Forum Discussion

Jaldeer's avatar
Seasoned Vanguard
10 years ago

[FIXED] 2 Collection Plaques not being rewarded

1.  Are you using mods? No

2.  Are you using custom content (as in clothing and objects)? No

3.  Did you try a new game for testing purposes to see if you can duplicate the issue?  Yes & the issue did duplicate

4. What is your Operating System (XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, Win8.1)? Win7

5. Do you have the download or DVD Version of the game? Download

6. I'm patched to the current one & I have Outdoor Retreat.

Issue: The collection plaque isn't being rewarded for the Fish Collection, which some people at SimsVIP and the Sims Forum reported.  I know the fish collection used to, but, as of Dec. 20, 2014, it doesn't and the Space Rock Collection never has.  Several of my households in Willow Creek completed all collections, and 3 sim weeks went by and neither of those plaques got mailed, & that was back right before Christmas.   I did get that orchid though for completing the Space Rock Collection.  I was unsure if EA knew about this issue.  I thought they might, but, since it's still an issue and nobody reported it that I saw of, so, I thought I should.

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