Chapter Three – The Grim Arrival.
The boys have finally arrived to the University, after a long and tiresome trek to a whole new world and adventure, that awaits them.
“Oh this place burns” sniggers Dakota, while he stares at Michael who is dumb struck and staring at the entrance door like a stuffed mullet.
“Oi Douche…. We aren’t brothers… you got it!” snaps Dakota
“huh…. Oh whatever Koda I don’t care….” “This.. place is soo big… “ Michael whispers with a hard swallow, as he’s continues to blink and soak in every little detail he possibly can, dismissing his brothers arrogance.
“Well …you can stand here all day if you like, I'm going to book my room so don’t think about stealing a double bed……. that’s for me.. “ Dakota boasts as he runs off to grab himself a room.
Michael finally gets the courage to make his way inside and finds the foyer full of students all chatting and meeting one another, he quickly walks past them to find a room where he could leave his belongings and begin to familiarize himself with his new home to be for the year.
Dakota wasted no time to find something to eat from the kitchen; he was famished the long trip took a lot of his energy and with little time to stop to eat, he couldn’t get the food down quick enough.
“What the plum is this rubbish” he cried out as he tried to stop himself from spitting out the bit of food he had consumed.
“Yuck” he managed to say, thumping his chest to dislodge the vile microwave meal he was eating.
“I hope this is not the rubbish we have to live off” he thought to himself as he got up to go amuse himself around the dorm.
Michael was starving too and as he sat down to eat his meal, he watched one of the roomies… eating like an animal, he sat there staring impolitely almost intrigued, yet disgusted in the manner he was eating in.
"It’s rude to stare.. nom nom nom… you know… slurp slurp slurp…” said Lido who was inhaling his food in an cannibalistic manner.
“oh um…. Sorry… um no offense” blushed Michael still staring…. “… but …. Why are you not using your hands ..”? he said innocently, yet realizing how stupid he sounded.
“Bahhhh you newbie humans have no idea” Lido growled as he leapt off the chair and scattered out the room.
Michael had lost his appetite, cleaned up his mess and went back to his dorm room where he could be alone…. Repeating the words ‘you humans…’ in his head.
What was Lido he wondered… was he another one of those ‘beings’ his father disallowed them to talk about….. ‘the supernaturals’… could they still exist? Were there more of them? He was trying to work out in his mind, coming to university, was not only a long way from home, but a whole new life form… either way he couldn’t shake the weird feeling lurking inside his entire body.
Dakota decided to be useful in socialization with his new roomies…and get up to his selfish shenanigans.
“Hey I'm Koda and you rrrr…..”
“Melanie, but you can call me Mel…… so what you studying here”, she asked
“Ummm…” Dakota had to think for a minute what he was really here for
“… ummm girl….s.. I mean ….. Business, umm…… you” he quickly asked almost embarrassing himself, although he wasn’t really here for school…and certainly not interested in chit chat either, he had a reputation to build and that was his goal.
“You’re cute…” he heard her say through all the babbling which he took no interest in what she was saying , but tried not to continue to stare at her cleavage.
“Huh…oh… haha” he blushed and chuckled
“Well…. so are you…” he replied flirtatiously trying to give her some form of eye contact.
“Actually you’re pretty ... no….um hot…” he corrected himself quickly.
Melanie leaned over and whispered in his ear…. “Hey you know University has it’s reputations … right… ummm, like we can try the showers out…. If you know what I mean….” She giggled as she waited for a response.
Dakota’s swallowed hard at how forward she was, yet thrilled he didn’t have to work hard on getting a kiss let alone some action.
“Heck yeah” he said as Melanie pulled him towards her and they performed their tonsil hockey
“Follow meeee….” she said as she raced him up the stairs.
Dakota joined Mel for a shower, he chuckled to himself thinking “ahh this is the life I want to live, girls girls…. tarts…I mean girls.... I love university, fun and parties oh the parties… and girls” he grinned from ear to ear to himself. He had finally found his home coming.
Michael was enjoying his time alone in his room; he managed to find one that didn’t share with anyone so he would have his lone time. Immersed in his painting he realized he was missing his Ma and life on the Ranch…. He was getting home sick, he knew he had to make his family proud so he would do the best he could in studying hard and coming home with great results, he sighed knowing a year was a long time away…. He continued to paint and suppressed the painful feeling that throbbed in his chest.
The boys set off on their bicycles to attend the ‘meet and greet’… both enjoying the sights and smells of campus atmosphere.
Michael was enjoying the campus sights, meanwhile Dakota was grinning knowing he just had some fun and was craving for more ‘bay boy’ behavior. Neither spoke nor was there a reason to, both were so different in their manners and ways. The only comfort was that they did have one another, a reminder of home.
When they got to the student Union building Michael instantly found an easel and started to paint, he collected the freebies and enjoyed listening to the chatter of the room around him but shared no interest in joining in any conversations with anyone, just his paint and paint brushes, where he could use his imagination and create a world he only saw in his head.
He was given all his books and things he needed for class, he decided to sit down and do some sketching to prepare for his first class, as he observed another student painting, he slowly digested the atmosphere and began to slowly feel like he was settling in at his own slow pace.
He got called to come and join a table tennis game, he never played it in his life, but Brett insisted he was new to the game too. Both boys enjoyed the short sloppy game and a little chat.
“You’re either that shy or just quiet by nature” said Brett as he took his next hit.
“Not shy …… just quiet …” Michael replied trying not to feel the hotness in his face forming from embarrassment.
“Bah…….! That will change …..…... university will do that to you…. I was like you too, now I'm more outgoing…and wilder” he continued. “No one will judge you here… but you have to know your groups and who is trust worthy and who is not….” Brett continued.
Michael listened to Brett talking and nodded to his words in between hits… “I guess” he replied as he hit the ball, letting his mind go back to why he was here and yet trying to suppress this eerie feeling that was growing in his stomach.
Michael was not very confident in new friendships, he never really had a friend he could trust before, Dakota was the one who always took the lime light for them both, but he knew his closest and strongest friend was his Ma the horses and Shep. He knew deep down inside his Pa loved them all too even him, but all his life he was singled out and was called Mama's boy because his Ma always protected him. Pa always put him down... he never understood why Pa hated him so much, but he never asked either... left it to the way of the universe.
Michael felt no real desire to get involved in social groups and gatherings. He was a proud and hard worker like his ma, once he set out to do something he would focus on that goal until it was completed. Unlike Dakota who would use his quick witt to get out of things, Michael felt he was the responsible one in the family and he couldn’t help feel that this was his path through university to maintain his expectations of excellence and himself. To try to make Pa proud of him, deep down he knew Dakota would only bring shame.
Meanwhile Dakota was on the other side of the room amusing himself in socialization.
“Koda’s the name and you are?”
“Bev… u new too?”
“Yeah…” he said not wanting to engage in further chit chat.
He dived in before Bev could get another word out…
“Hey…. Oh mmmmm… ummm… ok” she managed to squeeze out
“I never had that happen to me before… “ she stumbled in her words as she tried to get her breath back
“Maaa….. Neither have I” lied Dakota.
“Here’s my number… lets hook up sometimes….”
“Sure” he said as he left and shoved her number down his pocket, smiling smugly to himself, for achieving to get another kiss in one day.
“… ahhh life of university how many girls can I kiss” he thought to himself as he made his way back to the dorm.
Michael returned to the dorm and decided to continue to practice his street art. He loved to escape real life not only through art but also in his own mind, where he alone was not judged, questioned or needed any explanations as to why he was thinking anything…he pondered and continued to miss home.
He began to wonder if he would actually feel settled in at all?, feeling the nerves, knowing that his first class would start tomorrow and he wanted to fill his brain with as much knowledge as possible.
He could hear all the chatter and noise from inside but enjoyed his time outside alone, the outdoors is a place he felt at peace and the safest, he felt better in his comfort zone than with large crowds. He knew Dakota would be enjoying his time as he was a party animal compared to him. He continued to reminisce about home and how much he was missing everyone even grumpy Pa.