Jules got an opportunity to host a party for her boss and co-workers. She needed a venue and I wanted it on her home lot but didn't want the guests to run around the huge basement levels.
I've previously found allowing party guests to freely roam a large home like this is allows them to scatter and the party is a disaster. They all leave complaining of a terrible party.
If I corral them into a defined area they tend to have a much better time. There is a chance of having an awesome party this way.
I've not had a pool party on a home lot for a long time. I've done them successfully at the local pool, but this is a huge world and I find it takes my Sims a long time to navigate their way around it. I thought I'd build them a pool area suitable for a pool party at home.
There are a lot of llamas and subways scattered around this world. I couldn’t add a subway station to their home lot, but I was able to give them a llama. This will help my household to get around the lot and will also allow their guests to more easily arrive for the party. I wonder how many of them will be tragic clowns when they arrive by llama.
I'd normally put the pool underground but this time I thought it would be easier to put it above ground.
It will be snowy pool in winter as I have set my game to have all four seasons of 28 days each. It is currently starting the Autumn season. We don't generally use our pools in real life winter - unless we live in the tropics where the temperature varies between very warm to very hot all year round.
This world is not set to be a tropical world in my game. Even though there are palm trees on its beaches.
Here are some pictures of the pool I built on their lot.
I had to put it on the side of the lot as the pool takes up space on the level below and their living area is below ground. That side of the lot is the only part of their living area that is not furnished and used by them for living purposes.
Amethyst is leaving to perform a few sing-a-grams.
She has to go to many different parts of this world to deliver her sing-a-grams. I’ve not followed any of my singer Sims to their jobs and am finding it interesting to follow Amethyst as she goes about her work schedule.
Today her first stop was at the Criminal Headquarters. At least she gets to visit it during daylight hours. Poor Vince had to go there at night for a ghost hunting job.
She stopped off at this bar on her way to her next job at the Briody household. She was traveling by llama at this stage.
When she arrived at the Briody home the family were waiting for her just inside their front door.
Amethyst fell over at the end of this little dance and she only got $6 for the performance.
Meanwhile, multiple ghosts were visiting the home lot.
These two are ghosts I made to link Marcy and Moira in a family tree. They share a pair of grandparents. I made the ghosts of their grandparents, and parents.
Harriett spent most of the day fishing in the wishing well. She has finally managed to get her fishing skill up to level 7. She doesn't need to keep fishing now as she can read all of the fishing books at this level.
Vince gained his first martial arts skill point.
Jules started reading a fishing book beside the pool.
Jules had to put her book away when the car came to take her to work.
Eric Genie had level 4 fishing skill and I wanted him to improve on that. Unfortunately he couldn't use the wishing well because only one sim can fish there at a time and Harriett was fishing in it. Eric had to go outdoors to fish. This was happily possible as it was not yet winter and snow wasn't on the ground and the river hadn't frozen over.
Phil found a comfortable chair on the nectary level. The nectary equipment was previously purchased at the Blue Building by Maggie Flower. It is still sitting waiting for me to get around to setting up the room for it.
Amethyst had become a tragic clown again and was rummaging through the Briody trash.
The Briody girls came home while Amethyst was still there. She tried to catch the taxi they got out of but it drove off. She wasn't happy about that.
Amethyst's next singing job was delivering a celebration sing-a-gram at the Harmon household. The Harmon children had been at the boarding school in Sunset Valley.
Before I moved them to this game one of the girls picked up all of the gnomes from the boarding school, plus some books and plants that are hard to find. She delivered most of these items to the lot on the beach, but she kept a significant number for her own home. That's why there are so many gnomes living at this household.
Still dressed as a Tragic Clown, Amethyst delivered her sing-a-gram. She did a good job, but the whole household sobbed and cried due to her current condition.
I am hoping Amethyst gets home safely while travelling as a tragic clown.
I had forgotten about Eric Genie - it was dark - he was still fishing in the river - he is an unstable sim and had recently gained the hates the outdoors trait
I sent him home and he traveled by llama and became another Tragic Clown
Fortunately Amethyst made it home safely too - and she is back to normal.