Forum Discussion
Product: The Sims 4
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
What is your current game version number? Not sure
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? Most packs including all expansions except for snowy escape.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? have highschool years.
What happens when the bug occurs? the sims go up to my one and asked to go to prom
What do you expect to see? i expect them to knock
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? Neutral/Not Sure
This used to happen but i think it got patched but its happening again, i do have the option to make them leave but its still frustrating especially when i have my sim sleeping then suddenly this random sim is standing and watching.. this happens too much ive had a few times when more than one came uninvited. other sims come uninvited too that arent teens.
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