It seems to be related to a global test in the tuning file for the high chair clean interaction, that doesn't seem to be working any more?
<V t="has_free_part">
<U n="has_free_part">
<T n="part_definition">139218<!--part_Surface_Seat_ToddlerHighChair--></T>
<V n="tooltip" t="enabled">
<T n="enabled">0x194C560C<!--{1.ObjectName} in Use.--></T>
That seems to be a test used to check whether or not a toddler is sitting in the chair. Looks like there's nothing wrong with it, but it must be failing while running since the Werewolves patch update.
If you're on PC/Mac and don't mind using mods, I've created a fix mod. You can find a link to my site in the Common Game Fixing Mods - Hero Approved thread.