Forum Discussion

Simologist's avatar
5 years ago

The Sims 3 On Steam

I've heard that The Sims 3 somehow runs smoother when it's downloaded from Steam and I've really been thinking about trying it out. However the only problem is I already have all of the expansion packs on origin and I've heard that transferring it from Origin to Steam wont make much of a difference, and I really don't have the money to repurchase every single pack again. BUT, I also remembered that I still have all of the discs.

So my question is if I transfer it from disc form and put it on my Steam account will it have the same effect as purchasing it?
  • "kendallran;d-969737" wrote:

    So my question is if I transfer it from disc form and put it on my Steam account will it have the same effect as purchasing it?

    No that won't work. But right now the Sims 3 and all it's EP's and SP's are on Sale at Steam you could probably buy all of it for a little over $100.

    Since I don't play on Steam (I have the discs) @igazor could probably answer better on it.
  • "kendallran;d-969737" wrote:
    I've heard that The Sims 3 somehow runs smoother when it's downloaded from Steam and I've really been thinking about trying it out. However the only problem is I already have all of the expansion packs on origin and I've heard that transferring it from Origin to Steam wont make much of a difference, and I really don't have the money to repurchase every single pack again. BUT, I also remembered that I still have all of the discs.

    So my question is if I transfer it from disc form and put it on my Steam account will it have the same effect as purchasing it?

    Where did you hear that, and from whom? If you mean compared to an Origin install there might be some truth to it, I don't know, but not compared to an all disc install, which is what I have myself.

    Transferring the game from Origin, or your discs, to Steam is not possible, so you can forget that.

    If you already have all the TS3 discs why not just use them instead of going through the trouble and extra cost of buying the game again on Steam? :confused:
  • "SuzyCue72;c-17331513" wrote:
    "kendallran;d-969737" wrote:
    I've heard that The Sims 3 somehow runs smoother when it's downloaded from Steam and I've really been thinking about trying it out. However the only problem is I already have all of the expansion packs on origin and I've heard that transferring it from Origin to Steam wont make much of a difference, and I really don't have the money to repurchase every single pack again. BUT, I also remembered that I still have all of the discs.

    So my question is if I transfer it from disc form and put it on my Steam account will it have the same effect as purchasing it?

    Where did you hear that, and from whom? If you mean compared to an Origin install there might be some truth to it, I don't know, but not compared to an all disc install, which is what I have myself.

    They can bypass the Steam Overlay with the TS3W shortcut just like a disc installation with a pre-2012 Base Game disc.

    "SuzyCue72;c-17331513" wrote:
    If you already have all the TS3 discs why not just use them instead of going through the trouble and extra cost of buying the game again on Steam? :confused:

    If they don't have a pre-2012 Base Game disc their still stuck getting tied to Origin and forced to use Origin to run the game which is probably what they don't want.

  • "SuzyCue72;c-17331513" wrote:
    "kendallran;d-969737" wrote:
    I've heard that The Sims 3 somehow runs smoother when it's downloaded from Steam and I've really been thinking about trying it out. However the only problem is I already have all of the expansion packs on origin and I've heard that transferring it from Origin to Steam wont make much of a difference, and I really don't have the money to repurchase every single pack again. BUT, I also remembered that I still have all of the discs.

    So my question is if I transfer it from disc form and put it on my Steam account will it have the same effect as purchasing it?

    Where did you hear that, and from whom? If you mean compared to an Origin install there might be some truth to it, I don't know, but not compared to an all disc install, which is what I have myself.

    Transferring the game from Origin, or your discs, to Steam is not possible, so you can forget that.

    If you already have all the TS3 discs why not just use them instead of going through the trouble and extra cost of buying the game again on Steam? :confused:

    I've seen on Twitter that supposedly Origin runs the Sims 3 on the latest patch (1.69), which caused a lot of lag. I think Steam however runs the game on the patch before that and it runs more smoothly. I've also looked into a little bit and others have said the same thing, which is why I'm interested.

    "ScottDemon;c-17331433" wrote:
    "kendallran;d-969737" wrote:

    So my question is if I transfer it from disc form and put it on my Steam account will it have the same effect as purchasing it?

    No that won't work. But right now the Sims 3 and all it's EP's and SP's are on Sale at Steam you could probably buy all of it for a little over $100.

    Since I don't play on Steam (I have the discs) @igazor could probably answer better on it.

    I was hoping it wouldn't come down to repurchasing, I'm only 16 and I don't have the money at the time. I think i'm just gonna find work arounds to the lag and stick with what I have now :blush: Thank you for this info!
  • "kendallran;c-17331548" wrote:
    I've seen on Twitter that supposedly Origin runs the Sims 3 on the latest patch (1.69), which caused a lot of lag. I think Steam however runs the game on the patch before that and it runs more smoothly. I've also looked into a little bit and others have said the same thing, which is why I'm interested.

    "ScottDemon;c-17331433" wrote:
    "kendallran;d-969737" wrote:

    So my question is if I transfer it from disc form and put it on my Steam account will it have the same effect as purchasing it?

    No that won't work. But right now the Sims 3 and all it's EP's and SP's are on Sale at Steam you could probably buy all of it for a little over $100.

    Since I don't play on Steam (I have the discs) @igazor could probably answer better on it.

    I was hoping it wouldn't come down to repurchasing, I'm only 16 and I don't have the money at the time. I think i'm just gonna find work arounds to the lag and stick with what I have now :blush: Thank you for this info!

    I wouldn't believe what was said on Twitter. The game lags no more on patch 1.69 as it did on 1.67 almost everyone I ran into that has said it does lag more with patch 1.69 also forgot to go back and redo the steps needed to make the game run better with modern hardware such as making sure the graphics card is properly recognized and capping the FPS as the game doen't have a built in limiter.

    I ran patch 1.69 on my backup computer as I was helping a modder with getting the core mod he made updated to 1.69 since all core mods and only core mods needed to be updated.

  • The two patch levels, 1.69/Origin and 1.67/Steam or Disc, are identical under the hood except for their internal build numbers. The only real differences are the ways in which the game starts up and where the install files are located and accounted for in the Windows Registry -- this last part is why Steam and Origin/disc cannot be mixed and matched, the two forms of authentication are totally different. One reason many players, including me, feel that 1.67 runs more smoothly is that it's much easier/faster to start up with a Launcher bypass, which is not possible on 1.69, and then Origin itself doesn't need to be part of the picture nor continue to run after the game starts so that's one less source of overhead. Another reason is that 1.67 doesn't have the Packs and Stuff chooser screen, which so often likes to play hide and seek with our properly installed EP/SPs, thus wasting even more time while we work through whatever it is that is temporarily blocking the ones we need to play with.

    And off-topic I guess, but before I switched over and repurchased on Steam myself during one of these deep discount sales, if I had to watch one more screen telling me how phenomenally "fast" Origin is to update when that very update processing was what was preventing me from getting into my game efficiently (or at all), I was about ready to do something horrible to my computer other than yet again rolling my eyes at it.

    Once up and running though, and after accounting for Core Mods of which there are only six in popular usage for those who use mods at all, the game shouldn't really play any differently on one patch vs. the other in this case. The last meaningful patch we got for this game was 1.66, that was mostly the final post-ITF bug fixes, and most players have moved on past that long ago.
  • Actually I have the Origin/1.69 version of TS3 on one of my 15,6" laptops, and I know that there are often problems/delay with getting it started, having to first sign in to Origin and then wait several minutes for the Launcher to open instead of just clicking the convenient shortcut, and also the hassle with expansion packs not being recognized properly etc. But once the game is running I don't think there are any noticable differences compared to the disc/1.67 version.
  • karritz's avatar
    New Spectator
    If I had to deal with the 1.69 loading issues I would have stopped playing at all years ago. I am happily playing on 1.67 and will continue to do that until my discs cease to work. Then I’ll move on and do something else with my time.
  • > @ScottDemon said:
    > (Quote)
    > I wouldn't believe what was said on Twitter. The game lags no more on patch 1.69 as it did on 1.67 almost everyone I ran into that has said it does lag more with patch 1.69 also forgot to go back and redo the steps needed to make the game run better with modern hardware such as making sure the graphics card is properly recognized and capping the FPS as the game doen't have a built in limiter.
    > I ran patch 1.69 on my backup computer as I was helping a modder with getting the core mod he made updated to 1.69 since all core mods and only core mods needed to be updated.

    You can simply subscribe to EA Play and play the sims franchise for free.....