I've always loved this painting - a sunset along the riverbank and I always make a point of having my Sim take the best one to hang up on the family wall. That and the Norman Rockwell-esque snowy cabin painting.
These two paintings give me the creeps and I always make a point of selling them off as quickly as they're completed. Not in my Sims' houses.
If I can figure out how to get photos turned into artworks...that my Sims can paint; that would be great. :D
Here's a few that I want to use... (yes, I'm a photographer). and these are my own...
As soon as I figure out how to set up my mods/packages folders. I'll set about figuring out how to make my Sims create my photographic works as paintings. (wife gets ready with pin to puncture my ego). :D
This is yet another one. I want to see painted by River or my ISS. :D
Both River (McIrish - yes, that River) and ISS have maxed out their Painting Skill to Lev. 10. River wanted to become a Master of the Arts and ISS became an Illustrious Author. Both Lifetime Wishes have Painting Mastery required.