13 years ago
>>> Did you know you could be missing EP/store content stencils? <<<
Well, did you? I know I didn't!
I accidentally stumbled across this thread by Mr. Hawk in the Store section of the forums and realized I've been using so many items that were missing half the stencils, most notably the Pets EP paintings.
I'm posting this here so more people can see this because I know most of my friends dwell in this subforum.
What is a stencil?
Stencils are different applied designs to items. They add permanent, non-recolourable decals, logos and texture effects to the items. A lot of store items and even certain expansion pack content has missing stencils. Let's take this item for instance:
Hanging Kimono Wall Art
When you download from the store, the only preset the item will have will be the one you see on the display image even though the item SHOULD have these other stencils:
How do I save the missing stencil?
If you choose the "Edit" tool and click on the object, it will open up a preset window on the left along with the colour/pattern editing window on the right. In the window on the left, use "save preset" (an icon with a folder+arrow). You will have to save the game afterwards because if you don't, your stencil will be gone next time you load up the game.
Also lookie here.
Here is a list of items missing stencils:
Pets EP:
Low Country Living Pet House - 3 stencils (blue writing, paws, fish skeleton)
Bow WoW Wowzer Pet Bed - 2 stencils (bone and fish skeleton)
El Dorado's Destiny (painting) - 2 stencils (both quite abstract)
...A Fool From Any Direction (painting) - 2 stencils (both abstract)
The Moderate Mayflower (bowl) - atleast 1 stencil (fish skeleton)
Small Animals (painting) - 1 stencil (kittens)
Alberta's Lament (painting) - 2 stencils (kittens and horses)
Pet Plated by Tack-EE Inc. (wall sculpture) - atleast 2 stencils (other cats and dogs)
Generations EP:
The "Natural" Family Portrait (painting) - 2 stencils (2 other families)
Dream of the Windrunner (painting) - 2 stencils (fairy and flowers)
Frilly Framed Picture (painting) - 2 stencils (ducky and teddy)
Celebrate! Banner - 3 stencils (Birthday, Wedding, blank)
Charming Beatrix Chiffarobe - atleast 1 stencil missing (Critters scenery on doors)
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/bedDoubleEgyptLuxor/Thumbnail_64x64.png Scarab Rejuvenation Bed by Cunee Forms - one missing stencil and broken textures
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/beddoublecastle/Thumbnail_64x64.png Royal Rest Slab o' Wood DOuble Bed - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tableendcastle/Thumbnail_64x64.png Noble End Table - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculpturewallshieldswordcastle/Thumbnail_64x64.png The Great Lord So-and-So's Shield and Sword - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculpturewalltapestrycastle/Thumbnail_64x64.png The Banner of the Bold - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tablecoffeecastle/Thumbnail_64x64.png Troubadour Table - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureSportsMotorcycleHelmet/Thumbnail_64x64.png Burning Out Motorcycle Helmet - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tableEndSportsSoccor/Thumbnail_64x64.png Soccer End Table - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/paintingSportsSigned/Thumbnail_64x64.png Rare Autographed Athlete Photo - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureFloorScreenTiki/Thumbnail_64x64.png Lanai Privacy Screen - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/paintingCNYRabbit/Thumbnail_64x64.png New Year Rabbit Painting - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/lightingWallAnimal/Thumbnail_64x64.png Animal Friends Wall Light - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/deskAnimalGirl/Thumbnail_64x64.png Little Princess Desk - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/lightingWallSconceAnimal/Thumbnail_64x64.png Bronco 100HP Wall Light - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/doorDoubleSlidingScreenModernAsian2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Doorway to Happiness - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculpturePartitionShojiScreenModernAsian2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Commanding Shoji Screen - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tableCoffeeMorrocan2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Desert Dynasty Coffee Table - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/loveseatMorrocan/Thumbnail_64x64.png Empyrean Luxury Loveseat - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sofaMorrocan/Thumbnail_64x64.png Divine Divan - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureTableGreekPitcher/Thumbnail_64x64.png Greek Pitcher - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureWallWoodlandSaw2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Tree Saw Wall Sculpture - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureWallWoodlandSkillet/Thumbnail_64x64.png Cast Iron Skillet Wall Sculpture - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tableCoffeeWoodland2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Desert Designs Coffee Table - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sofaWoodland/Thumbnail_64x64.png Desert Designs Sofa - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tableEndMorrocan/Thumbnail_64x64.png Means to an End Table - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/windowStorybookStencil2X1/Thumbnail_64x64.png all these Storybook items have three missing coloured stencils. Nobody has been successful in unlocking the counters and cabinets though.
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/windowAnimal/Thumbnail_64x64.png Animal window - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/windowAnimalOctogon/Thumbnail_64x64.png Octagonal Animal window - three hidden stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureWallFlagPirate/Thumbnail_64x64.png Fo'c's'le Flag - three hidden stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/petBowlWinterHoliday/Thumbnail_64x64.png Jolly Feast Pet Bowl - one missing stencil and perhaps also missing a blank version
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureWallAsianLivingTapestry/Thumbnail_64x64.pngLongevity Wall Hanging - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureWallAsianLivingKimono2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Hanging Kimono Wall Art - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/paintingWallAsianLiving2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Japanese Inspired Artwork - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/lightingWallAsianLiving/Thumbnail_64x64.png Illuminated Within Wall Lighting - two missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/lightingFloorAsianLiving/Thumbnail_64x64.png Light the Way Floor Lamp - two missing stencil
Here are pictures of the missing stencils:
The unlocked stencil lots:
Aznsensei's Unlocked Japanese Living Stencils
Unlocks stencils of these items:
MrHawk's Test - Missing Stencils
Unlocks stencils of these items:
http://na.llnet.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureWallFlagPirate/Thumbnail_64x64.png + Generations paintings, family portrait and banner.
YOTEAMO's Hidden Stencils Unlocked for Pets and Generations has all of the Pets/Generations unlocked stencils.
Generation Charming Beatrix Chiffarobe stencil unlocked: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=488862
MrHawk also has a lot of unlocked stencils in his studio, especially de-decaled base game objects.
I take no credit for any of the pics or any of the findings. All credit goes to Mr. Hawk, AznSensei and everyone else who contributed to the original thread.
If you do not oppose using mods, MrHawk's Be Less Stupid mod unlocks almost every hidden stencil so you do not have to download and save presets yourself: http://www.thesimalogue.com/be-less-stupid.html
I accidentally stumbled across this thread by Mr. Hawk in the Store section of the forums and realized I've been using so many items that were missing half the stencils, most notably the Pets EP paintings.
I'm posting this here so more people can see this because I know most of my friends dwell in this subforum.
What is a stencil?
Stencils are different applied designs to items. They add permanent, non-recolourable decals, logos and texture effects to the items. A lot of store items and even certain expansion pack content has missing stencils. Let's take this item for instance:
Hanging Kimono Wall Art
When you download from the store, the only preset the item will have will be the one you see on the display image even though the item SHOULD have these other stencils:
How do I save the missing stencil?
If you choose the "Edit" tool and click on the object, it will open up a preset window on the left along with the colour/pattern editing window on the right. In the window on the left, use "save preset" (an icon with a folder+arrow). You will have to save the game afterwards because if you don't, your stencil will be gone next time you load up the game.
Also lookie here.
Here is a list of items missing stencils:
Pets EP:
Low Country Living Pet House - 3 stencils (blue writing, paws, fish skeleton)
Bow WoW Wowzer Pet Bed - 2 stencils (bone and fish skeleton)
El Dorado's Destiny (painting) - 2 stencils (both quite abstract)
...A Fool From Any Direction (painting) - 2 stencils (both abstract)
The Moderate Mayflower (bowl) - atleast 1 stencil (fish skeleton)
Small Animals (painting) - 1 stencil (kittens)
Alberta's Lament (painting) - 2 stencils (kittens and horses)
Pet Plated by Tack-EE Inc. (wall sculpture) - atleast 2 stencils (other cats and dogs)
Generations EP:
The "Natural" Family Portrait (painting) - 2 stencils (2 other families)
Dream of the Windrunner (painting) - 2 stencils (fairy and flowers)
Frilly Framed Picture (painting) - 2 stencils (ducky and teddy)
Celebrate! Banner - 3 stencils (Birthday, Wedding, blank)
Charming Beatrix Chiffarobe - atleast 1 stencil missing (Critters scenery on doors)
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/bedDoubleEgyptLuxor/Thumbnail_64x64.png Scarab Rejuvenation Bed by Cunee Forms - one missing stencil and broken textures
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/beddoublecastle/Thumbnail_64x64.png Royal Rest Slab o' Wood DOuble Bed - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tableendcastle/Thumbnail_64x64.png Noble End Table - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculpturewallshieldswordcastle/Thumbnail_64x64.png The Great Lord So-and-So's Shield and Sword - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculpturewalltapestrycastle/Thumbnail_64x64.png The Banner of the Bold - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tablecoffeecastle/Thumbnail_64x64.png Troubadour Table - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureSportsMotorcycleHelmet/Thumbnail_64x64.png Burning Out Motorcycle Helmet - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tableEndSportsSoccor/Thumbnail_64x64.png Soccer End Table - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/paintingSportsSigned/Thumbnail_64x64.png Rare Autographed Athlete Photo - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureFloorScreenTiki/Thumbnail_64x64.png Lanai Privacy Screen - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/paintingCNYRabbit/Thumbnail_64x64.png New Year Rabbit Painting - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/lightingWallAnimal/Thumbnail_64x64.png Animal Friends Wall Light - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/deskAnimalGirl/Thumbnail_64x64.png Little Princess Desk - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/lightingWallSconceAnimal/Thumbnail_64x64.png Bronco 100HP Wall Light - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/doorDoubleSlidingScreenModernAsian2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Doorway to Happiness - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculpturePartitionShojiScreenModernAsian2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Commanding Shoji Screen - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tableCoffeeMorrocan2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Desert Dynasty Coffee Table - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/loveseatMorrocan/Thumbnail_64x64.png Empyrean Luxury Loveseat - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sofaMorrocan/Thumbnail_64x64.png Divine Divan - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureTableGreekPitcher/Thumbnail_64x64.png Greek Pitcher - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureWallWoodlandSaw2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Tree Saw Wall Sculpture - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureWallWoodlandSkillet/Thumbnail_64x64.png Cast Iron Skillet Wall Sculpture - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tableCoffeeWoodland2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Desert Designs Coffee Table - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sofaWoodland/Thumbnail_64x64.png Desert Designs Sofa - one missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/tableEndMorrocan/Thumbnail_64x64.png Means to an End Table - one missing stencil

http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/windowAnimal/Thumbnail_64x64.png Animal window - three missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/windowAnimalOctogon/Thumbnail_64x64.png Octagonal Animal window - three hidden stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureWallFlagPirate/Thumbnail_64x64.png Fo'c's'le Flag - three hidden stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/petBowlWinterHoliday/Thumbnail_64x64.png Jolly Feast Pet Bowl - one missing stencil and perhaps also missing a blank version
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureWallAsianLivingTapestry/Thumbnail_64x64.pngLongevity Wall Hanging - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/sculptureWallAsianLivingKimono2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Hanging Kimono Wall Art - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/paintingWallAsianLiving2x1/Thumbnail_64x64.png Japanese Inspired Artwork - two missing stencils
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/lightingWallAsianLiving/Thumbnail_64x64.png Illuminated Within Wall Lighting - two missing stencil
http://na.lvlt.sims3store.cdn.ea.com/u/f/sims/sims3/sims3store/objects/lightingFloorAsianLiving/Thumbnail_64x64.png Light the Way Floor Lamp - two missing stencil
Here are pictures of the missing stencils:
The unlocked stencil lots:
Aznsensei's Unlocked Japanese Living Stencils
Unlocks stencils of these items:

MrHawk's Test - Missing Stencils
Unlocks stencils of these items:

YOTEAMO's Hidden Stencils Unlocked for Pets and Generations has all of the Pets/Generations unlocked stencils.
Generation Charming Beatrix Chiffarobe stencil unlocked: http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=488862
MrHawk also has a lot of unlocked stencils in his studio, especially de-decaled base game objects.
I take no credit for any of the pics or any of the findings. All credit goes to Mr. Hawk, AznSensei and everyone else who contributed to the original thread.
If you do not oppose using mods, MrHawk's Be Less Stupid mod unlocks almost every hidden stencil so you do not have to download and save presets yourself: http://www.thesimalogue.com/be-less-stupid.html