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CharlottesMom66's avatar
7 years ago

Tomboy: A Sims 3 short story...

This story is inspired by the French movie Tomboy, my son and I watched and loved it, it doesn't follow the movie, the movie just gave me the idea for this story. There is also a bit of me in the story too as I was a severe tomboy as a child and still to this day (loads of years later) fight frilly with an iron grip. I can appreciate girly girls but will never be one.

Part 1 Joe's childhood (up to age 12):

Josephine White (Joe) was born to Gil Greene and Lena White 15 years ago, her parents were very much on again off again and never even had the urge to marry or even live together Gil lived across town and rarely took the time to see the kids. Regardless of her parents failed relationship Joe had a fairly normal happy childhood, she was a smart, sweet little girl. The only thing different about her was her hatred of all things "girly", she was a tomboy to the extreme. Her baby sister Nanni was born 8 years later, her father put everything he could into "keeping this one a female" every time he saw the baby, which wasn't very often. Gil tended to place blame with Lena for having "a messed up kid" as Gil openly called Joe on several occasions. Lena was not however worried about her daughter's tomboy tendencies in both her clothing choices or the way she acted, she had a feeling it was a phase as it was with her when she was a young girl.

Gil and Joe were at odds ever since the day he told her she would be wearing "girls clothes" to school from then on...

"You don't even live with us father, what do you care what I wear to school?"

"I want you to be presentable and to look like a girl Joe..."

"I don't see anything wrong with the way she dresses Gil..."

"Just have her try on some of the stuff I picked out for her..."

"Fine! Joe just go try on the clothes your father picked out for you..."

"Fine!!" she yelled as she stomped into her room.

She came out dressed in the girly dress her father picked out for her...

she scowled openly..."Mother I feel like a mo*ron!!"

"Maybe if you put your hair up, try pigtails...and try on the other outfit"

'fine but I'm gonna hate it...this is so stupid...' she muttered under her she slammed her bedroom door and changed.

she looked at her work in the mirror and was not a happy camper...

"Moooooother" she whined..."I feel like a je*rk!! You know I hate all this girly cr*ap!"

"Why do I have to wear this stuff, why does dad care what I look like, he sees me twice a month what does he care what I look like...??"

"You don't have to wear that stuff if you don't want to honey, we won't be seeing your father anymore after today anyways I decided we don't need a bully like him in our lives anymore, he was never a dad to you anyways.."

Joe yanked the pigtail elastics out of her hair and muttered 'good!' "But mom won't you miss him, I don't want you to leave him just because he's bossy and hates me..."

"Joe he doesn't hate you! He's just bossy and thinks his way is the only right way.. and no I'm not going to miss him, we were barely even a couple."

With that Joe ran into her room and changed back into "her" clothes...she piled the girly stuff in the back of the drawer and hoped to never touch any of it ever again.

She then ran back out and gave her mom a huge hug..."Thank you for being my mom!"

"No problem at all honey, I love you just as you are.."


Joe was popular with the other kids, none of them passed any judgment on her about her looks, they just considered her "Joe" a good friend and happy kid.

Jonathan was Joe's best friend, but she hung around with 4 other kids...none of whom gave a second thought to how she looked.

She was Much happier after her father figure disappeared from her life, her mother seemed to relax a great deal after she told Gil to stay away from her and the kids.

Gil however was not thrilled and didn't like being told what to do...nobody would keep him away from his kids.


  • cocokayla's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    @charlottesmom Gil comes off as a very intimidating man. But it's good that Lena has enough good sense to keep him away. She's a good mother and I love how accepting she is of Joe's choices. I was a bit in between growing up, I was never a full tomboy but hated clothes shopping and doing my hair up nice etc. I'm a lot more girlish now than I ever was before! Joe has good friends. I'm a bit worried of what Gil will do now. I hope he doesn't do anything to get Lena out of the way :frowning:
  • Told ya it was short! :o

    It’s actually on hiatus for a bit, I have enough material for a few more updates but want to play out the whole story before I post, as I’m busy finishing up two more of my stories. :smiley: