Forum Discussion
Same here with the Best Friend requests. It's getting on my nerves. You can only have one best friend in the game and accepting all those requests would have you jumping from one best friend to another. I normally have my Sim's spouse be their best friend, obviously, so I'm forced to decline these randos and wind up with double-minus relationship reactions. It's absurd. I don't know who thought this was a good idea, but it wasn't. It needs to either be removed entirely (preferable) or at least given an option to shut it off. It's nothing but a nuisance that serves no purpose.
I agree entirely! I'm tired of sims wandering into my sim's home and demanding to be bff when my sim has one already. And then of course they lose relationship points for saying no!
- iamsweetmystery2 years agoSeasoned Ace
Been getting people asking to move in with single Sims too. Had a pair of emancipated Teens living together in San Sequoia and the lunch lady from their high school asked to move in with them. Creepy. 🤢 And that's with the auto-relationship whatever option turned off.
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