Forum Discussion

RussianColeslaw's avatar
6 years ago

What life stage do you "skip", if you skip it one at all?

Edit: I originally wrote this a few months ago while I was minutes from falling asleep. I no longer skip any life stages, as my overall playing style has changed to something more grounded in reality and less on skipping a life stage if it is frustrating and/or boring.

I still have the mindset that the adult and elder life stages should've been fleshed out more, giving them differences from young adults.... but evidently I didn't convey my thoughts properly. Things get lost in translation, as my first language is not English. Apologizes if I offended or confused anyone with any bizzare phrases or choice of words at the time. :disappointed:

I've removed my former post but left the poll up because of all the humorous and quite interesting responses. :smile:

  • "IreneSwift;c-16916407" wrote:

    You already know, I'm totally with you on that! And if mod a like that ever comes out, I hope somebody announces it on the forum, because I'd be on it in heartbeat too!

    @IreneSwift Yeah, I do know. :blush:

    :lol: :lol:

    Your comment made my day!
  • I always skip baby. Like literally the second they are born I trigger the age up.

    I think babies are fairly boring, and everything I can do with a baby I can do with toddlers so far as I know. I also can't make them look nice and the baby burrito is just blah.

    On top of that, I'm guessing I have a piece of CC that was enabled for babies when it shouldn't be, but I get pretty bad graphic glitches with babies. I'm not sure what it is exactly, and I honestly don't care enough to fix it considering I skip the life stage anyway.
  • @Deshong04 Yep, I agree with that. I’ve skipped the baby stage in the past (not so much because they were boring to me - newsflash, real babies that age are a bit boring :p - but because I was too curious what genetics had done to them to wait), so I can conclude that at least to me it makes a difference.

    And yes, Sims 2 babies are the best!
  • I don't skip any, but the baby stage is pretty boring. I really miss the features mentioned above (changing tables, washing in the sink, strollers...)
  • I play through all life stages, except toddlers, I age them up as soon as they talk, walk and are potty trained, they take up to much time, when my sims could be doing other things, I delete all schools so my kids can have time to do things, I have never sent any of my kids to school. One of the reasons I don't like sims 4, it is hard to keep them home, I have to watch the clock so they don't go to school, I love all the life stages, but toddlers the least.