Forum Discussion
I share the frustration. You mentioned you regret to buy for rent, is this a related bug that i don't know of? I made retail stores with love, and i can't use them, it's really disappointing, to say the very least. I love playing business, but it's unplayable as of now. I find it amusing that this patch fixed able to give poop to a child as food (??), but doesn't fix it's own DLC's. It's a hilarious joke. I feel like saying "EA, am i a joke to you?" apparently we are, all money grab but no fixes. We need the fixes. DLC's are not usable or even worth to buy if things are not fixed, that's lost money for them as well. Should be in their interests. I wonder EA's meetings brainstorming for Sims4: "Any new things or fixes we need to focus on?" "Someone complained about giving poop to a child" "great, let's go with that". Do they even bother to check the forum issues overall and take notes on a spreadsheet, for overview when launching a new patch? I have a busy life, every project i do on Sims, i'm taking of my time, just for in the end that time being wasted into nothingness. I really feel like a karen complaining, i can't say it any other way, to be fair.
I mentioned the For Rent pack in relation to this problem because my stores worked properly before installing that expansion. I've heard other people say this about For Rent as well. It seems that pack broke something with store/selling gameplay. I'd be interested to know if you're experiencing this problem without that pack?
What's extra funny is I got the For Rent expansion excited to be a landlord, as I am a landlord in real life, and that part of the gameplay is broken as well. At least I got a working crock pot/ rice cooker out of it? A cool pizza oven? It's sad that small appliances are my only joy after spending all that money.
- EtherealLith2 months agoRising Vanguard
Now that you mention it, yes, it started after i bought for rent! The employees don't appear on lots anymore when it's non owner. The buying a retail venue freezes on infinite loading screens, overall it's just a giant issues cesspool.
I love the landlord idea, and that's great, i tend to bring to game also things i'm interested in real life. I tried also landlord and i couldn't understand what i was doing, after a tiring day of work i gave up and never tried again.
Oh i love the pizza oven! Totally agree, and the hot cocoa tray, my favorites. I said this also to my friend recently, nightlife ts3 had many things in one DLC, that on sims is about 6 separated DLC's. Give us a break and add more gamepacks and expansions that feels more complete! City Living is still the best, and get to work for me is super interesting, i love neighbourhood vibes and gather at cafe, bars, restaurants, cinema, city itself, the clubs, (so overall my favorite are all the first expansions). I have so much more to say, so i will stop on those! Just EA needs to let me give feedback and actually hear it. Or just scoop the forums for issue fixing.
Overall issues about this:
1. Possibly caused by For Rent pack
2. Non owner retail and vet don't have employees doing their job, so automatically can't buy or do anything related with the lot venue type
3. Retail doesn't allow to buy items, they are draggeable, but not able to be bought
4. Vets have no medicine too
Just a quick summary. If anyone stumbles upon this bug post and rummage for answers.Possible workarounds, needs testing:
1. Try install all but For Rent, and see if works again. I will come back with news, after i try this, but i'm sort of busy at the moment.
2. Disable For Rent pack: Disable packs by James Turner
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