Forum Discussion
372 Replies
- crinrict7 years agoHero+
a lot of cheats are broken. Will add this one to the list.
also merged your thread.
- Anonymous7 years agoSince the new patch of june 19th 2018 the skill cheats don't work at all. What's up with that?
I just downloaded Seasons for Sims 4 and my skill cheats are not working either. This is HIGHLY frustrating. All other cheats are working. EA, please fix this ASAP and ensure your updates are bug-free before sending them out, thankyou!
- Anonymous7 years ago
Ok, once it's fixed is there a way to break away from Origin and forced updates? This doesn't seem to be a new issue and EA doesn't seem too concerned to hurry it up a little bit. It's not like these are FREE games.
- Anonymous7 years ago
hi, the vet skills cheat isnt working for me, thanks.
- crinrict7 years agoHero+Hi @sage23122002
thanks for the report but seems all cheats that contain skill are broken so I'm not going to list them separately. just found that the reset sim option when you shift click a sim has not effect. Also the elder exhaustion cheat doesn't work. I don't know though about any other death cheats as I mainly use the elder exhaustion cheat.
- crinrict7 years agoHero+There's so many cheats I've never even heard about :D
Guess that explains the confusion about the resetsim issue. It works when you use resetsim firstname lastname
What's the exact cheat for the elder exhaustion? sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning
- crinrict7 years agoHero+Thanks. I'll add that
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