Forum Discussion

Deafsimmer's avatar
3 years ago

WCIF Medieval sword and shield accessories?

What the title says. Each time I look it up online, I see Sims 4 sword and shield cc instead of ts3 swords and shields.

  • I've found a pose pack for swords that has a link to download them, but I will provide the link for the swords as the creator of the swords no longer has that site up but another Sims player has posted the links for downloading the swords... :)

    Sword poses:

    Murfee has the links for downloading the swords:

    Not sure if you would be interested in this but it's a medieval Blacksmithing deco over at MTS3.

    Here's some Medieval Armoury items that have have swords and shields and other items.

    The creator has other things that they have also uploaded to MTS3 like clothing.

    Hope this helps... :)
  • - Here's another one.

    And don't forget to ask @GraceyManor, she's the one that is into the Medieval period in Sims 3. And I think @venusdemilosims also enjoys period stories too so she might be able to help with finding stuff.
    I have a whole link of Medieval stuff, I haven't updated it in a while so some could be dead. Please don't delete or edit the document.
    I get my swords here.
  • Do you want a sword and shield for your Sim to actually use or just as a decor item? There are shields and banners and other stuff in misc decor as well as two types of swords that hang on the walls under paintings. For some of the medieval decor stuff, like the suit of armor, you need that castle pack.