@DeiraShadeweaver Yeah, back when I did this thread I used CC skin when I probably should have kept it CC-free, but most of the hair and clothes were probably from the TS3 store, expansions, or stuff packs that you don't own. I didn't change any of their clothing, so it just might have been content that came with their home world that you wouldn't have if you don't own the world.
I'm afraid there's no way to mass change this. Either you can download the skin I use - http://kurasoberina.tumblr.com/post/137273135579/primer-hd-skin-for-all-ages-baby-elder-this-is (I use the UHD version) and change the other missing parts - hair and clothing - manually for each one as you play them.
Or you'll have to just change their skin, hair, and clothing however you'd like as you play them. The good news is, their genetic changes to make them more normal looking should still be intact, so there's that. :tongue: I'm sorry for the inconvenience. If I could go back in time, I'd upload them CC-free.
ps - Your rat is very cute. :3