Are there any fixes to dine out bugs? My staff is never doing what they're supposed to be doing. If I own a restaurant, my host/hostesses stop showing up after the first day and take FOREVER seating people if they are there so there's always a crowd of 7 people standing around at the podium. I have to fire and rehire hosts just to make my restaurant run.
If I own a bakery, I have customers ready to check out, I have a worker assigned to ring them up, but they're just not doing it. So I'm opened for 11 hours with 0 sales going out and losing all the money for it, not to mention food ticking to expire.
Why is it not a thing that we can actually RUN our own things? We have to apparently be present in order for the business to make money, yet we can't actually run it. Why can't I check my own customers out? And why when I lock the door for employees only do I get locked out as the owner? Why can't I be the chef for my own restaurant? So with a restaurant I'm basically standing around doing nothing but talking to customers because I can't be a chef or act as a host/hostess, soooo.......what gives?
(And to answer ahead of time, I do not have mods installed. I don't even have any CC installed for sims 4 as I just bought it 2 days ago. The only thing I've used are the cheats.)
Edit 2: My staff also doesn't wear the outfit I have designed for them.