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372 Replies
- Anonymous7 years agoI'm also having this issue since updating yesterday.
Motherlode works fine.
But I cannot use any modify relationship or up skill cheats. - Anonymous7 years ago
Right then. I have used "testingcheats on" and the end result is the skills cheats still do not work since the newest update.
Everything else (cheats) do work.
The skills cheats are the hold out.
- Anonymous7 years ago
I’ve tried using that command too! 😭
thanks for your respons though!
- I have no mods or custom content so I can say right now the skill cheats are for sure broken.
Character Value cheats (for teens and younger) aren't working....I tried them for all 5 categories - Empathy, Manners, Responsibility, Conflict Resolution and Emotional Control with both positive and negative values and tried them with all mods removed. The cheats aren't working and don't adjust the character value meter at all. (Note - the Character Value Trait cheats (for adults) are working though.)
the shift-clicking reset object and resetting through the mailbox doesn't work. however, resetsim firstname lastname worked for me 🙂
Having the same issue here, reset not working.
Yea Im also having these issues. Have they released anything about fixing it?
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All but Seasons
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I open the command box and I've typed in all the combinations of "TestingCheats true" (even all the ones suggested on the current running thread. Every time it says "Cheats Enabled"... But when I type ANY command, whether it be kaching, motherlode, relationship or career and skill cheats, NOTHING works. I have no CC or mods enabled right now.
What happens when the bug occurs? Nothing works. No money is added, the skills don't register. The only thing that works is if I click on the Sim to modify their needs. That's the only thing that is working.
What do you expect to see? The cheats working properly. Adding money to the household or modifying my skills and such.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. The patch that was updated on June 19, 2018.
The only cheat that is working right now is the "needs" one. I can only right click on the sim to make their needs met.
I can't use any other cheats.
I am trying to spawn some sims in my neighborhood, but the cheat "sim.spawn" isn't working. I've tried "sims.spawn", "spawn.sims" and every which way. I have cheats enabled, started with a new household, repaired my game, restarted my computer, and still nothing works. All the other cheats work such as: "motherlode", but for some reason I can't get the spawning one to work. Can someone help me? I've already spoken with EA and they didn't help me very much. Also, I get no error when putting in the cheat, nothing happens and I mean nothing; I'm in "live" mode, un-paused as well when doing the cheat.
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