Forum Discussion
Here is the chronology of the issue I observed:
1. A sim will suddenly declare lost of romantic interest to the partner, threatening to divorce. At this time, the notification will pop up and the romantic lesson tutorial is available but it is not helpful.
2. Over the course of sim time, the romantic relationship will decay very fast.
3. Multiple romantic interaction can build the relationship but it is useless because the decay rate is fast.
The main problem is:
1. Lost of romantic relationship seem to be random occurring (at least to me) and it cannot be controlled by player. At this point I don't know what triggers it.
2. There is no "solution" to this decay. Somehow strings of Cupid Counselling doesn't seem to help. Online romance research also doesn't help.
So yeah, this is infuriating because THERE IS NO CONTROL OVER THIS AND THERE IS NO SOLUTION!!!
- 4 months ago
So I dont know if its related or might be a clue why this is happening, but I noticed a couple of times already sims who are in a romantic relationship will react very negatively if they see your sim just casually talking and using friendly interactions on their spouse/partner... even though the sim dont have the jaelous trait or even if any romantic interactions were used... this is weird and might explain why they loose their romance bar so easily if simple friendly interaction affect their couple, even if those interaction are directed to some other family members... I saw that many times and its suspicious.
- simsplayer8184 months agoHero
It's not quite making sense when my married Sims have a relationship thats above halfway pink and they both start talking about divorce. Especially as their friendship is maxed. They immediately become sad too and their relationship interactions become more difficult. Friendship should count more because how many couples do nothing but romantic interactions for hours and hours and that's exactly what I have to do to keep my Sims in happy relationships.
I edited their preferences in CAS to include each others hair colour, way of life and clothing colour, etc and took away anything that didn't match each other. That helped with their attraction levels but family gameplay is difficult enough unfortunately without couples having to constantly maintain the romance every day. If they don't it drops after a couple of days again and they talk about divorce again. It's quite unpleasant. Sentiments don't count at all either, this couple has really loving sentiments and are best friends too.
Also when they are both satisfied in the relationship it's supposed to build automatically but it definitely isn't. It's dropping instead.
- JuniperWhimsy4 months agoRising Veteran
I have Lovestruck and just wanted to add that this has started with one of my couples too. They're romantic partners but don't live together, they are attracted/very attracted to each other and I can easily get them into the Very Satisfied with romance level without much work! However, despite being Very satisfied (which says their relationship should decay slowly over time), over the course of not seeing each other for 24 sim hours their romance bar went from completely pink to a tiny bit of red.
I have never seen a romantic relationship degrade so fast apart from breaking up or divorcing and this couple are still partners. I agree with above posters that some tuning went wrong in one of the last couple of patches because this shouldn't be happening.
- 3 months ago@Francoisf30 I think you’re onto something! I’ve been playing with Lovestruck since it came out but just ran into the issue being reported here yesterday.
After updating the husband in my married couple’s turn on’s/off’s, I got a notification that he found his sister-in-law attractive (unfortunate lol) during a friendly interaction. The wife got the afraid to be alone moodlet and after that, their relationship meter plummeted and was impossible to keep up. I didn’t notice any flirty interaction going on, so I don’t think he did anything to trigger jealousy.
I ended up rolling back to a save just before that interaction so I could stop them from talking to each other. The married couple is back to normal and their bar isn’t decaying super fast now.
It seems super random. After rolling back my save, I got a notification the husband found his father-in-law attractive (come onnnn, dude lol) during a friendly interaction, but that didn’t affect the married couple’s relationship bar.
Hopefully this bug gets fixed soon, I’m about to make the couple hermits just in case!
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