Forum Discussion
Tried this in two saves (an older one and a new one).
Tried both scenarios of landlord living in Residential and landlord living in Residential Rental with tenants.
In both cases I had a rent payout on Wednesday at 5AM, regardless of tenancy length. In one save I had one tenant with a 2-day tenancy renewed continuously.
The rent payment isn't connected to the tenancy period (and I had missing rent payments when I evicted tenants with shorter tenancies).
On top of that the rent payments only began after the landlord household got their first regular bill (in the new save).
New saves start on Sundays, no bills the first Monday. The first bill comes on the second Monday and after that I got the rent payout on Wednesday at 5 AM.
So, in a new save, you might get your rent payout a week and a half after starting the save. Then weekly after that.
The rent value itself seemed off (miscalculated). In one instance it seemed that tenants with shorter tenancies that leave before payment day may not pay at all. But I don't have the patience to test for more weeks in-game.
I'm curious if the payment eventually comes for everyone on Wednesday if they keep a renter on or if it depends on where the landlord is at the time (residential lot or not) or other factors.
YES I believe this is correct the part about paying rent, After i paid Bills i received the rent that Wednesday at 5 AM.
- 2 years ago
It seems rent gets collected on in-game Wednesdays.
Talking about real time, I bought the expansion on Friday, today is Sunday, played most of Saturday and today. Don't ask me how many Sim days passed, they sure felt like a lot. I'll keep playing and will let you know what happens next Wednesday.
I also got a Grace Period. Seems one of my tenants didn't pay rent.
I also got rid of a cursed book during game, nothing happened to me even when I was promised I would face consequences, however those tenants left, breaking the lease.
Sorry for the long post.
Just wanted to let you know tenants do pay rent.
- 2 years ago
Nice that your tentants pay rent!
Mine don't 🙂 tried having them for 2 ingame weeks and still nothing.
(After game repair, the grace periods have also completely vanished)
The EA game changers also had issues with their rents not getting paid, so this is a real issue going on.
- 11 months ago
Has it been resolved for you?? My tenants aren’t paying either! It’s been in game weeks! And there’s no way to ask them for rent or force them to… I don’t understand!
- 2 years ago
Yes same for me! After the first week or so I started getting paid every week from the tenants on Wednesday's at 5:00 p.m. I don't no if it has anything to do with me moving out of my first own property and moving into another one, because that's when rent started to get paid.
I agree a week is a very long time in Sims time, I barely play one family for 2 weeks. I hope a mod come out to fix the rent issue and make it less than 1 week.
Also here's a video from pixelate on YouTube where the Sims team talked about it.
- jpkarlsen2 years agoHero (Retired)
The grace period has nothing to do with a tenant not paying. It is a period where the owner can raise the rent or evict the tenants without negatively impacting the units rating. Just like the message says. If a tenant is late you get a note of that and can use the mailbox to demand they pay or do it in person alternatively evict them.
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