Forum Discussion
Its happened to me too--repeatedly and it doesn't actually seem to be consistently triggered by anything, which is even more frustrating.. My sims gave birth to twins. The other thing related to this that is happening to my sims is that Mom will have a baby in the high chair and be feeding it, finish a jar of baby food and when I tell her to give the baby another jar of something, my sim mom shouts for the baby to come to the table (despite the fact that my baby already in a high chair right in front of her and isn't crawling yet, UGH!) and then she picks the baby up out of the high chair to move it to the other high chair. Now, if high chair 2 is dirty from feeding the other baby, then mom stands and shouts at me that she can't feed the baby. The only ways out of it seem to be ⚽ sit the baby on the floor and try to put him into the first high chair to start the whole sequence over again. Or, 🏈 clean the dirty high chair so mom can move Junior to the other chair, or 🏀 screw the whole high chair sequence and keep Junior on a bottle forever.
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