@pineappleynessLast exceptions are easy to find, just look up your Sims 4 folder in your file explorer and scroll down to find the txt file "last exception" and you can copy and paste what's in there. It should be dated the day of your last error message and/or crash.
I got the exact same error message on my oldest save file, Error Code: 102:33015dcc:99c26b61
For context, I tried thrice to split from the household normally with the phone, and thrice got the glitch where the check mark button and exit button of that split/merge window were grayed out and was forced to force quit the game. Next, I successfully split and merged households from Manage Worlds, but when I went to load the newly merged household, I got the error message.
I tested some things after finding this thread. I went back in, recovered the last save before I got the error, and tried everything the same way again from Manage Worlds. The same error happened. Then, from the same recovered save, I evicted the sim I was routinely merging households with and moved the splitting sim into their house normally. When I did that, taking out the single sim I was moving in with, I was able to load the household normally and did not get the error message. The sim I was moving in with has the Acting career (an active career), which I understand is a common problem for some people getting this error but not a universal one. I sifted through my last exception and found what has been pointed out before as the likely issue, "add_knows_career" with the addition: (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'add_knows_career'). I have no idea what that means, but hopefully people with more coding knowledge can help.
I'll be sending my saves and last exception to them too so we can hopefully help this get solved.