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NikkeiSimmer's avatar
5 years ago

The Chikamori Selfacy (A Reboot)


June 12, 1970; Sacred Spleen Hospital, Sunset Valley, British Columbia, Canada

Fiona McIrish had never been in so much pain in her life. As a matter of fact, she believed she’d never felt this degree of pain before even when menstruating. This was sheer agony, like having one’s bottom lip pulled out ten feet then yanked over one’s head and stapled to the back of one’s neck; it was that excruciating. In fact, she felt that she could probably tolerate stepping on a stone-fish more than she could endure the birthing process that she was undergoing at this very moment. And she was alone.

Caeden had removed himself from the picture nine months earlier when she’d informed him of her pregnancy. In fact, he’d vanished so quickly, he’d left skid marks on the pavement and a smell of smoke in the air. His loss. The pain and devastation from the fact that he’d abandoned her had given way to pain unimaginable as Fiona had never been pregnant before.

And it was a long sixteen hours of labour having been brought by ambulance to the Sacred Spleen Hospital at four o’clock in the morning after rupture of the amniotic sac in the middle of the night. It was now eight o‘clock at night.

Doctor Ellis, a female obstetrician, smiled at her, “You’re ten centimeters dilated and the baby has moved into the birth canal. Your contractions should be coming between 2-3 minutes apart. We’ll get you to push as soon as I determine where your baby is situated.” She said snapping on a set of shoulder length medical examination gloves.

Fiona’s eyes widened.

“Now. I’m going to need you to relax...because I’m going to have to feel around in here.” Oh...god...Fiona winced as the doctor slipped her hand in to feel around for the baby’s head. “She’s in a good position...” The doctor looked up at her, her smiling face between Fiona’s own thighs and knees.

“I...hope...aaaaahhhh..” The last word was bitten off as another contraction hit replaced by a pained groan. Dimly in the back of her mind, she could hear the scream of yet another mother in another birthing room and the cry of a newborn.

The rest of the memory of childbirth was washed away in a sea of pain as the doctor exhorted her to “”

June 13, 1970. Nursery, Sacred Spleen, Sunset Valley, BC

Fiona McIrish looked down at the perfect little human being that was laying in the crib labelled River Annette McIrish, River, because Fiona had always liked that name, Annette for Fiona’s mother. Beside her on the left hand side was another baby from an Asian family; her landlord’s family with whom she was sharing a room. The father, Yasunobu, was at the cribside looking down at that child with a smile playing about his lips. Fiona felt a pang of pain. At least that father had the guts to stay with the mother and support his offspring. I wish Caeden wasn’t so gutless as to have abandoned River and me. Fiona thought to herself, a flash of anger aimed at the absent Caeden. The baby was a cute little one and Fiona watched Yasunobu interact with his child.
Was it chance that the man’s baby, a son, was placed by her daughter’s natal crib? As Yasunobu placed his son back in his crib beside River’s crib, River started to fuss. As if by predetermined signal, Yasunobu’s baby rolled to one side to face her daughter...his newborn eyes still closed. The baby waved his hands in the if reaching for her crying newborn infant...and gradually, River’s fussing subsided to a sniffle. Fiona was amazed as she looked over at her landlord whose eyebrows had nearly receded into his hairline which was a miracle in itself as the man kept his hair short.
“My your baby...” was all Yasunobu said.
Fiona was dumbstruck. When she could speak, she nodded, “I guess so...” was her reply. They both quietly looked down upon their mutual children as the two babies laid in their crib.
Fiona had a feeling that she was going to see a lot of the little male baby over the following years and both she and Yasunobu stood together in silence contemplating a future that they had yet to take a single step down.

June 14, 1970, Nursery, Sacred Spleen, Sunset Valley, BC

Fiona nodded to the doctor as the doctor gave her last minute care instructions on how to care for the remnants of the severed umbilical cord which would eventually shrivel up and fall off to form a belly button.
“Make sure that you’re gentle when you apply the vaseline to the site of the cord.” the doctor informed her as she wrapped the baby in a blanket placing a hood on the baby’s head to keep the baby who was still trying to regulate her own boby temperature out of the sun. Gus and Dorie Hart had offered to help her get River home. The baby fussed slightly as the blanket was wrapped around her.
Dorie mentioned to Fiona, “We still have the carseat from when Bebe came home, hitched to the back seat of the at least we can help you get her home safely.” Child safety restraint in the seventies were the realm of choice of the parent. The parent could choose to place the child in a safety-restraint, or they could choose to hold the child, provided that they weren’t driving. Bebe was a year old already and was learning how to crawl and Dorie had her hands full. This, being 1970, meant that a lot of people believed in the goodness of the community and everyone pitched in to help. It was why Fiona and Dorie got along so well. They helped each other, Dorie would need Fiona to run and fetch groceries when Bebe was being particularly trying and Dorie would help Fiona with River and babysitting when Fiona returned to work from maternity leave.
Less so community oriented were the Altos who lived up in the posh neighbourhood with the large houses. The Altos aspired to West Vancouver eliteness with the mega-mansions, however they were small potatoes compared to the likes of the Landgraabs who were old Vancouver money but chose to live a less prestigious life in Sunset Valley. It was oft suspected that Nick Alto was somehow connected and few dared to cross him. Those who did often were taught a lesson at the hands of some of his friends.

Anyhow, what the Altos did was none of Fiona's business and she set to making sure that River was taken care of, fed, pampered, and kept clean. Yasunobu and her had had a discussion that she would do what she could to get some money together and eventually, she would purchase the home from the Chikamoris and that would be her place to live and where River would be able to grow up.
It was a possibility that she could never have thought was possible. And she was grateful for any help that she could possibly receive.

72 Replies

    Chapter 12 - "University Life" (Part Four)
    River’s fiancé, Haruo, was Japanese-Canadian and he was on the university hockey team. Haruo was also someone who was very physically fit and could probably turn Yavari’s spine into a pretzel. Was he willing to risk that kind of physical beating just to get a piece of River McIrish no matter how cute she was. The answer was a resounding no. It was clear Mahmoud Yavari preferred self-preservation over self-indulgence. And at the revelation that not only did River’s guy did martial arts as well as play hockey made Mahmoud look for the quickest exit where he could save face as possible.
    River saw Mahmoud’s unwanted advance crumble beneath her revelation and smiled savagely. Serves him right. If he was blind enough not to see my engagement ring, then he deserves whatever he gets.
    She walked off, knowing Mahmoud’s eyes were trailing her six. She smiled as she saw her fiancé exit the main doors of the athletic building. “Hey lover…” she called out to him.

    “What’s up, sweetheart?” Haruo acknowledged her hail.
    “Oh, just wanted to know if you had some time between classes.” She smiled up at him.

    “Next class is at two, so I have time."
    “Wanna get something to eat?”
    “Sure”, Haruo smiled at her as River slipped her arm in the crook of Haruo’s elbow and they walked towards the SUB (Student Union Building). “Been feeling a bit hungry since we left the house.”

    “Then, honey, it’s a good thing we’re going to grab a bite to eat, isn’t it?” River’s cheeky grin lit up his day.
    “Yeah…” he pulled River into a tight embrace. “I am lucky…”.

    River leaned in to whisper in his ear. “Wanna get lucky tonight?” Her smirk was deliciously lascivious.
    “Your mother would castrate me.” Haruo raised an eyebrow.

    “…what she doesn’t know…” River murmured softly as Haruo silenced her by kissing her hungrily, his hands playing in her hair. “Oh, Watcher,” she gasped into his ear. “You know, I just want to skip the rest of the day and take you to bed?”

    “Can’t have that, can we?” River let out a frustrated sigh as Haruo pulled away.
    They walked over, arm-in-arm, to the burger joint located in the Student Union Building. The SUB had some pretty good food and they were more than happy to spend their money at the food kiosk A burger, some fries and a Coke were what the two got and sitting down at an outside table taking in the fall air, they enjoyed.the closeness.

    River knew she wanted to spend the rest of her life with him and the looks she got from him told her that Haruo felt the same about her. They were joined together in a way, heart and soul, that no-one else could put asunder.

    (End Part Four)
    Chapter 12 - "University Life" (Part Five)

    Bebe came running up, “Hey, you guys, I met another Chikamori. He’s going to UBC too. His name’s Kosuke. He doesn’t think you’re related but ask your dad, Maybe he can move in with us for the duration of university studies.” River raised her eyebrows. So much for the private, intimate lunch.

    “You know…” Haruo nodded, I think we may have to move out of that rental place and just build something for the five of us to live in. You think we can rent a lot and put three trailers on it?”

    Bebe shrugged her shoulders “…could…hmmm…work.” She paused, “Y’know…he’s dating someone…really pretty girl too. A girl by the name of Samantha...Gray, I think her last name was.”

    River chimed in, “I know Samantha, she’s in the same program as me. She’s also an artist. Yeah I recall her saying something about dating this Japanese guy.” She turned with a mischievous grin, “…so, what if he really is a long-lost Chikamori relative?”
    Haruo shrugged his shoulders as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I don’t know…if he is, I guess, we’ll, um, welcome him into the family…?” He paused, weighing his thoughts and feelings about the whole matter, “…and find out more about him and his mom and dad.”
    When they got home from their first day at university, they had yet another surprise, there was a new tenant at the house, putting her belongings into a room that they had used the night before for a study room only realizing after the fact that there was an actual bed in the room. Evidently the landlord was trying to maximize income from the rental property. “Hi, my name is Michelle...” It wasn’t sure if Haruo’s jaw managed to shatter at the news. The blonde was friendly.
    “So, how are we going to do this?” Haruo asked River. “We have way too many people if we’re going to have Sam and Kosuke join us at the house to offset the rent.”

    River grinned at him, “Well, how about we take the garage.”

    “It won’t be too cold?” Haruo thought for a moment about what living in the garage would entail. “We might need to get ourselves a heater...for those cold winter nights.”

    River smirked at him, “Why not something else?” her tone a sly innuendo, “We still get to use the washrooms, kitchen and common areas inside the house...”

    “So we don’t have to have a Port-a-Potty shipped in and dig a nice deep hole?”

    “Evidently the landlord had the same idea, he’s coming over to rough in a washroom and we should have it by the end of next day, he’s going to attach it to the garage.” ...and the landlord was as good as his word. By the end of Sunday, they had a door and a washroom with toilet, shower and sink. They still shared accommodation with the house and were able to make use of the fridge and stove...and the common areas inside the house, but their garage/bedroom was nice and quiet. At least they didn’t have a car so it made it that much easier to do this. The landlord had also insulated the walls and the roll-door had a nice rubber air-block to prevent rain, snow qnd cold air from coming in. However it was at least ten degrees chillier still in the garage so one of the things River insisted on was blankets; plenty of them to keep them warm.
    It just so happened that Kosuke had a brother and that brother was dating their new female room-mate, so Haruo turned around and said, “Well...why don’t we just all room together and that way we can all save on some rent. Kosuke thought Yoshiharu would agree to it, especially if it came down to living with his girlfriend, Michelle. “Fair enough”...Haruo had said and Yoshiharu moved in with Michelle Eberhard; they both were artists. Mornings were going to be insane.

    Despite the fact that Franz was bringing home countless gemstones, Haruo and River decided that they were going to try to keep things reasonable and use only the cash they had on them at the time. They had so much money saved up (all of it their own from selling gemstones and those toads oh so long ago) that it would have been easy to go on an ego trip to impress their classmates, but River and Haruo weren’t like that.

    They preferred living life incognito. But what others did notice was that when it came time to pay the bills at any place they went out to, River and Haruo always paid their way, never borrowing a cent or begging off others. They were upfront and honest and when the bill came around at the end of the night, they paid their share promptly without quibble.
    And that was what people liked about Haruo and River. They weren’t pretentious though they had a decent amount of money. They’d worked hard for what they earned and paid their dues even if they were young in comparison to those who were in the upper echelon of wealth. They were not millionaires by any stretch of the imagination but they were what most people in the 90s would consider comfortably well-off and that was how they conducted themselves.
    River looked over at Haruo as he glanced in the washroom. “We have a separated dual shower, single tub setup.” River murmured coming up behind him and wrapping her arms around his waist and snuggling into his back. “I sooooo want to test that out.” She purred, as Haruo turned around to look at her with eyebrows raised in a questioning look. She curled her lips in a lascivious smirk as she said throatily, “…together.” She paused for a moment and impishly asked, “Wanna?”
    By that time, Haruo’s reaction made it clear that he would need to pay extra attention to clearing the door when he went into the bathroom. “Oh, Watcher…” he breathed heavily.

    “Wrong deity, I’m River…”

    Haruo burst out in helpless laughter and River did too. It was a long time before they could even look at each other without the other’s face setting them off in more fits of laughter.

    They collapsed against each other on the nearby couch, their faces close to each other. “I love you.” River murmured softly, her lips against Haruo’s as they kissed, “Not to sound sappy or anything, but you make me the happiest woman in the world.”
    “I do?” Haruo asked, sounding inquisitive.

    River nudged him gently with her shoulder, “You do…and I find it really sweet that you want to wait until we become husband and wife before we make love.”
    “You do?”

    “Yeah, but…” she paused for a long moment. “You know, this waiting when we know we want each other and the fact that it’s just getting downright frustrating. It’s making me want to jump your bones in the shower and let you have your merry way with me.” She whispered in his ear. “Doesn’t it make more sense to just ease our passions so that we can concentrate on our schoolwork? Losing my maidenhood to you isn’t going to make it any less a commitment when we do get married, y’know.” She stroked his arm and leaned in so that he could smell her perfume that she had on. And it was seriously arousing Haruo.

    It was sensory overload and Haruo’s inhibitions were starting to fray at the very edges, a little voice inside him called out a warning and he voiced it, “What...if you end up pregnant?” For him, release was a simple matter. For River, if the situation went sideways could involve nine months of discomfort and the birthing process was a risky one.
    “Then we deal with the cards that life throws us.” River didn’t hesitate in the slightest in response. “I’ve wanted to be a mother. And I think we’re both adult enough that we can handle the situation if it comes down to it.” River brushed her lips along Haruo’s.

    “I love you, River...” Haruo said softly; the part of him that still had any sort of resistance shattered and he gave in to his desires. A frantic shedding of clothes ensued as each beheld each other naked. “I’ve wanted you for so long...” River’s smile warmed his heart as they ran their hands over each other’s body.

    “You don’t know just how frustrating it was...I think we made a promise in haste...not realizing just how much we want each other...” River told him...and breathed a sigh as Haruo lowered his mouth on her lips, hungrily kissing her. “Have me, Haruo... oh...” she let out a bit of a pained gasp as Haruo settled himself...

    Author's note: This following section won't be posted here...but it will be posted at another more "adult section"...I leave the details to your own imagination.

    Later when they had been sated they looked at each other with contented grins on their faces.

    “So...was it everything that you thought it would be?” Haruo asked.

    River gave him a satisfied smile, “Everything I imagined...and more...” she buried her face in his shoulder. “I think I’m happily satiated now...”

    “You know morning is going to be early...” Haruo smirked, noting the time. It was around 2 in the morning.

    “Awwww, does that mean you gotta bump and leave?” River grinned coquettishly at him.

    (End Chapter 12)

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