So I was using the Japanese restaurant by Maxis - not one of the ones automatically in your library, but in the Gallery (it's in the trailer). My sims, too, would sit for HOURS (I think the longest I waited was 8 sim hours) and never get served. A few other patrons did get served at first, but then the waiters just stood at the chef stations waiting for food, while the tickets piled up, and I never saw the chefs put a single tray up after that. I was not playing with mods on. But, to be safe, I removed my mods folder completely and tried again. Same thing. So I repaired game, then "reset" by renaming my folder and letting the game create a new one, started a new game and tried again. Different restaurant (one of the diners by Maxis found in your library) and everything worked fine. So I took this same couple to the Japanese place, sat in the same seat from my other game - same thing! No food! Had my guy go to another table and order, he got food. So I'm not sure if it's just that one seat (it was on the outdoor patio, the middle of the three 2-seat tables) or something else in that particular restaurant. While I am very glad to know I found the "bug" it's too bad that something's not right with this "premade" restaurant. I actually really like the Japanese place. When I have more time I may go into build mode and see what I can see, but since I'm so new to this type of venue I'm not sure I'll be able to see what the issue is. I mean, they requested the table and ordered food just fine, no problems. They could get a waiter to compliment or insult a chef. But they just never got food.
Anyway, try a different restaurant. It's too bad that if EA has flaws in their own builds it will taint players' first impressions!