Forum Discussion
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
What is your current game version number? Most Recent as of 1.17.20
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All except spooky stuff and luxury party stuff
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Go to a lot with pre-built walls. Portions of the walls will be missing.
What happens when the bug occurs? Walls are missing that should be there. Ex: Movers and Shakers lot has no walls around shower and toilets. Causes a lot of embarrassment.
What do you expect to see? Walls where they have been put.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Yes
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Yes
Please describe the patch or change you made. Most recent patch prior to 1.17.20
Small portions of walls are missing when clicking on the lot. Ex: Movers and Shakers bathroom and showers are completely open instead of the closed off area they should have. Lots with pre-built walls missing.
- crinrict6 years agoHero+@RhuRoot This is a known issue for the movers and shakers lot (merged your post).
Do you see it on any other lots ?- 5 years ago
Product: The Sims 4
Platform: PC
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Always (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Seasons, Cats and Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work, Realm of Magic, Parenthood, Vampires, Holiday Celebration Pack, Grim's Ghoulish Guitar
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Start a new game to ensure you have the default Movers and Shakers in Willow Creek. Then either travel to Movers and Shakers in Willow Creek or go there via build mode in Manage Worlds. View the second floor locker room and bathrooms.
What happens when the bug occurs? Most of the wall separating the locker room from the bathrooms is invisible. I won't say missing or absent; see below.
What do you expect to see? A complete wall between the locker room and the attached bathrooms.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? No
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No
Some notes: I've had this issue with every new game since I started playing early this year, as well as with at least two other DLC configurations: Holiday Celebration Pack only; and Seasons, Holiday Celebration Pack, and Grim's Ghoulish Guitar.
While most of my saves have never had mods, I also experience the issue while playing the game with mods.
I found what I feel is evidence that the invisible walls are still present in some form, as sims will never walk through them (not tested with ghosts). The invisible walls also host three perfectly functional doors; doors generally can't exist without attaching to a wall or fence. If you remove said doors, sims can no longer find a path in or out of the bathrooms. Sims would be able to walk through the gaps if the walls were truly missing.
In Build Mode, you cannot place new walls where the invisible walls are. However, the invisible walls can't be selected for editing - removing, changing to half wall, etc. - and they cannot be targeted with the Sledgehammer tool (my attempts all resulted in accidentally deleting the floor).
Upon fixing the walls with the workaround posted by Cangwen1990 (with thanks to them), I noticed that I could not use the sledgehammer tool on the walls restored by this method. Attempts to do this resulted in an error message: "Invalid facet." If I immediately tried again on the same spot, a different error message would occur: "Nothing to delete." (edit: I forgot to execute Cangwen1990's final step, which was to use the Room tool to re-wall each bathroom, however I still find this behavior interesting.)
What if the default Willow Creek Movers & Shakers uses a very old wall or wall pattern in some sections that is no longer fully supported by the game, making the wall pieces into invisible objects of some kind? My guess as to why this sort of thing could happen is between the bizarre properties of these wall sections and the age of the build. Being some other object type would also explain why sims can see through them but not walk through them.
Late Edit: This issue also occured for me when I switched to Legacy Edition (the version number should be current, but I forgot to check).
- 5 years ago
Hi @crinrict , obviously I'm not RhuRoot and I don't have access to their game. However, I had a lot of unexpected free time today and thought I would take a crack at your question in my own game, in case it ends up being useful.
Configuration: My game setup for this test is identical to my post above.
Objective: Find default lots with walls, half walls, or fences, missing or misbehaving similarly to default Movers & Shakers.Method: I started a new game, randomized a sim, and moved him to a cheap house in Oasis Springs. I visited normal lots via Manage Worlds > Build. I visited Get to Work job lots by joining those jobs with my sim. I visited secret lots by traveling normally with my sim.
My available worlds are: Willow Creek -- Oasis Springs -- Newcrest -- Magnolia Promenade -- Windenburg -- San Myshuno -- Forgotten Hollow -- Brindleton Bay -- Glimmerbrook.
I ignored default lots with no walls, half walls, or fences, such as some secret lots and all of Newcrest. I ignored 'missing' wall-parts that seemed intentional. Because 'seeming intentional' is subjective, I will provide two simple examples of my judgements.
One: Springscape in Oasis Springs has a 'missing' wall part at the kitchen entrance, but I felt this was intended to replace a door (a common idea in default Oasis Springs).
Two: The Old Salt House in San Myshuno has scattered wall parts on one side of the dining room, but I felt this was intended as part of an open floor plan.
Conclusion: I looked and I looked, but I just couldn't find any missing or misbehaving walls, half walls, or fences on the available lots, outside of the default Movers & Shakers lot in Willow Creek. Any time I saw a missing wall, it looked like a deliberate (and usually positive) design choice to me. The worst thing I found was a single wall part that was incorrectly painted the same on both sides, and I wasn't interested in that.
So for me, the default Movers & Shakers lot is the only one with these bizarre, misbehaving walls. That's a wonderful result! I'm very happy and I hope this response helps you in some way.
Attached .txt file contains a list of the lots I checked.
(Edit: I suppose I could have conveyed all this by just saying "I just started a new game with my current DLC configuration and manually checked every default lot that has walls. For me the answer is: No, no other lots have this issue." Some days I am a fountain of words. Sorry!)
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