Forum Discussion

Rflong7's avatar
New Vanguard
13 years ago

Twikkii Island Remake =]

Twikkii Island

TS2 remake]Here are a few.

HappySimmer3- donated several Creative and Wonderful lots, too.

I have the recreated Twikkii Island lots uploaded to this Account

CAW files:
(Click on Pictures to download)

  • Played Twikkii island for an hour yesterday evening (ran out of time). I just love it and all the sweet memories of Sims 2 Bon Voyage popped into my mind. :D
    All what misses is an appropriate expansion pack from EA which brings us all the neat things back.
    Please EA, World Adventures hasn't really been a vacation addon. :(
  • vampires_xoxo wrote:
    Hi! Thank you soooo much for making it for me! :). I hope i wasn't being to much of a bother for you with all the requests for it but it looks even better than ts2 version! i even noticed how you put the tropical apartments and the broken bridge sorta thing on the beach!!! Thankyou!!! I'm just worried because when i downloaded you're legacy island world half way through every time i was loading it a message came up saying that it couldn't finish and i had to shut my game down but i will try!!! I can't wait to download but can't right now cause i used up all our internet :oops: but so excited to test it out!! Again hope i wasn't to much of a bother! :)


    Do you happen to have all the Expansions? Which ones do you have and I'll see what I can do in the world... :)
  • This is lovely, thank you.
    One problem I had was the fire fighter career. The option to become a fire fighter did not come up for me, 'just visit the lot'. Once I replaced the lot with the fire station from the bin my sim could get the job just fine. I don't think I have mods that could conflict with the station as the bin one works.
    On about day two or three my sim had the burglar come. She stole a tree in the garden and was eyeing the garbage bin when one of the neighbours rushed over and beat her up! I've never seen this before, it was very funny! I just populated the town with people from the bin, so I'm not sure who this sim was but she is a great neighbour!
    I just love all the TS2 houses. Such memories! So far my sim has just been skilling so she hasn't done much. She went to the wedding venue which was filled with all the bin sims. That was lovely to see, so often my sims go to venues and no one else is there! I have so much more to explore, I can see this is going to be a favourite.

    Just a thought on vampires_xoxo's issue. There was a mod by Buzzler from MTS that was conflicting with unpopulated worlds and preventing them loading. It might have been the same energy for all beds one, but I'm not too sure. Anyway it was updated recently when he found this out, so checking all mods are up to date might be a place for vampires to start with trouble shooting.

    Love this world, thank you so much!
  • ZombiePary's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    Click the picture in Rflongs first post :) Its linked to the download.
  • vampires_xoxo wrote:
    Do you happen to have all the Expansions? Which ones do you have and I'll see what I can do in the world...

    I currently have sims 3 late night, and generations installed.

    Oh, and i don't know if you care or not but just incase i have 0 store items.

    That would have been great to know at the start. You only have LN *Listed on your page so I figured you have more then one account and would have said which expansions you don't have.

    This needs Ambitions/World Adventures not only for the bridge but for many, many other things. I'll have to go through the CAW files and remove it all. That should take about a week.~minus the other side of the world. I'll leave that side empty for you to add. :)

    There is a list on the world post of free Store stuff which will stay in the game.

  • Yahoo, dl's and recc. I know I am going to love this one too. wonderful work Rflong. Thankyou so much for sharing this with us. :D
  • i got the build version, not the one i waned but am keeping it cuz i like to build things now am downloading the caw version i hope thats the one i had that had issues. i cleaned out the caches files and the build let me build but i didnt play it yet will take a while to build it all up. but am going to try the caw version hopefully thats the one with houses already there will let you know if it works for me :)
  • luckyheather wrote:
    Thank you Rflong for coming to my New thread to advertise your world and lots

    I did remove my link to the lots topic- was showing you that I had made them too. AND I apologized when I realized what I had done.

    If you want to advertize here about yours that would be fine with me. :)

    *And you hadn't shown any Twikkii lots yet...