Forum Discussion
I think for now it's just not available to purchase. A workaround for this is to withdraw from the term, you can enroll again 2 days later, this was what I did for a sim with a missing presentation board, and the next time she had a class with one, she received them with the enrollment as expected.
I found another workaround: just study harder. My board was bugged, instead of vanished, but the result is the same: you can't do the presentation for the course.
I continued playing the sim with the bugged presentation board and figured that since it says the presentation is a large part of the degree, instead of saying necessary or obligatory part of the degree, I'd just study harder otherwise. Made sure he was early to class with homework done, always took notes in class, and studied that subject from the text book a lot. The day before term ended, he emailed his professor, who called him a stellar student, and indeed, when the grades came in, he got A+, despite never having done the presentation board for the class.
So a simple workaround until the boards are fixed: study extra from the text book and make sure to do all the homework well and to take notes in class.
- 6 years ago@Lumiasta I can confirm this workaround is good for now; I used the computer to have my Sim study like crazy for the next school day and it bumped him up to A+ even without the presentation board.
Good to know you can still get ahead by finding creative ways to get extra credit.
- B- 6 years ago@burin077 Good to know. I’ve been using “study” for the class I’m missing that board for. I somehow got put on probation for failing last term....yet I should have had a perfect score for everything.
So buggy.- 6 years ago
It happened to me as well. It disappeared when trying to place it on the lot.
- 5 years ago@Lumiasta It’s May 2020 and the glitch still exists! I was so enjoying the game up until now .
- 5 years ago
Its 23rd May 2020... the glitch is still there. My sim who I've been playing with for ages finally got to uni, she had perfect grades. The presentation board she needs didn't spawn and I can't see a solution anywhere. It forms a large portion of their credit. EA please add the option to purchase presentation board or fix the bug! It makes the entire expansion pack unplayable!
In addition to this, she's attended all of her classes, done all of her homework, but it shows no credits.
Please help EA wizards!
- vadish38255 years agoSeasoned Veteran
@MxLauraSimmer When you say it doesn't show your Sim failing despite doing all homework and going to all classes? There is a thread for that here: Or is it not registering that you took any classes at all? For example, you take 3 classes and pass them all, which should show in the Job it not showing that you took any classes there?
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