11 years ago
The Monroe Legacy - Gen. 4 Chapter 12-1 - Paying the Price - Updated Feb 2021
The Monroe Legacy is the story of the unknown other Monroe girl, Marilyn's long-lost sister Marlie who grew up in the system and whose life is out of control when she discovers her true identity. When tragedy strikes she runs away and vows to reclaim the family name and to live the full and happy life that her parents stole from Marilyn. Marlie soon realises that nothing is as it seems and that starting over might not be an easy thing to do.
Start from the beginning here -
Or find the chapter index here

Overweight, underskilled and penniless Marlie's legacy begins at http://themonroelegacy.blogspot.co.uk/
Let me know if you decide to read along - it's my first go at blogging a legacy and I'm pretty excited!
Start from the beginning here -
Or find the chapter index here

Overweight, underskilled and penniless Marlie's legacy begins at http://themonroelegacy.blogspot.co.uk/
Let me know if you decide to read along - it's my first go at blogging a legacy and I'm pretty excited!