6 years ago
What the heck is so funny?!
So recently I re-made my favorite sim couple, all is going good. They moved in with her grandmother, and I set up their own room. But here is the odd thing. Ever since my sims moved here his fiance'e is laughing at him. CONSTANTLY. If she goes to bed before him and he comes to bed, she will get out of bed just to point and laugh at her fiance'e.
Then her grandmother started doing it too. It was 3 am. I usually send grandma to bed around 10:30 sim time. Grandma woke up, RAN across the bottom floor, up the stairs, across the landing to the bedroom, And then just pointed and laughed at her soon to be (and also sleeping) future grandson in law.
It isn't terribly bothersome aside from it waking my sims up in the middle of the night (and they often wake the toddlers up out of boredom).
It is happening often that they'll just come flying across the lot to laugh at this poor guy and I just don't get why. What the heck is so funny about him?!
Then her grandmother started doing it too. It was 3 am. I usually send grandma to bed around 10:30 sim time. Grandma woke up, RAN across the bottom floor, up the stairs, across the landing to the bedroom, And then just pointed and laughed at her soon to be (and also sleeping) future grandson in law.
It isn't terribly bothersome aside from it waking my sims up in the middle of the night (and they often wake the toddlers up out of boredom).
It is happening often that they'll just come flying across the lot to laugh at this poor guy and I just don't get why. What the heck is so funny about him?!