[FIXED] [DU] Pregnant Sim won't move out of dorm Error Code 104:5ee05594
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All but Wizard, Vampire, Pet Stuff, Moshino, Spooky Stuff and Luxury
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? When a NPC, living in a dorm gets pregnant, it gets impossible to play that household. My Sim got Becca pregnant (red hair girl living in dorm in Brichester). I moved my sim to that lot a the end of his semester. When the baby was born, Becca didn't automatically moved out and I got an error code ( Error Code 104:5ee05594:1c15abe4)
What happens when the bug occurs? It happens when a non-played household member gets pregnant while living in a dorm. The game doesn't make that Sims move out. A green attention mark is now on the lot (in manage world) and it is not possible to play that household anymore.
What do you expect to see? The pregnant sims should automatically move out of the dorm when the baby is born
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No
I have Sims 4 University. My Sims got a girl pregnant (living in dorm). The baby happen to be born at the same time than my sim was packing up to move to that dorm too.
The move happened but now I can't play anymore.
When I go into Manage World, the lot has a green exclamation point.
When I tried to load that save I'm having this Error Code 104:5ee05594:1c15abe4, asking me to restart the game.
Anyone else with the same issue?
Thank you!
Fixed an issue that caused Error code 104:5ee05594 to occur when loading into a Dorm where an NPC had a Baby.
Fixed in Patch 1.59.73