Forum Discussion
As others have said, skills cheats not working since update today
- Anonymous7 years ago
I thought I was the only one! Every other cheat works expect the skill ones!
- Anonymous7 years ago
I Hope They Fix It
- 7 years ago
For me the only cheat that doesn't work is the reset sim cheat. I need it BAD these last days because the sims autonomy got real weird and you cannot reset them because the cheat doesn't even work... The game became barely playable. There's the hot tub glitch where the sims just reset themselves in the T position when I ask them to get out after woohooing, there's the glitch when the sim will just not move at all for hours (sims hours) because the animal he wanted to pet is leaving the lot, again, no reset sim cheat available. You have the clothesline glitch where the clothes are invisible, all the ingame lightning is weird for some reason, I can't see what are the types of plants in a spliced plant. It's a real mess in my (again) new save.
I recently started to play with 0 mod/cc but honestly, I had to put back MC Command Center because the game, like I said, became barely playable.
- crinrict7 years agoHero+
@GengarUsedLick wrote:
For me the only cheat that doesn't work is the reset sim cheat. I need it BAD these last days because the sims autonomy got real weird and you cannot reset them because the cheat doesn't even work... The game became barely playable. There's the hot tub glitch where the sims just reset themselves in the T position when I ask them to get out after woohooing, there's the glitch when the sim will just not move at all for hours (sims hours) because the animal he wanted to pet is leaving the lot, again, no reset sim cheat available. You have the clothesline glitch where the clothes are invisible, all the ingame lightning is weird for some reason, I can't see what are the types of plants in a spliced plant. It's a real mess in my (again) new save.
I recently started to play with 0 mod/cc but honestly, I had to put back MC Command Center because the game, like I said, became barely playable.
Resetsim is working fine for me. Are you using resetsim firstname lastname or resetObject on the Sim ?
- 7 years ago
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? I have cats and dogs and city living.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? You open up the cheat bar, type in testingcheats true, and type in a cheat. But, the cheat doesn't even work!
What happens when the bug occurs? None of my cheats work.
What do you expect to see? I see that none of my cheats are working, and it is so disappointing because I paid so much money for the game PLUS the expansion packs and my cheats will not even work. I type in everything correctly and put testingcheats true, but it doesn't work. I am very angry. This just started today.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. I removed my custom content, and it still didn't work.
I paid much money for the game, and my cheats do not even work. I am very disappointed in this game. All I wanted to do was have some cheats, but I cannot.
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