@wecantpickaname wrote:
Before you talk to the tenant to promise better conditions you have to visit the unit of the sim who started the protest.
•Open the rental agreement once you are in the unit to look at the condition of the rental. You will see why the rental is rated at it's current star rating.
•You have to then go into world view while you, the landlord, is still in the unit.
•Go into build mode for the unit.
•Edit the unit to make the changes necessary to increase the star rating for the unit. If the environment is lacking, you need to add more decor and so on that increase environment and lot value.
•When you are finished, save and go back into world view.
•Locate and select your landlord's household to play.
•Last, have your landlord sim talk to the tenant and choose the option to promise better conditions. This should complete the event.
I hope this helps! Good luck!
Yeah no way, that's far too much diddling around. The way they set up the units being invisible and having to travel to them then dink in and of units and in this case also world map to go back to play the landlord to resume this "event" is ridiculous.
Going to pass on ever doing this "event" - it's going in the too hard bin.