Forum Discussion
Compiled List
Faulty Cheats
- Modifyrelationship doesn't do anything for friendship --> The Cheat was changed. See this post for more details
- Creating a police station and saving as residential to the gallery causes computers on the lot to have police station interactions
ResetObjects/Resetsim on shift-clicking (resetsim firstname lastname still works)--> Fixed in Patch 1.44.88- Present Pile from BuyDebug cannot be deleted.
- Plusie toys arms do not scale properly
Know Issues with their own thread
Cheats permanently removed after Seasons Patch
Here's an explanation by SimGuruGrant as to why what was removed:
stats.set_stat commodity_BecomingVampire 2160 and other vampire cheats
- modify funds
- Pregnancy cheats
- All add_buff cheats
- sims.age_up
- sims.Spawn
- 7 years agohello!! do you know if they are going to work again? or are they over? ☹️
- Anonymous7 years ago
hi, the vet skills cheat isnt working for me, thanks.
- crinrict7 years agoHero+Hi @sage23122002
thanks for the report but seems all cheats that contain skill are broken so I'm not going to list them separately.
- 7 years agowhat is seasons patch? the cheat "sims.fill_all_commodities" isn't working for me anymore after I updated my sims !!
- crinrict7 years agoHero+The update you just got would be the Seasons Patch. It's an update (patch) for the game to prepare the game for the Seasons expansion pack, hence it's called the Seasons patch.
- Anonymous7 years ago
Is there any way to uninstall the update? I dont plan on getting the seasons expansion because it is so expensive so i wouldnt need the patch for it.
- 7 years ago
The death cheats are not working...
I have tried various cheats that I can find but at the moment the only cheats I can get to work are:
- Anonymous7 years ago
So will this be fixed so you think it would
- Anonymous7 years agoI would like it if the skill cheats was fixed as soon as possible makes me not want to play the game when we just got seasons so disappointing.
- 7 years agoI am having issues with skill cheats on young adults. testingcheats true or on will be enabled but then when I type in the cheat nothing happens. I made sure I am typing it in properly too.
- 7 years ago
Cheat not working after Seasons installation:
stats.set_skill_level major_X
- Anonymous7 years agohaving the same problem as all the others, cheats not working since seasons update
- Anonymous7 years ago
The Skill and modifyrelationships cheats and a lot of others don't work HELP PLEASE i just bought Seasons and Jungle Adventures and installed noticed wasn't working
- crinrict7 years agoHero+@Rebeccamay89
modifyrelationship does seem to work for most people. Did you put testingcheats first ?
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