Forum Discussion
@FrozenWillow1980 Would you mind uploading your picture to the AHQ directly. For the video it's best if you post it somewhere public that doesn't require a log-in like unlisted youtube (videos uploaded here are insanely small unfortunately) ? Permission/logging in to face book is needed to see your link.. It's best to post all information you have in the bug report.
- 4 years ago
Thank you I will do that just now 🙂
Here is the screenshot although I cannot send a video. That's in my link. Sims devs - some of us still like to play with the old packs 🙂I added a video to my channel on youtube. I am fine with it being public.
@JMoon_gamer Thank you. I have just done the same.- JMoon_gamer4 years agoSeasoned Hotshot@FrozenWillow198 0 Truth! They add more and more packages and forget that they have the old ones that need to be revised from time to accumulates a lot of bugs! I have characters for each career, I play with them all, but the older ones are going to see some problems. In addition to a medical career, there is a detective career where I find problems with suspects... Developers please don't forget the old packages!
- 4 years ago
me too!
- 4 years ago
Not sure if this helps or hinders, but... Crin? I have an LE report from MCCC for the doctor's end of the t-posing/mother sim going thru wall/ending up in mid air issue.
Spoiler- Last Module Called:
- Last Function Called: get_joint_transform_from_rig
- Error message: ANIMATION: A clip is trying to fire a parent event with bad data. Either the animation actors are mistuned, or a slot that doesn't exist on the rig has been specified in Maya. ASMs: Clip: a2a_surgeryTable_grabber_give Birth_surgery TableAnimated (Parent Event ID: 2), Parenting [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427 to , Slot 0xad8b539a on '00000000!d057fcc5'34c1bcbb.8eaf13de', Offset: Transform(Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), Quaternion(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)) (Key Error: 'get_joint_transform_from_rig: Joint name [(null)] was not found in the specified rig [d057fcc534c1bcbb.8eaf13de]. JointNameHash [0xad8b539a]().'), CategoryID: __init__:247
Mod Path Module Function Line Error _event_handler_parent 572 ArbElement() set_parent 1571 [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427 create_parent_location 1523 [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427 get_joint_transform_from_rig 247 get_joint_transform_from_rig 247 Full Error Call Stack (Click to expand/collapse)- File 'T:\InGame\ Gameplay\ Scripts\Server\areaserver .py', line 209, in c_ api _server_tick [ absolute_ticks : 279606887321, clock_service : server_clock, previous_ticks : 279606887288, zone : <Zone ID: 0xda809a7fea5229d>, persistence_service : persistence_service]
- File 'T:\InGame \ Gameplay\Scripts\Server\', line 484, in update [ self : <Zone ID: 0xda809a7fea5229d>, absolute_ticks : 279606887321, game_clock : game_clock, time_service : time_service, season_service : season_service, weather_service : weather_service, narrative_service : narrative_service, roommate_service : roommate_service]
- File 'T:\InGame \ Gameplay \Scripts\Server\', line 112, in update [ self : time_service, time_slice : True, max_time_ms : 33]
- File 'T:\InGame \ Gameplay \Scripts\Server\', line 212, in simulate [ self : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, until : 12:13:00.640 day:1 week:5, max_elements : 10000, max_time_ms : 33, count : 52, start_time : 1313977.5450000002, end_time : 1313977.5780000002, handle : [None, None, <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, False, <Gen; flush_all_animations@427; running>], when : 12:12:59.320 day:1 week:5, _ : 52378, _t : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, _s : True, e : <Gen; flush_all_animations@427; running>, calling : True, result : [None, None, <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, False, <Gen; flush_all_animations@427; running>]]
- File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\', line 376, in _run [ self : <Gen; flush_all_animations@427; running>, timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, pending_generator : <function flush_all_animations at 0x000007FFDEDC05F0>]
- File 'T:\InGame \Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\', line 434, in flush_all_animations [ timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, arb_accumulator : arb_accumulator_service]
- File 'T:\InGame \ Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\', line 499, in flush [ self : arb_accumulator_service, timeline : <scheduling.Timeline object at 0x000007FF88207810>, arb _sequence : [<animation.arb.Arb object at 0x000007FF8E9C1EF0>], actors : {<sim '' 0xda809a7fe9a08aa>, <sim '' 0xe2009be5b3504e8>}, sequence_len : 1, buffer_arb_element : ArbElement(tags=[]), sim_actors : [<sim '' 0xda809a7fe9a08aa>, <sim '' 0xe2009be5b3504e8>], arb : <animation.arb.Arb object at 0x000007FF8E9C1EF0>, append_fn : <bound method Arb AccumulatorService._append_ arb_to_element of <animation.arb_accumulator.ArbAccumulatorService object at 0x000007FF97819690>>]
- File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\', line 399, in _append_arb_to_element [ self : arb_accumulator_service, buffer_arb_element : ArbElement(tags=[]), arb : <animation.arb.Arb object at 0x000007FF8E9C1EF0>, actors : {<sim '' 0xda809a7fe9a08aa>, <sim '' 0xe2009be5b3504e8>}, safe_mode : True, attach : True]
- File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\', line 245, in execute_and_merge_arb [ self : ArbElement(tags=[]), arb : <animation.arb.Arb object at 0x000007FF8E9C1EF0>, safe_mode : True, arb_element : ArbElement()]
- File 'T:\InGame \Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\', line 272, in handle_events [ self : ArbElement(), sleep : True, event_context : <sims4.callback_ utils.consume_exceptions object at 0x000007FFF3D92610>]
- File 'T:\InGame \ Gameplay\ Scripts\Core\native\animation\', line 385, in handle_events [ self : <animation.arb.Arb object at 0x000007FF8E9C1EF0>, events : '((4, 101, {'event_time': 0.9000000357627869, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_x', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 1017824228964369640}), (4, 901, {'event_time': 4.735890865325928, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_give Birth_y', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418}), (6, 5, {'event_time': 0.0, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_give Birth_ surgery TableAnimated', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418, 'target_actor_id': 592238242979263527, 'visibility_state': False}), (17, 3, {'event_time': 0.0, 'clip_name': 'a2a_ surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_ surgeryTableAnimated', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418, 'target_actor_id': 592238242979197987, 'geometry_state_name': 'babyOff'}), (1, 2, {'event_time': 0.03333333507180214, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_give Birth_surgery Table Animated', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'requ...', event_context : <sims4.callback_utils.consume_exceptions object at 0x000007FFF3D92610>, event_records : '[_Event Handler Record(clip_name='a2a_surgery Table_grabber_give Birth_y', event_type=4, event_id=901, callbacks=['<function _create_balloon_request_callback.<locals>.balloon _handler_callback at 0x000007FFE7509950>'], event_data={'event_time': 4.735890865325928, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_y', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418}, tag=1449, errors=[]), _EventHandler Record(clip_name='a2a_surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_surgery TableAnimated', event_type=6, event_id=5, callbacks=['<bound method Arb Element._event_handler_visibility of Arb Element()>'], event_data={'event_time': 0.0, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_ surgeryTableAnimated', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418, 'target_actor_id': 592238242979263527, 'visibility_state': False}, tag=1450, errors=[]), _EventHandlerRecord(clip_name='a2a_surgeryTable_grabber_giveBirth_surgeryTableAnimated', event_type=17, event_id=3, callbacks=["<bo...', actors : (984047135716149418, 1017824228964369640), handlers_to_delete : [<native.animation.arb._ArbEvent Handler object at 0x000007FFBA675D88>, <native.animation.arb._ArbEventHandler object at 0x000007FF8F793518>, <native.animation.arb._ArbEven tHandler object at 0x000007FF8E74BC20>], event_data : {'event_time': 0.03333333507180214, 'clip_name': 'a2a_surgeryTable_grabber_giveBirth_surgery TableAnimated', 'clip_is_mirrored': False, 'request_id': 704, 'event_actor_id': 984047135716149418, 'parent_child_id': 592238242979263527, 'parent_parent_id': 984047135716149418, 'parent_joint_name_hash': 2911589274, 'parent_translation': Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), 'parent_orientation': Quaternion (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)}, applicable_handlers : [<native.animation.arb._ArbEvent Handler object at 0x000007FF8F793950>], tag : 1452, clip_name : a2a_surgery Table_grabber_giveBirth_surgeryTable Animated, callback_strings : ['<bound method ArbElement._event_handler_parent of ArbElement()>'], data : <native.animation.arb. ArbEventData object at 0x000007FF6090F370>, handler : <native.animation.arb._ArbEventHandler object at 0x000007FF8F793950>, result : Exception raised., event_id : 2, event_type : 1]
- File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\animation\', line 572, in _event_handler_parent [ self : ArbElement(), event_data : <native.animation.arb.ArbEventData object at 0x000007FF6090F370>, child_object : [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427, parent_id : 984047135716149418, parent_object : , joint_name_hash : 2911589274, translation : Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), orientation : Quaternion(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000), transform : Transform(Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), Quaternion(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)), joint_name_or_hash : 2911589274]
- File 'T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\', line 1571, in set_parent [ self : [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427, args : (<sim '' 0xda809a7fe9a08aa>, Transform(Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), Quaternion(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000))), kwargs : {'joint_name_or_hash': 2911589274, 'slot_hash': 0}]
- File 'T:\InGame \Gameplay\Scripts\Server\objects\client_object_', line 1523, in create_parent_location [ self : [Prop]prototype/74007:0x08380d8b4f2e3427, parent : , transform : Transform(Vector3(0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000), Quaternion (0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000, 1.000000)), joint_name_or_hash : 2911589274]
- File 'T:\ InGame \Gameplay\Scripts\Core\native\animation\__', line 247, in get_joint_transform_from_rig [ rig_key : '00000000!d057fcc5'34c1bcbb.8eaf13de', joint_name : 2911589274, _animation : <module '_animation' (built-in)>]
- File 'T:\ InGame\ Gameplay \Scripts\Core\native\animation\__', line 247, in get_joint_transform_from_rig [ rig_key : '00000000!d057fcc5'34c1bcbb.8eaf13de', joint_name : 2911589274, _animation : <module '_animation' (built-in)>]
- 83bienchen4 years agoSeasoned Ace
It happend to me as well and I got the same LE.
- Loreafun4 years agoRising Veteran
Yes, same here. I got these error messages with animation errors, maybe it helps.
Exception while generating potential interactions for object_sitDining_EP01RWdoctor_01:0x05ff09c6a7321ba1: (AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'inventory_component')
Traceback (most recent call last):File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\interactions\base\", line 2191, in _get_objects_internal_gen
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'inventory_component'rtim=0
ClientInfo isn't here
- 4 years ago
@crinrictidk if you've noticed but sometimes you come across generally as a bit rude, tone doesn't translate easily via text so i think you should change some words around a bit to help with that. ive noticed this in many threads you post on
anyway i have this bug too and its annoying! hate all these stupid bugs.
- 4 years ago
Same here. I'm playing with a doctor and he can do surgeries, although there is the animation error. But I can't deliver a baby, I talk to the pregnant Sim and then nothing happens.
- 4 years ago
I have that as well, it is funny
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