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katcalls2k907's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 years ago

The Molyneux Story

To test out Appaloosa Plains on my new laptop, I decided to create a new Save file.

Day 1 part 1

Saturn, Rhea and their kids arrived to an empty lot in Appaloosa Plains. As the house was being built and with the basic furniture in I decided to send the family out, with Saturn going to the City Hall, Rhea to the Business tower and Medea applying for a Part-Time job at the Day Spa. The youngest two I sent to the school to apply for Scouts while the eldest son went to the Science Facility to learn Gardening: he returned with three Blueberry Seeds, a Cocoa Seed and a Basil Seed. Medea, after she applied at the Day Spa, went to the Library where she learned the Writing Skill. When Rhea and the youngest son, Ajax, returned home Rhea went to one of the new easels I placed and started to paint

Meanwhile, Saturn decided to take his eldest son and youngest daughter out for the day at the Karaoke. Phoning a taxi, he, Daphne and the eldest son all climbed in
When they arrived, the only group there was the Parott Family. Seeing the Dominoes, Saturn and Daphne went over while the eldest son spotted the Pool table. "Don't you dare do something reckless with the cue, Achilles" Saturn called to his son. Picking up the cue, Achilles went to the table and decided to practice a pool trick.
"Ha!" the teenager yelled as he attempted to perform the trick before failing. "Well, at least if you don't succeed, try again", the platinum-haired boy muttered to himself as he attempted the trick
"Perhaps it could be the light that could be the problem?" Achilles thought as he went over to the light in the corner.
Back at the Dominoes set, Saturn and Daphne was playing a game. "Daddy, can we get a set like this?" Daphne asked as she placed a domino. "We can't at the moment, but I can buy you one for your birthday" Saturn replied
Back at the pool table, Achilles Molyneux decided to play a quick game of Pool. Placing the pool balls on the table
he then positioned himself to hit a white ball
which then hit the remaining balls
as the teenager started the game of Pool

10 Replies

  • Day 1 Part 2

    While Saturn Molyneux and two of his kids was at the Karaoke place, even more people started to arrive
    Thirty minutes later, Saturn and Daphne finished their game of Dominoes. Saturn went to watch the Parrott family play another game while Daphne pretended to be a queen. At the Pool table, the game of Pool was nearly at an end as Achilles walked to the other side of the table
    before hitting the balls on that side. With the white ball now on the opposite side, Achilles walked to the other side before finishing his game

    Back at home, Medea had returned home and was removing the paintings Rhea and Ajax had painted before joining her mother and brother for dinner.
    Meanwhile, Saturn decided to take the kids to the diner for tea. As he did so, Achilles rolled a wish to go Bowling with friends; however there wasn't a Bowling Alley in Appaloosa Plains and he hasn't met anyone at school, so he decided to save that for a weekend. The trio went to the diner, which was just a block away from their home, and ate there before heading home. "Thanks Dad" Achilles replied as he went to bed. The rest of the family soon went to bed. Overnight, a new family, the Masons, moved into Appaloosa Plains.
  • Days 2, 3 and 4

    Monday morning saw the teens get up early, and after having breakfast, Medea and Achilles decided to paint
    while the parents and younger siblings got ready for work and school. The day was spent at work and school getting to know new people in Appaloosa Plains. Rhea and the teens returned home early, and while Rhea ate lunch the teens did their homework. A hour later, Saturn returned from work while the younger kids went to Scouts. As soon as Ajax and Daphne returned home the eldest two kids was finishing their homework. Everyone then went to bed

    Day 3 dawned with everyone in a rush, as Saturn went to collect some seeds and some gems. Eldest son Achilles decided to tidy up the house
    before joining his siblings in the school bus. Saturn and Rhea went to work and both being ambitious, they power worked. Meanwhile the kids arrived at school, and Achilles and Medea went on a Field Trip to the Science Laboratory
    before returning home. With their Fun Bar high, the teens went to do their homework as soon as they got home before going to bed. As soon as everyone was home they had diner and then bed

    Day 4 saw Achilles wake up with a mood swing, and he had been quite grumpy all day as a result. For Medea, though, the day will see her start her Part-Time job. Of course, it was the same thing all day, and when the teens left school Medea walked down the road to the Spa
    Once I rounded everyone up, I saved and decided to build a Bowling Alley before saving the game and quit
  • Days 5 and 6

    As The Molyneux Family slept, a ghostly dog wandered around the graveyard before returning to it's grave
    However, it wasn't the ghostly dog that wandered through the Molyneux home, instead it was Shep Fox
    on his way home to his owners. Day 5 passed relatively quiet, and so did Day 6
  • Day 7

    Day 7 saw Achilles wake up and preparing some Autumn Salad for dinner; as he made the dinner he unlocked the Cooking Skill; the other Molyneux family members had plans that day, with the parents flirting and painting, Medea preparing for work and the two youngest children collecting items around town
    Now that the new Bowling Alley was open, Achilles decided to visit. Getting into one of the lanes, he started to bowl
    Holding the heavy bowling ball the boy bowled
    Unfortunately for Achilles, he failed to get a strike. Sighing, the teenager picked up the bowling ball and made another attempt at bowling a strike
    Sadly, though, he fell on the floor
    Picking himself up, Achilles could see the sky was beginning to darken and so headed home, joining his parents and siblings at the dining table before going to bed
  • Days 8 and 9

    Day 8 passed by with the kids at school, Saturn at the Town Hall and Rhea working to get to the top of the Business Career, of course, nothing really happened until the evening, long after the Molyneux Family went to bed, that Carolina Mason returned to her home very late

    Day 9 saw the same routine, with the teenagers supposed to go on a Field Trip but for some reason, it was cancelled; instead Medea went home after school to Undyne Mason's house while Benni Henessey invited Achilles round. As Medea didn't have her Part-Time job that day, I allowed her to go to Undyne's. As the teenagers was making their way home, the kids was beginning to return home from Scouts

    Ajax returned home first

    followed by Daphne. Meanwhile Ajax went to do his homework while Medea, Achilles and Rhea had dinner

    before everyone went to bed
  • Days 10 and 11

    Wednesday morning saw Achilles get up early to make some pancakes

    which he succeeded as the sun was beginning to rise over the items Saturn had retrieved from the scrapyard and was in the process of restoring

    Again, the day passed by peacefully, with both Achilles and Medea on the brink of getting onto the Honor Roll. However, the most exciting thing happened that night, when the family had a trio of unexpected visitors. As Day 10 was drawing to a close, the first visitor was Willow Fox

    who then realised she went to the wrong house, and so walked through the house again

    As the game entered Day 11, another horse visited the house

    this time, Bramble Fox. As Saturn got up Shep Fox entered the house, but left as quick as he entered. Rhea, Saturn and the kids left for work and school, with the kids arriving on time

    with Saturn being on time as well. Rhea gained a Promotion while Achilles and Medea on the brink of making the Honor Roll
  • Days 12 and 13

    Friday saw Saturn Molyneux get Promoted a hour into his work shift, and the teenagers finally made it onto the Honor Roll. After Saturn's Promotion, he spent the day walking around Appaloosa Plains
    . Ajax went over to Jeremy Mason's house; Jeremy's mother, Wanda, has recently given birth to a boy earlier that morning; Daphne came home from school stressed, and she decided to do a bit of homework before having dinner and going to bed. Saturn went to the Bistro to repair the plumbing

    Saturday saw Medea and Daphne work on homework, Rhea starting a new book, Saturn going to the junkyard to find some furniture to repair and restore, Ajax painting and Achilles tending the garden before going to the Gym. While there, he saw his Classmates Carolina and Undyne Mason with their mother and their brother. After greeting the sisters he went to the Treadmill; Wanda wanted to use the same treadmill as well but decided to use one further away

    Medea decided to visit the Bowling Alley and painted a small painting before heading to work. Once Medea and Achilles returned home the family had dinner before going to bed
  • Day 14

    Things were unusually quiet in Appaloosa Plains with the Molyneux Family, except everyone wanted to go to the bathroom at the same time, however, planning permission have been granted to a number of Lots in the town due to an influx of new families. The Matthews Family and the Rawlinson Family are amongst those taking the opportunity to move into Appaloosa Plains

  • Days 15 and 16

    Day 15 passed by without incident, though the teens met the new students, Naomi Matthews and the twins Jussi and Savannah Rawlinson, and the kids learning to salute at Scouts. Late on Day 15, the sink broke, prompting Achilles Molyneux to repair the sink as soon as he woke up on Day 16. Of course, Medea decided to make some pancakes. Getting out the ingredients, she mixed the flour, eggs and water and poured it into the pan. Minutes later, disaster struck as the stove quickly caught flames

    Upon seeing the fire, Achilles grabbed the extinguisher and put it out. After putting the fire out, Saturn and Rhea Molyneux decided that they had enough food and threw the leftovers away. Medea rolled a wish to get into the Forensic Science Branch, and I decided to let her have it as the kids went to school. Unfortunately, Achilles and Medea's Field Trip to the Science Facility was cancelled, as the chaperone couldn't make it. Meanwhile, the flyers for a Political Campaign being delivered successfully saw Saturn Molyneux get Promoted. As soon as he returned home, he cleaned the fridge out before surfing the web for a few hours. Medea went to Benni Hennessey's house after school, while Achilles went home and prepared some Autumn Salad. As soon as he finished the Autumn Salad the kids and Medea returned home and all except youngest son Ajax ate dinner together. Rhea and Achilles went to bed while Medea, Saturn and Daphne tidied up before going to bed

    The stove
  • Days 17 and 18

    Overnight, a few members of the Molyneux Family had a strange dream, with eldest son Achilles dreaming of a fire

    But weird dreams wasn't the only thing that happened on Day 17, as the kids, Ajax and Daphne, both went on a Field Trip

    While the kids were on a Field Trip, both Achilles and Medea received a Prom Notification for Friday. As Medea was at her Part-Time job on Friday, it would only be Achilles who will go to Prom. As the teenagers left school a Paparazzi was hanging round outside the school building

    Back at home, Saturn and Rhea were relaxing, Saturn painting and Rhea reading the newspaper. None of them noticed a young horse running by

    Very soon, the youngest kids returned from their Field Trip. The teens did their homework before the family went to bed. Overnight, two more Families moved into Appaloosa Plains: The Hamilton Family and the McNarama Family.

    Thursday morning saw chaos, with the school bus leaving both Medea and Ajax at home, forcing the two to make their way to school. At school, Achilles and Daphne were looking forward to meeting the new students

    Neither Achilles or Medea met the new teens, but Daphne did meet Orion Hamilton, one of the new students.

    Medea ended up missing work due to traffic, and she was scolded as soon as she returned home

    The fridge was running low on leftovers, and so Achilles decided to cook up some Autumn Salad

    After having dinner, the family went to bed, however, overnight Medea became friends with Jussi Rawlinson, a boy in her class. There was still the small matter of Prom

    The last screenshot of the day

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