pomacentridae was of satisfactory proportions and mood that he did manage to get §470 out of the whole deal. It compensated him for getting drenched. Hopefully he wouldn’t catch pneumonia.
While Haruo was out, River was swearing up a storm having been doing a house-cleaning of the entire residence. “Oh for crying out loud, do you two ever clean your toilet. This is absolutely disgusting.” Having to attack the third floor toilet that the boys used was absolutely horrendous. There were things that looked as though they were growing in that toilet. She was quite certain that she had to toss the toilet brush out when she was done. If that growth in the upper left hand corner of the toilet bowl grew an eye and blinked at her, she was going to be out of there so fast she’d leave a smoke-trail behind her.
Torao had to go down to the bookstore and get a few skill books to read. One of those books was a book on handiness. But he also wasn’t the only one that had to go down to get books. River and Bebe headed down as well. As Bebe needed to work on her charisma as well as her handiness. River wanted to work on her cooking skills so that she was able to take over cooking from Molly who was considering finding her own place eventually as soon as she was able to find something. Of course though Satoshi was making the moves on her so that probably wasn’t about to happen since she could potentially end up becoming part of the family.
Evidently the elevator door had a bone to pick with Satoshi. He got sandwiched between the closing doors before he could get out and ended up on the floor face down on the carpet which was not a pleasant situation to be in since he ended up with rugburns on his elbows. Needless to say, it didn’t serve to put him in a very good mood as he stalked towards the fridge to get himself something to eat since he was the first one up that morning.
The rest of the family soon followed suit as they each woke up and headed downstairs.
Their diet was probably not one the doctors recommend as they were each trying to polish off the cake before it started growing things that were best left unmentionable. Since they had the top notch fridge that kept things from going bad, at least things weren’t blinking at them from the inside of the fridge or genetically evolving sentience asking them, “How are things out there?” That would not be a good thing. At least they weren’t going to be debating the nihilist pre-existentialism ponderings of Neitzsche with a genetic pizza in a plate, "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." How apt.
(End Part Four)
Chapter Nine - "Graduation Day" (Part Four)
By the time that River and Hank had gotten to the water taxi, the clouds had moved in and Haruo had headed back to the Central Park. They would head over to the island.
Haruo heard from River later that Marigold had thrown a conniption fit regarding the fact that she had invariably tied up her houseboat to a dock that had been sold in the last few hours. “I didn’t know...” The Matriarch Racket had fumed.” River told Haruo that she considered that his piece of advice for her to take Hank to the island to give the eviction order was well thought-out. As Haruo’d figured, Marigold Racket didn’t take the eviction well at all.
“Well, Ms. Rackett, you are going to have to move your Ms. McIrish and her fiancé have legally binding documents attesting to their ownership of the island.”
“BUT...I was going to the city hall to buy the property...”
Yeah, sure, Marigold, sure you were... you were hoping to build something on the property and squat there claiming right of ownership. River thought to herself. Well at least hubby told me that she was there so that we could claim the island and make sure that we were the ones in legal possession of it by actually purchasing the land rights to the property.
It finally took Hank having to threaten Marigold Racket with arrest and seizure of her houseboat to get her to move. Muttering under her breath, Marigold untied her houseboat from the dock and sailed away, cursing at River and telling her, “You haven’t heard the last of this...”
It was Hank moving in front of River to protect her, that caused Marigold to subside and move her houseboat clear without further confrontation.
“You were right, honey,” River said to Haruo, “She didn’t take it well at all. If I had been there on my own, there was a good chance that she would have done something to me.”
“I thought so...” Haruo replied, noting mentally that he may have to take care of the Rackets later on down the road in life. Lolly appeared to be the only good Racket out of the bunch. And of course Ethan Bunch was going to pull Lolly away from her family to try to redeem the Racket name. It had been said that the Rackets had ties to the Irish mob. And considering the actions that the Rackets had been committing, it was quite certain that Marigold was one of them. He’d have to keep a closer eye on them. "I told you to take Hank because I had a gut feeling and with having grown up with my mother's idiosyncracies and whims, I've learned to trust them. It's not fate if you walk into a situation knowing full well that you could have prevented the situation - it's stupidity."
On top of that once they were finished with their studies at university, they would be moving to the island. Haruo had always been an introvert and he preferred solitude. In a way, though River was more friendly and outgoing, she was the same way. She preferred solitude over being in a large crowd. So this island was going to be like an idyllic place to live for the two of them. They could make their start in life and have a family and use it as their base of operations for their travels. Plus it provided solitude for to recharge. Bebe and Torao were the same way so it was going to end up being their little refuge for their families. Bebe and River had always been friends and thus it was nice for River to find that she and Bebe would be related.
The island had always been a place Haruo and River had been interested in; large with only one structure located on it. The island was far enough away from the mainland that it would keep those curious wandering lookie-loos from trespassing on their property. It was a large enough island that they could also turn around and make a graveyard and put their deceased on the island as well. Though, of course, the thought of sharing the island with a bunch of spirits probably wasn’t the most reassuring thing in the world. Nothing like let’s freak out the kids when despised Gramma makes an untimely visitation. That might actually scare them into eating their vegetables.
The next afternoon being sunny, Yasunobu headed down to Central Park to pick some of the fruits off the trees, since nobody else seemed to be eating them and he’d be able to create a bit of an orchard in the new property on the island by planting what he picked. Haruo joined him at the park and went to pick a few flowers as well as fish. In the afternoon however Haruo headed over to the bookstore and picked up a few bait-books so that he could learn more about the fish that he was going after. It was necessary to have that kind of knowledge in place so that he could more readily have the bait on the hook that would catch whatever fish he was after.
Some of the denizens in the town seemed to have major fashion malfunctions as Haruo came out of the bookstore. Noticing a townie in a brilliant yellow baseball jersey and a fedora – the kind of thing that would make Alexander McQueen go off the rails. It was a fashion eye-sore on the order that could make one’s brain explode with a searing question: How the hell does one end up wearing that out in public?
Catching the taxi back home, Haruo came home to find Bebe and River at the kitchen table. Bebe was taking time to write while River was digging into birthday cake. That was the problem with having multiple people having birthdays on the same day or consecutive days. There was enough birthday cake to last several days of eating if not several weeks. One could pretty much get sick of birthday cake. It appeared from the constant pungent swearing from upstairs that Torao was at the chemistry table. He hadn’t had much luck even though he’d reached a proficient enough level of logic that he should have ordinarily been able to find potions with relative ease.
When River was done with her cake, she let Haruo know that she had to head out for a bit since she’d had a commission sale she had to deliver to a client.
The following day in the midst of a deluge, Haruo headed out to go fish with one thing in mind: to catch a clownfish. Evidently while River was gone to deliver the painting to her client, he’d received a call letting him know that he was to try to catch a clownfish for delivery to the theatre. Well, a clownfish was on the line after he’d managed to get completely soaked from the rainfall. But at least the Amphiprioninae Pomacentridae was of satisfactory proportions and mood that he did manage to get §470 out of the whole deal. It compensated him for getting drenched. Hopefully he wouldn’t catch pneumonia.
While Haruo was out, River was swearing up a storm having been doing a house-cleaning of the entire residence. “Oh for crying out loud, do you two ever clean your toilet. This is absolutely disgusting.” Having to attack the third floor toilet that the boys used was absolutely horrendous. There were things that looked as though they were growing in that toilet. She was quite certain that she had to toss the toilet brush out when she was done. If that growth in the upper left hand corner of the toilet bowl grew an eye and blinked at her, she was going to be out of there so fast she’d leave a smoke-trail behind her.
Torao had to go down to the bookstore and get a few skill books to read. One of those books was a book on handiness. But he also wasn’t the only one that had to go down to get books. River and Bebe headed down as well. As Bebe needed to work on her charisma as well as her handiness. River wanted to work on her cooking skills so that she was able to take over cooking from Molly who was considering finding her own place eventually as soon as she was able to find something. Of course though Satoshi was making the moves on her so that probably wasn’t about to happen since she could potentially end up becoming part of the family.
Evidently the elevator door had a bone to pick with Satoshi. He got sandwiched between the closing doors before he could get out and ended up on the floor face down on the carpet which was not a pleasant situation to be in since he ended up with rugburns on his elbows. Needless to say, it didn’t serve to put him in a very good mood as he stalked towards the fridge to get himself something to eat since he was the first one up that morning.
The rest of the family soon followed suit as they each woke up and headed downstairs.
Their diet was probably not one the doctors recommend as they were each trying to polish off the cake before it started growing things that were best left unmentionable. Since they had the top notch fridge that kept things from going bad, at least things weren’t blinking at them from the inside of the fridge or genetically evolving sentience asking them, “How are things out there?” That would not be a good thing. At least they weren’t going to be debating the nihilist pre-existentialism ponderings of Neitzsche with a genetic pizza in a plate, "He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you." How apt.
(End Part Four)
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