The next morning Michael woke up early to refresh his mind on his course which was an hour away from starting, the nerves in his stomach were making him feel a little ill…. Until he realized he was actually really hungry and his stomach was sending out hunger pains.
He decided to make breakfast for himself, until he remembered his Ma had always said
“Son when you cook, make sure you make enough for the household…”
he thought to himself other students will probably be hungry too when they wake up. He did just that, made his favorite waffles, just like his Pa for everyone to be able to enjoy, giving him some taste of home.
As he sat down to eat in the lunch room, Melanie sat down to study before class…..
“There is fresh waffles if your hungry” he said to her, avoiding any eye contact with her and trying to keep his blushing to a minimal.
Michael was not use to seeing a girl in her negligee let alone sitting in front of him, it made him a little uneasy as the only female he’s really ever spent time talking to was Ma. He enjoyed her smell and sweet perfume he could smell, made him feel jittery and arouse his senses.
“Naw what a sweetie you are…, so ur Koda’s brother huh?” Mel asked
“Ummm nooo … “ he stumbled his words knowing Dakota stressed they weren’t related..
“Huh… “ she looked confused …
“well Koda said his little brother was here.. so I guess it’s you, it’s ok u know my sister is shy like you too”.
Michael thought to himself, slightly feeling irritated.. telling himself he's not shy, he just doesn't like big crowds and girls, well he would never tell her he never felt a girl before. He felt a little frustrated that everyone thought he was shy when he wasn’t, but refrained from responding to her as well.
Michael didn’t mean to be rude in ignoring her, but his mind was racing on filling his stomach as the count down to his first class was about to start and he didn’t want to be late, so he stared at his food and just ignored her until she left.
After cleaning up he raced upstairs to change into some clean clothes… he was feeling a little nervous with so many girls around, he started to feel, emotions and reactions he never really had time for before. He never kissed a girl, or touched one, the only female who ever hugged or kissed him was his ma… and she did that as a mother, he was finding it hard to deal with the diversity of emotions that were growing inside of him... again he was good at suppressing his feelings and did just that, hid it away in a place he could control it, it did not stop him from wondering what a female felt like…a girl that wasn’t his mom, that he could touch, to embrace….. to hold and be held... their skin….. their smell. He knew too well he could never talk to Dakota about it, so once again he locked it away in his personal vault of suppression where most of his questions were kept.
Realizing he was almost running late, he ran to his class, and started to digest how big the campus actually was. He saw a diverse array of people and … creatures… things he had never seen before, he had heard rumors at school, but never met or saw any in real life, whispers were always floating around, but Michael was not one to listen to whispers. Michael knew he was not one to judge and he concentrated on his work.
Dakota had slept in and found the dorm to himself… he raided the fridge to find waffles…
“hmmm they smell like Pa’s “ he thought to himself as he grabbed the last few and went to sit down to eat them.
“Glad my loser brother is here….” He thought to himself as he stuffed his face with comfort food.
He began to wonder to himself what he would do to kill time until some girls were out to fool around with.
He went on his own little quest to sight see and look around the campus… inspect all the hang outs… he was not interested in learning he just wanted to party and he was on a personal mission to do just that.
Dakota stopped by the gym he knew that there would always be girls there to chat up from his own town. Meanwhile he was feeling a little peckish, however he didn’t have a penny on him, he had forgot to ask Michael who was in charge of the money to give him some so he could buy something to eat.
He started to punch and shake the machine and finally got a drink and a snack bar, he knew that would last him for a while. During this time he got a text for his first party invite…
“awesome” he jumped up with glee “parteeee time..” he patted himself on the shoulder as he left the gym.
Once class was over Michael went back to his room to be alone and work on more art work. He was enjoying his first day and all the things he had learned. Realizing the diversity of ages, cultures and even supernatural beings. He never had encountered a supernatural before, Pa forbid any talk of them, he remembers his Ma telling him short secretive stories and how Pa helped out on the cull of all supernatural’s just before he was born in their neighborhood. He never knew the full story as Pa disallowed any talk of “The beings” as he use to say… although the occasional zombie would emerge, but they were few and far between these days, and Michael was not one to prey, so he dismissed ever asking.
He continued to let his mind wonder, “at least no one could live in the world he lives in with his thoughts, no one could stop him from having questions that he may never get answers to”…he couldn’t help to feel a little intrigued in “these beings” and a little intimidated at the same time as he really didn’t know much and really hated the feeling of not knowing something,.. he shrugged at his own thoughts… at least he was really enjoying his first day and concentrated on that happy feeling more than anything.
He received a text after class for a party for all newcomers, but he declined he wasn’t a party pooper he just preferred to concentrate on what he was in uni for and that was to graduate. Michael took pride in his studious nature, knowing how his family were struggling with money he was not a wasteful person and did all he could to avoid wasting anything. He knew Dakota would be at the party and breaking the rules for the both of them, he just shook his head and continued with his art work.
Dakota on the other hand just as expected was getting juiced up as much as he could, he found Bev at the party…
“Hey you wanna go for a dive…?” she urged
“Sure do” said Dakota as she helped him flip up so he could hose down the juice…..”
He went down stairs where he got invited for a game of Juice pong
“Hey I'm Lisa” she said in a raspy voice “and you are?”
“Koda “he said as he aimed to get the ball in the cup.
“Ur cute “ she quickly replied…. chuckling in amusement
“u wanna get on “she quickly added.
Dakota not even surprised at her outburst reply’s “Sure “ as he took a cup and drinks from it to get his juices flowing.
While they made out he started to feel really naughty and asked her if she wanted to take it further, being juiced up and a little blurred he knew he needed to lay down for a bit, but at the same time he would get some action.
“Sure do “’ she said…. As she lead him into one of the dorm rooms.
“you’re such a devil Koda…. Fooling around in someone elses bed…..”
They giggled and chuckled and laughed and had a great time…
He couldn’t help but smirk to himself as he left to go back to the dorm…
“so that is how many?” he thought to himself smugly.
“oh yeah, like in two days yeah babeee bring on the girls…” he strutted off in full blown Stud like fashion
Dakota got back to the dorm and was so juiced up he only had one thing on his mind… to go to bed, however as he was on his way walking through he saw Mel
“Oh Koda …… you’re umm “ hehe she giggled
“Juiced up …..” he managed to slur out of his mouth…
“I've been waiting for you “ she giggled in a flirtatious way…
“you want to cool of…..” she managed to jump in before he could answer her.
“You read my mind he “replied with a snigger, he wasn't one to knock back some fun no matter how tired he was.
“Race u to the shower….” She managed to yell out.. before she ran up the stairs
Dakota running up the stairs realized how drunk he actually was and wasn’t really in the mood but thought
“ahh what the heck another number to my tally… I'm going to be the swinger reputation with the jocks and rebels if I keep going”, he thought with pride.
The university had some social groups that students and members of the community could join if they played by the groups rules, with reaching the top of these groups, members would be granted certain titles and advances…he knew he was racing to the finish line with the rebels and jocks groups, he couldn’t stop the feeling of self satisfaction within himself.
After he had the cold shower and some fun with Mel he decided to do a loud commotion of some garbage he had heard at the students union building, about some war between the supernaturals and humans…, he really didn’t care much about it, he knew they existed but he had no desire to know or socialize with them. He continued to rant off just to enjoy the sound of his own voice, Bev stood listening, waiting for him to finish.
“Seriously Koda do you have to rant on like that “ “You know it’s a serious matter about this war and not something to joke about.” she barked
Dakota amused by her outburst, he was not one to be bothered in explanations….
“yeah what ever Bev, I was just seeing who is awake” He belly laughed to his own arrogance.
“How’s this “ Dakota said as he grabbed her in an embrace…
“Oh um.. you’re a little devil “ she giggled.
“Oh really” he said…..”I can show you a bigger devil upstairs” he giggled as he turned his head to face upstairs in a suggestive manner.
“Sure but then I need sleep” Bev replied…
“Me too “ he said as he made his way upstairs..
“follow me to my heavenly slumber…. My little princess “ he urged as he proceeded to make his way to his room and in a fore playing manner, adding a courteous bow towards her…. She played along with him…
“Why it’s a very grand slumber you have there kind sir “ Bev said in a fairy-tale kind of voice enjoying the role play.
“Welcome my princess” he said as he embraced her.
“you will be greeted with the grandest sleep, the finest breakfast and the best entertainment there is…., let me begin with the entertainment this evening….”
They both giggled as they went under the covers for some entertainment. Dakota was so tired he fell asleep immediately.
The next morning Dakota checks the fridge for more of Michael’s cooking, but no food was made, so he decides to make something, meanwhile upon receiving another text for another party he ignores the burning waffles and a fire breaks out…
“Shoooooot he yells… help hey someone the kitchen is on fire..” he dances around trying to work out how to stop it, until he finds the fire extinguisher and puts it out
“.. phew… “ he mumbles to himself…
He heads off to have a shower and clean himself up.
He decides to set out one a bike ride around the campus… his mind being on the party and having some naughty fun again. He decides to look around to see all the ‘hang outs’ and places he will be able to go to when he’s got nothing better to do.
Dakota attends the party and once again enjoys getting juiced, he realised he’s famished, drinking all the juice actually was removing his hunger pains, having eaten very little and again he had forgot to get Michael to leave him some money he wasn’t keen on a late night and after a good drink he left to his dorm.
Michael decided to take a ride around the campus to familiarise himself a bit more and just enjoy the air in his face, reminding him when he rides Apachee…. Riding around he hears students talking and laughing, he continues to ride embracing the beautiful night, finding different areas he can be alone, when he wants to escape for some quiet time. He continues to ride around and enjoys the peacefulness of his surroundings.
When Dakota got home, he found Michael was not in his room, too tired to do any socialisation tonight he heads of to his room, he finds a roommate in his bed, sounds asleep, not really caring as his fatigue has set in and he’s way too tired to wake him up, he just crawls into the bed and falls asleep instantly.
The next morning Dakota had slept in again, he went back to the gym to raid the vending machines… he knew he had to ask Michael for some money for food, and was frustrated that his parents didn’t trust him enough to give him half the money and not all to Michael. Reminding himself he knew who the favourite son was and it wasn’t him… “Michael this.. Michael that…” he angrily clenched his fists.
Dakota thought he would grab anything he could from the machine. He was starting to get bored and wondered what he would do to amuse himself with today, but first he had to have something to eat and drink…. So he had his first mission for the day.
“I’ll grab a little more today so I have spares if I don’t get to talk to Michael”, he angrily thought to himself.
“Stoopid machine give me something” he snapped as he rammed his body into the vending machine…
“Come…..oooonnnnnn” he yelled as he continued to slam and shake it… Taking turns between machines he knew one of them would give up the prize.
He crashed, he kicked, he banged….. nothing, his frustration and temper grew as did his hunger.
“Common just something you dumb machine” he snapped as he lunged into the machine…
He heard a sound.. “oh yes yes yes … come to papa…” he thought to himself as he waited for his snack.
Before he could do or say anything more the vending machine dislodged itself from the wall and came crashing down on him.
He laid there motionless…. The students who were at the Gym all stopped and came to see what happened…. He didn’t move.
Grim Reaper had arrived, everyone in the room just stared.. some disgusted and some shocked
….. Dakota laid there motionless.
Dakota rose staring…not sure what had happened but didn’t feel himself…..
Grim spoke to him in a scaly echoing voice “Dakota Fox you have been a very bad BAD boy… and as punishment you will go to the underworld”
Dakota looked and could see it was his spirit….“But but but ….” was all Dakota could say before Grim Reaper waved his Scythe and sent him to the underworld.
Michael got out of class to be given news his brother had been killed. As much as Michael and Dakota didn’t get along, Dakota was still his brother and now he was gone. He had to call home but didn’t know how to, Michael felt broken. He still liked the idea of his brother being around even If they never saw each other, or communicated… Michael felt lost and helpless. He cried out in grief…