"Siiiiiiiiiimss3;d-990356" wrote:
one of our family townie had 7 babies within 3 days! but they don’t even live with her they live w the dad, ! she wasn’t pregant , it’s happened too fast ,didnt get the stories so it must be a glitch!! something to do w story progression !!
what do i do?
also thought maybe it’s just a glitch in the family teee but then i visited the dad and there were 7 babies on the floor screaming !!
I remember this bug. Yes babies popping up everywhere. Stiles McGraw (loner) when I moved him into his own place. Thornton Wolff (dislikes children) when I spilt him from Morgana etc. ???. Every few days they’d have a baby when looking through the houses via Edit Town. ???. I had to check every play.
Haven’t had it in a while since the last Sims 3 update a couple of years back.
I always pick a townie each save and place in my Sim bin, then they’re there to ‘pick up’ each new baby via manage households then I delete them all. I imagine my Sim calling them for help. Then redo when required.
I know in Sims 2 you couldn’t just delete Sims that were played due to the memory system but I never had a problem in Sims 3. Although I never keep my towns long. I don’t know if my way would work for you. Always back up your saves.
NRaas would be good as well. ?
Now it’s checking cars. Unplayed Sims keep getting cars so I’m switching households more often to delete cars given. Also taking them out around town and reducing car park spaces. ?