Forum Discussion
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? most of them - not go to work
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Have your sim try to click on a plant that is not ready to harvest off lot. No description comes up and no indication of what the plant is. Then collect a few digs and travel around the location. In my case the sim was in Willow Creek. After collecting two or so collectables, the sim was no longer able to interact with other dig sites as well. All that appears is a red circle with a line through it. . Sim travelled to Ciudad Enamorado to see if there were collectables in the small lake park in Vista Hermosa. When there were collectable, they could not be interacted with.
What happens when the bug occurs? The sim is unable to interact with the collectable site (rocks, dig sites, plants, frogs, axolati. some plants on lots work, but not all and not off lots.
What do you expect to see? I expect that when the cursor hovers over a collectable plant, rock, axoloti, etc, the program will indicate what it is and if actionable, allow the cursor to click on the object.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Never used.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. October 22 patch
This occurred event after repairing the file, restarting and trying with a different sim. Again, it seems you have issued an update that messes up the game.
- 5 months ago
I’m having this problem but with random inventory items as well (like mainly bicycles.. also plates of food, cross-stitching boards, etc) that sims have out in the world and I guess they can’t pick them back up. I get the red circle with a line through it on these items when trying to interact myself. all of the items are off lots.
- Anonymous5 months ago
This is also happening in my game as well. Dig spots, frog logs and plants in the world are no longer interactable, it seems like a lot of them are overlapping each other as well. I am also getting lots of bikes, plates, bowls and cups appearing and also being stuck.
- crinrict5 months agoHero+
To me it looks like something about world footprints is broken,
There's now a lot of similar reports.Possibly also related:
- All the issues in Evergreen harbor.
Questions to you all:
- Do you have any residential rentals in the hoods you are having issues with ?
- Redphun5 months agoSeasoned Adventurer@crinrict Yes there are residential rental units in the worlds where this is occurring. Did not occur until yesterday. Update patch on 10/22 was latest update. Sims from world without residential rentals can collect and explore as normal in their own world, but cannot when travelling to a world with residential rental lots even when travelling to any other type of lot.
- 4e4c895194ad17f53 months agoSeasoned Novice
Again, it seems you have issued an update that messes up the game.
Easier to just blame mods and take no responsibility.
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