Forum Discussion
4 years agoSeasoned Ace
P.S: Nudity ahead.
Chapter 3.6 – Isaac the prankster
The Offspring – Original Prankster
You can do it!
Until the break of dawn
Life, Life
And I quote by the letter
Time, Time
Prozac can make it better
Noise, Noise,
Any kind will do
Can you feel it slip away
Well it's all on you
Crime, Crime
Rockin' like Janet Reno
Time, Time
18 and life in Chino
Freud, Freud,
All along it's true
Well, you see the common day catches up to you
First day of rainy season and Aaron is in his 3rd year in this world. Natalie has the day off, which means plenty of time to teach Aaron some necessary life skills, such as walking. Well, it would have been, if his day hadn't been switched around to sleeping during the day and staying awake during the night... So instead she must put him to bed... he just has to sleep first.
Natalie on her own, did unfortunately not make enough money to buy new and better household appliances, nor did she have enough interest in handiness to perform upgrades herself, which meant that they would frequently break, bringing about costly repairs which was a constant drain on the little families financial resources.
And Isaac thinks its a good idea to ask the repair man to read for him, which leaves Natalie to do the job herself anyway. 50 simoleons for a bedtime story.. the only time Isaac could imagine he had something that resembled a father figure...
Even though it is a little more than three years ago since her bathtub got stolen, Natalie from time to time still remembers the burglary. She looks adamant to not let that happen again!
It is satisfying to see that nowadays she is not letting young Aaron stay hungry for long, and even seems happy to feed him. Lets hope it stays that way.
Mother and son playing with each their toy. They are a little adorable after all, aren't they?
As the narrator was taking a view around town, a ghost was spotted. This is Nicolay Gulkishar-Eng, Natalies human grandfather. Humans live a lot shorter lives compared to angels, that's why some grandparents and even great grandparents may still be alive, while others are dead..
"So so Billy, little plush toy.... you just stay up here while momma goes downstairs for a while..."
Isaac is a brave boy biking to school in the rainy and stormy weather. For some reason, the school bus doesn't always seem to go by their area.
He had also signed up for the art club as an after school activity, and was very proud of the painting he had brought home.
Jardar Fjelldal, one of the human babysitters, seemed to think it was a marvelous piece of work, too. Maybe Aaron's older brother has a future in art?
I just thought this was a good shot of the family. :)
And young Aaron has mastered everything he can on the xylophone. Maybe one day he will be the creator of wicked symphonies. Potentially a strong creative force, these brothers. Well, we'll see.
Elsewhere around town, people were starting to struggle finding homes to buy as the historical towns area was limited to within the walls surrounding the town. To preserve its historical look, the town council has forbidden any high rise buildings, or buildings with more then two floors to be built. It was an important heritage site for the Dreamland nation. New homes were being built according to regulations on the edges of the town, close to the wall on any available space found, but it was hardly enough to meet the demands of young families wanting a place to settle down.
At the onset of the dry season and near the end of Aaron's third year of existance, Natalies coworkers had celebrated her 1-year anniversary working at The Zombie Restaurant, and her boss had given her a bonus. Natalie used some of the extra cash to invest in a new and better, more expensive toilet, as the old one had acquired the habit of breaking way to often.
She had also invested in a new costume chest for the kids. Aaron and Billy were to young to make use of it yet, but Isaac had great fun dressing up as an astronaut, among many other things. Natalie had wanted to buy one ever since she got rid of that pesky teddy bear, and finally she found the means to get one. Atleast her kids should have toys.....
It was no hassle for the kids in town to ride their bikes to school during the fair weather of the dry season.
Oh, yes. Setting up a trap for mom before she has to use the toilet, you little fiendish one. I like it! ;)
But mom didn't...
Isaac followed up by setting up a trap on the sink as well, and that was the last drop for Natalie.
Natalie: Ok, that does it.. time out for you! Go face the wall!
Parents, they're so unfair, right?
Aaron just learned how to walk. Well, at almost four years old, that was about time. Now you just have to teach him to use the potty and talk.. In about two years time, he will have his first day at school. Hurry up, mom!
Because of Isaac's new tendency to pull pranks, Natalie had decided she wanted to send him to Fort Sterck boarding school. Maybe that would shape him up a little. However, that cost 800 simoleons which she thought she couldn't afford at the moment, so she had to save them up first.
In between work and playing with the doll house, she did find some time to give Aaron the necessary potty training. The next task on her to do list. Looks like Aaron just created a stinker!
In the afternoons when Natalie was working at the restaurant, and the babysitter was upstairs taking care of Aaron and Billy, Isaac saw his moment to plant another trap.
Isaac: Ho ho ho, this will teach mom to tell me to face the wall!
Boy, you must be looking for trouble..
Isaac had really gotten into painting at his after school activity, and wanted to paint more, but he had not dared to ask his mom for an easel, as she knew they were struggling with money. But he knew there were some for public use at the library.
Natalie was happy when she flew home from work that night. Her hard work and cooking skills had landed her a promotion to vegetable cutter (rank 3 of the cooking career) and earned her a bonus of 384 simoleons. Almost half the sum needed to send Isaac to boarding school. And speaking of Isaac, shouldn't he have been home by now?
When Natalie went to be for the night, Isaac had just finished his painting, and was on his way. He would better hope the police didn't catch him, as that would probably give him more trouble at home, and boarding school would definately be the next step.
Made it! Now go to bed before momma notices you've been out.
One beatiful saturday morning...
Natalie: Huh? What's this? Why does my hair feel so strange?
Natalie: Aahh!! It's all yellow! What is this!??
Natalie: I know who's gonna pay for this! ISAAC!!!
Natalie: Putting hair dye in the shower was the last drop, Isaac. I'm sending you off to boarding school!
Isaac: Mom, please! I didn't mean for you to get so angry, I just wanted to have a little fun. Don't send me to boarding school, mom. Please!
Natalie: Well, let me think about it for a second...
Natalie:... no, you need to learn a lesson. I will get the bag for you. You can start to pack it, and I will enroll you first thing in the morning.
Isaac: Stupid boarding school...
The morning Natalie was going to send Isaac to boarding school, she remembered her ghostly experience.
Natalie: I just hope that me sending Isaac to boarding school won't make the ghost reappear... but I think I have to do it, to teach him a lesson..
Your fate is sealed now boy...
Lt. Harsch: Fort Sterck Military Boarding School, Lieatunant Harsch.
Natalie: Hi, I would like to enroll my son, Isaac Goth-Asli. I think he could need some discipline.
Lt. Harsch: Age?
Natalie: Huh?
Lt. Harsch: His age, ma'am?
Natalie: Oh, he's.. uh, seven.
Lt. Harsch: That's a little young, ma'am. Usually we only accept kids from 9 years and up. This is a military school with a strong focus on discipline and athletic skill. Are you sure you want to enroll him?
Natalie: Oh, I'm.. uh, absolutely positive.
Lt. Harsch: Ok, hold the line ma'am. I'll see what I can do.
Natalie: Thank you, sir.
Lt. Harsch: Ok, we have one spot available for him. Now, we will keep an eye on him. If we notice he is not ready yet, he will be sent home. Do you accept?
Natalie: I accept, sir.
Lt. Harsch: Good. We will send a taxi to pick him up on monday morning at 09:00 sharp. Make sure he has his bag packed with warm and water proof clothes and all necessary essentials.
Natalie: Thank you, sir.
Lt. Harsch: You're welcome. Have a nice day, ma'am.
And the next morning, off he went.. and now it was just Natalie, Aaron and Billy in the house.
Chapter 3.7 - the Forest Witch?
Chapter 3.6 – Isaac the prankster
The Offspring – Original Prankster
You can do it!
Until the break of dawn
Life, Life
And I quote by the letter
Time, Time
Prozac can make it better
Noise, Noise,
Any kind will do
Can you feel it slip away
Well it's all on you
Crime, Crime
Rockin' like Janet Reno
Time, Time
18 and life in Chino
Freud, Freud,
All along it's true
Well, you see the common day catches up to you
There are some references in this song not immediately obvious to a European like me, such as Chino being a male only prison in California and Janet Reno a judge. So to me this song is kind of about a kid whose future lies in living a life of crime... of course, lets not hope it goes that way!
First day of rainy season and Aaron is in his 3rd year in this world. Natalie has the day off, which means plenty of time to teach Aaron some necessary life skills, such as walking. Well, it would have been, if his day hadn't been switched around to sleeping during the day and staying awake during the night... So instead she must put him to bed... he just has to sleep first.
Natalie on her own, did unfortunately not make enough money to buy new and better household appliances, nor did she have enough interest in handiness to perform upgrades herself, which meant that they would frequently break, bringing about costly repairs which was a constant drain on the little families financial resources.
And Isaac thinks its a good idea to ask the repair man to read for him, which leaves Natalie to do the job herself anyway. 50 simoleons for a bedtime story.. the only time Isaac could imagine he had something that resembled a father figure...
Even though it is a little more than three years ago since her bathtub got stolen, Natalie from time to time still remembers the burglary. She looks adamant to not let that happen again!
It is satisfying to see that nowadays she is not letting young Aaron stay hungry for long, and even seems happy to feed him. Lets hope it stays that way.
Mother and son playing with each their toy. They are a little adorable after all, aren't they?
As the narrator was taking a view around town, a ghost was spotted. This is Nicolay Gulkishar-Eng, Natalies human grandfather. Humans live a lot shorter lives compared to angels, that's why some grandparents and even great grandparents may still be alive, while others are dead..
"So so Billy, little plush toy.... you just stay up here while momma goes downstairs for a while..."
Isaac is a brave boy biking to school in the rainy and stormy weather. For some reason, the school bus doesn't always seem to go by their area.
He had also signed up for the art club as an after school activity, and was very proud of the painting he had brought home.
Jardar Fjelldal, one of the human babysitters, seemed to think it was a marvelous piece of work, too. Maybe Aaron's older brother has a future in art?
I just thought this was a good shot of the family. :)
And young Aaron has mastered everything he can on the xylophone. Maybe one day he will be the creator of wicked symphonies. Potentially a strong creative force, these brothers. Well, we'll see.
Elsewhere around town, people were starting to struggle finding homes to buy as the historical towns area was limited to within the walls surrounding the town. To preserve its historical look, the town council has forbidden any high rise buildings, or buildings with more then two floors to be built. It was an important heritage site for the Dreamland nation. New homes were being built according to regulations on the edges of the town, close to the wall on any available space found, but it was hardly enough to meet the demands of young families wanting a place to settle down.
At the onset of the dry season and near the end of Aaron's third year of existance, Natalies coworkers had celebrated her 1-year anniversary working at The Zombie Restaurant, and her boss had given her a bonus. Natalie used some of the extra cash to invest in a new and better, more expensive toilet, as the old one had acquired the habit of breaking way to often.
She had also invested in a new costume chest for the kids. Aaron and Billy were to young to make use of it yet, but Isaac had great fun dressing up as an astronaut, among many other things. Natalie had wanted to buy one ever since she got rid of that pesky teddy bear, and finally she found the means to get one. Atleast her kids should have toys.....
It was no hassle for the kids in town to ride their bikes to school during the fair weather of the dry season.
Oh, yes. Setting up a trap for mom before she has to use the toilet, you little fiendish one. I like it! ;)
But mom didn't...
Isaac followed up by setting up a trap on the sink as well, and that was the last drop for Natalie.
Natalie: Ok, that does it.. time out for you! Go face the wall!
Parents, they're so unfair, right?
Aaron just learned how to walk. Well, at almost four years old, that was about time. Now you just have to teach him to use the potty and talk.. In about two years time, he will have his first day at school. Hurry up, mom!
Because of Isaac's new tendency to pull pranks, Natalie had decided she wanted to send him to Fort Sterck boarding school. Maybe that would shape him up a little. However, that cost 800 simoleons which she thought she couldn't afford at the moment, so she had to save them up first.
In between work and playing with the doll house, she did find some time to give Aaron the necessary potty training. The next task on her to do list. Looks like Aaron just created a stinker!
In the afternoons when Natalie was working at the restaurant, and the babysitter was upstairs taking care of Aaron and Billy, Isaac saw his moment to plant another trap.
Isaac: Ho ho ho, this will teach mom to tell me to face the wall!
Boy, you must be looking for trouble..
Isaac had really gotten into painting at his after school activity, and wanted to paint more, but he had not dared to ask his mom for an easel, as she knew they were struggling with money. But he knew there were some for public use at the library.
Natalie was happy when she flew home from work that night. Her hard work and cooking skills had landed her a promotion to vegetable cutter (rank 3 of the cooking career) and earned her a bonus of 384 simoleons. Almost half the sum needed to send Isaac to boarding school. And speaking of Isaac, shouldn't he have been home by now?
When Natalie went to be for the night, Isaac had just finished his painting, and was on his way. He would better hope the police didn't catch him, as that would probably give him more trouble at home, and boarding school would definately be the next step.
Made it! Now go to bed before momma notices you've been out.
One beatiful saturday morning...
Natalie: Huh? What's this? Why does my hair feel so strange?
Natalie: Aahh!! It's all yellow! What is this!??
Natalie: I know who's gonna pay for this! ISAAC!!!
Natalie: Putting hair dye in the shower was the last drop, Isaac. I'm sending you off to boarding school!
Isaac: Mom, please! I didn't mean for you to get so angry, I just wanted to have a little fun. Don't send me to boarding school, mom. Please!
Natalie: Well, let me think about it for a second...
Natalie:... no, you need to learn a lesson. I will get the bag for you. You can start to pack it, and I will enroll you first thing in the morning.
Isaac: Stupid boarding school...
The morning Natalie was going to send Isaac to boarding school, she remembered her ghostly experience.
Natalie: I just hope that me sending Isaac to boarding school won't make the ghost reappear... but I think I have to do it, to teach him a lesson..
Your fate is sealed now boy...
Lt. Harsch: Fort Sterck Military Boarding School, Lieatunant Harsch.
Natalie: Hi, I would like to enroll my son, Isaac Goth-Asli. I think he could need some discipline.
Lt. Harsch: Age?
Natalie: Huh?
Lt. Harsch: His age, ma'am?
Natalie: Oh, he's.. uh, seven.
Lt. Harsch: That's a little young, ma'am. Usually we only accept kids from 9 years and up. This is a military school with a strong focus on discipline and athletic skill. Are you sure you want to enroll him?
Natalie: Oh, I'm.. uh, absolutely positive.
Lt. Harsch: Ok, hold the line ma'am. I'll see what I can do.
Natalie: Thank you, sir.
Lt. Harsch: Ok, we have one spot available for him. Now, we will keep an eye on him. If we notice he is not ready yet, he will be sent home. Do you accept?
Natalie: I accept, sir.
Lt. Harsch: Good. We will send a taxi to pick him up on monday morning at 09:00 sharp. Make sure he has his bag packed with warm and water proof clothes and all necessary essentials.
Natalie: Thank you, sir.
Lt. Harsch: You're welcome. Have a nice day, ma'am.
And the next morning, off he went.. and now it was just Natalie, Aaron and Billy in the house.
Chapter 3.7 - the Forest Witch?
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