Forum Discussion
Product: The Sims 4
Platform:PlayStation 5
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
What is your current game version number? 1.83
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of them expect except the toddler pack.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Visiting a retail store as another family.
What happens when the bug occurs? Employees won’t show up and items will no longer have a price tag
What do you expect to see? Retail shops working.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. After For Rent
Ever since Sims 4 For Rent retail stores are no longer functional. Employees never show up and you can’t purchase any items. Anyone else experiencing this?
- Massacre-Redrum2 years agoRising Vanguard
Still dealing with no employees showing up whenever I visit the retail shop when playing as another family. All the money this game makes and it’s such a poorly coded game.
- 2 years ago
I also have this issue. I build a retail lot and then when I visit it as a customer with a different household, I can’t buy anything as a customer and no retail workers show up and it’s frustrating. I built a jewelry store but my sim can’t buy anything in it 😭 I have no mods or cc installed at all so that’s not the problem. My vet clinics owned by my active households don’t work either. I don’t ever opt out of fame so that’s not relevant either. Please fix this issue. Thanks!
- simsplayer8182 years agoHero@aeh2930 Have you updated your game to the latest version?
If your lots still aren't functioning properly try rehiring the staff as that can help get them working again. Mine is fixed with the latest patch but that helped me before it was fixed.
Good luck!- crinrict2 years agoHero+
Did you guys hire someone when you played the family that owned them ?
- DizzyDee-K12 months agoSeasoned Ace
When I visit an unowned Vet, there are Vets to care for my pets.
When I visit an owned Vet, there are no Vets. I have 2 hired Vets.
When I visit an unowned retail business I can purchase the items for sale, but there are no employees.
When I visit an owned retail business I can't purchase the items for sale and the there are also no employees. Each retail businesses has 2 employees.
This does not seem to be related to having Fame on or off.
- Sumchen12 months agoRising Adventurer
I have the same problem in my savegame now. Changing the famous settings did not change anything.
- DizzyDee-K12 months agoSeasoned Ace
Was going to edit my previous post for clarity, but it won't let me "Edit."
So... Owned Retail shops and Vet Clinics work just dandy if I play as the owner. Employees show up. Customers/Patients arrive. No problems.
However... When I play as a customer I can't purchase any of the items for sale in an owned retail shop and no employees show up. When I visit an owned Vet clinic no Vets show up at a Vet Clinic.
I would like to purchase these flowers. Nothing happens when I click on them.
But they are for sale when I play the owner.
I use retail shops a lot in my game so my Sims can sell their creations and other of my Sims can buy them. Most of my shops have been going for several generations.
I usually have an owned and unowned Vet Clinic in my game and have had the same two since Cats and Dogs. No issues until now.
This is a copy of my regular save. I've tested both with and without mods. I don't really know when this issue started for me - I've only recently started to just play my regular game - after For Rent, I'm guessing.
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