@Jillbg Already mentioned how great your makeovers are,I am wiping my slobber off the screen from the Kim girls. :D Rei Matsuri is a cutie and like Betty is a good girl so no putting her in hot tubs with gross sims. :rage: Sun is the best period but told you that your Hui was the best makeover.Also Sun Young Kim in real life would be Cheryl Burke from dancing with the stars.Back when the show first started and she had some smexy thickness on her.Now she is starting to get to thin.Just look at older Cheryl Burke pics it is Sun Young Kim.
@Charlottesmom I love Illiana she is a pretty sim and you made her look younger just by giving her a makeover.That is quite impressive. :) That look is good for her.She of course pulls off the businesswoman look but I am really liking the casual look.I think we both abuse that hairstyle :D It is so good it is hard not to want to use it on everybody.
Am going to go in game after eating my dinner and do a few makeovers.